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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
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alter the flow forces.

It is therefore concluded that ...

It follows that the two defects disappear pairwise in this range. From this results (or follows) the conclusion that...

Из этого количества

Of this (amount), about 108,000 cu km falls as rain or snow upon the land surfaces.

Из ... явствует, что [см. тж. Из ... видно, что] From this analysis it is apparent that...

It is evident (or clear, or obvious) from these numbers that ultraviolet radiation has the energy per mole necessary to break bonds.

Избавлять... от расходов, связанных с

These salts save the dyer the expense of the vatting operation.

Избавлять от трудностей

To spare future investigators the same difficulties, ...


These lines cannot be got rid of (or eliminated, or removed) by any form of heat treatment. Избегать


The large ports permit us to do away with the reducers sometimes used previously.


Interference can be obviated (or prevented, or precluded) by a prior separation. If a pathway can be made to circumvent direct formation of...

Избегать затруднений (или трудностей)

We can circumvent these difficulties by

using the approximate invariant.

Избегать ошибок при помощи

The use of such techniques will avoid these errors.

Избирательно поглощать

The pigment selectively absorbs light from...

Избыток [см. тж. В большом избытке, В избытке]

Grignard reagents react with excess oxygen to form ...

The electrode with an excess of electrons is called the cathode.

All the combustible material is burned with the minimum amount of excess air.

Excessive froth passes under the splash baffle.

Surplus earth ...

Избыточное давление

Seventy pounds per square inch (gauge) ...

The mash was sterilized by autoclaving at 15 pounds per square inch gauge steam pressure.


Excess electrons move into the /»-region.

Известен во всём мире

The Sierra Nevada is renowned throughout the world for its relatively young granite.

Известен как

These atoms are known as isotopes of the element.

Известен под названием [см. тж. Быть известным под названием]

These microorganisms are also known (or

referred to) as Acrasiae.

The invention is designated Mark 3.

Известен под разными названиями

These devices are variously known as fil-terphotometers, absorptiometers or colorimeters.

Известен своими вредными (канцерогенными) свойствами BaP is a notorious carcinogen.

Известен тем, что

These nuts are reputed to increase greatly the product's endurance.

Известно [см. Давно известно, что; Насколько известно].

Известно, что

It is common knowledge that light carries energy. It has been known that ...

It is a matter of general (or familiar) experience that... It is well known that... Известны под общим названием 264(996)

Известны под общим названием

These microorganisms are collectively known as saprophytes.

Известный I [см. тж. Из известных, Общеизвестный]

Although the nuclear model of the atom is familiar to all of us today,... Write the known weight of the chemical.

Elementary reaction processes, similar to those recognized for gas-phase reactions, ...

The stimulant action of the plant's constituents has been appreciated for many centuries.

The most familiar characteristic of the sunspots is ...

Everybody is familiar with these simple units.

A well-known feature is ...

The best laser efficiency reported thus far is ...

Известный II [см. тж. Всемирно известный]

Most mining concerns of eminence have their own scientific departments.

Известный под названием [см. тж. Быть известным под названием]

Attachments known as "load multipliers" have been designed.

Известный широкой публике

No booster of higher thrust has yet become public knowledge.

Извлекаемая польза

The benefits that will accrue to the

mine ...

Извлекать I

The interior of the solar nebula did not derive any significant quantity of energy from ... The detector is a device employed to recover the desired signal from the modulated wave.

Извлекать II

A small amount of the liquid is withdrawn and replaced by ... Wells are drilled to tap the hot water. To extract cobalt from its ore,...

Извлекать выгоду (или пользу) из

To gain the most benefit from the

favourable effects,...

Извлекать из [см. тж. Получать энергию от]

The computer retrieves data and instructions from the memory unit within a single cycle of the processor.

The necessary energy can be drawn from the thermal energy of the metal atoms. Bromine is mainly extracted from sea water.

Specialized magnets are provided for extracting the particles from the ring.

To determine the amount of water that can be withdrawn from wells,...

Parts must be removed (or withdrawn) from (or taken out of) the bath at frequent intervals.

When an atom is plucked out of a normal site and taken away from the crystal,...

The energy the carrier derives from the electric field goes into vibrating the crystal lattice.
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