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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Имеем [см. Если дан].

Имеет место обратное положение

The opposite situation occurs with more favourable heating mediums.

Generally speaking, corrosion is slower in coarse-grained material than in finegrained material, but the reverse is sometimes true.

Имеет смысл [см. тж. Целесообразно]

It is not unreasonable (or It makes sense) to repeat the test after a few days.

Имеется [см. тж. Существует]

A complete review is available in another paper.

Имеется большое число

Stars are plentiful in the galactic centre.

Имеется большой спрос [см. В большом спросе].

Имеется в продаже

A compact air filter comes in 1/4 and 3/8 in. pipe sizes.

A number of commercial models designed specially for shock tube work are now (commercially)

available (or are on sale).

The book is in print (anton. out of print).

Имеется возможность

Since some materials are not damaged as

easily as others, the possibility exists of developing radiation-resistant parts.

Имеется всё больше указаний на то, что

There is increasing evidence that the new material can withstand severe weather conditions.

Имеется мало данных

Initially, when data were few (and far between), ...

Имеется мало указаний на то, что

There is little evidence that this takes place.

Имеется масса примеров этого Examples of this abound.

Имеется много типов

Sedimentary rocks come in many varieties [or There are (or There exist) many varieties of

sedimentary rocks]. Имеется много данных в пользу


Имеется много данных в пользу

A strong case can be made for the

hypothesis that...

Имеется несколько типов

Cathodes are of (or come in) several types.

Именно [см. тж. А именно]

It has been (just) this research which has led to...

It is in this range of concentration that the anomalous wave reaches its limiting height. It is precisely these varied relaxation phenomena that are of prime chemical and physical interest. It is because of their high threshold current density that such lasers are always run under pulsed conditions at room temperature.

Именно поэтому [см.. Вот почему].

Именно так и обстоит дело

Such is indeed the case.

Именно тогда

It was then that the fraction 355/113 was first used as an approximation of n.

Именно тот, который

These are precisely the species which require...

Именовать [см. Называть]. Именоваться

These capacitors are referred to (or known) as [or are termed (or called)] "memory" capacitors.

Именуемый [см. тж. Называемый]

Another type of steel known (or referred to) as (or termed, or called) titanium enamelling steel is also available.

Именуемый в дальнейшем

The Director of the Office (hereinafter in this section referred to as "Director") shall... This pan, subsequently referred to in this article as Section 1, serves to ...

Иметь I [см. тж. Не иметь, Обладать]

This object possesses (or has) a symmetry axis. Comets frequently show (or have) a tail.

Sulphur can accommodate more than eight electrons in its outer quantum shell. This material is of high heat resistance.

The capacitor features (or exhibits, or shows, or possesses, or displays, or has) extraordinary stability.

Calcite may exhibit a wide variety of forms.

The instrument features eight data channels.

The cycloidal curve exhibits a higher pressure angle.

Many grains show slightly abraded edges.

The forklift truck is today sporting (sl.)

such accessories as barrel handling devices, belt conveyors,...

Иметь II

The reamer is provided with helical flutes.

Иметь III

If you are given a line of a fixed length, ... Иметь более близкое отношение к


Иметь более близкое отношение к

Eddy current measurement of conductivity correlates more closely with tensile strength than does hardness.

Иметь более продолжительный срок службы, чем

This machine will outlast any other similar machine. The planer is longer lasting than ...

Иметь больши'е возможности

The fragments that are produced have considerable opportunity to react with each other.

Иметь большое значение [см. Важный].

Иметь большое значение для сельского хозяйства

This technique is of great agricultural importance.

Иметь в виду [см. тж. Важно иметь в виду, что; Следует иметь в виду]

The student must be constantly aware of the possible errors that could be introduced by...

Иметь в виду, что

We must constantly bear (or keep) in mind that all models are only representations of reality.

Иметь в запасе

We stock many vaneaxial blowers.

Иметь в наличии [см. Иметь в распоряжении].

Иметь в общем ту же форму, что и

This equation has the same general form as equation (10.2).

Иметь в распоряжении (или в наличии) The astronomers do the best they can with the tools they have at hand (or at their disposal).

Иметь важное значение [см. тж. Играть важную роль]

The fact that heat is evolved when ... is of great practical consequence (or importance).
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