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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This makes a major contribution to ageing.

An analysis of ... has added extensively to an understanding of chain elongation.

The new enterprise can aid materially (or substantially, or considerably, or greatly) in meeting

the country's requirements for...

These features contribute largely (or greatly, or vastly) to the first-rate performance of this electrode.

Certain practices can do much toward assuring trouble-free operation. Improvements in design have gone far to overcome this effect.

The development of microbiological assay methods for vitamin Bi2 was of great aid in permitting The new system goes a long way to relieve monotony.

The development of the detector has benefited greatly from the interaction of...

Значительно увеличивать

Nuclear propulsion has vastly multiplied (or improved, or enhanced, or increased) the

capabilities of the submarine.

Service life of the tubes has been drastically (or greatly, or considerably, or substantially) extended.

Useful life is increased considerably.

The ease with which the nuclear force field deflects particles of lower energy adds greatly to the difficulty of working backward from the experimental data to the probabilities of alpha scattering. Значительно улучшать (или повышать)


Значительно улучшать (или повышать)

This yields a large dividend in accuracy.

Значительно уменьшаться

Circulation losses may be substantially (or greatly, or vastly, or considerably, or appreciably, or drastically, or seriously) reduced.

Значительно упрощённый

In Fig. 1 is seen a much-simplified block plan of the factory.

Значительно усиленный

A heavily (or greatly, or considerably)

reinforced rectangular cross section is used in the column design.

Значительное изменение

The wood has been subjected to pronounced (or drastic, or considerable, or substantial) humidity changes.

Wide temperature changes (or variations).

Значительное количество

The original electron may lose a great deal of (сої.) its own energy.

Значительное количество работ

A considerable body of work existed in the technical literature on the vacuum evaporation of the semiconductor indium antimonide.

Значительное количество сведений о

The experiments have provided a considerable body (or amount) of information (or data) on

heat transfer to spheres.

Значительное преимущество

This would provide a further significant (or important, or considerable, or great) advantage.

Значительное расстояние [см. На значительном расстоянии от].

Значительное увеличение

At lower currents there is a marked (or pronounced, or drastic, or appreciable) increase in (or

of) absorption.

The gain is appreciable (or considerable, or substantial).

Значительные успехи

A notable (or considerable, or substantial, or significant) advance has been made in the studying of this phenomenon.

Значительный [см. тж. Большой, В значительной степени, Заметный]

In the gas phase negligible attraction exists between molecules, while in a liquid attractive forces become important.

A sizable proportion of the particles can attain...

It is most improbable that any sizable population of identical molecules could result from random chance processes.

Nonsilicate minerals seldom make up a major part of an igneous rock.

Costs of steam and power generation are an important (or appreciable, or considerable, or substantial) part of overall plant costs.

In spite of this impressive progress, solid fuel motors have certain disadvantages. Such boundaries present major (or considerable, or great) obstacles to slip propagation. No marked change has occurred in the properties of the metal. This can have a material effect on our decision.

Notable improvements have been made in reducing the size and weight of... Значительный по величине


Dependence of ultraviolet radiation on solar and geometric altitude is pronounced. Illuminating the entire retina with diffuse light does not have any dramatic effect on the pulse rate. Mass transfer during the period of drop formation can be quite significant.

Значительный по величине

The relativistic effects begin to be important at the accelerating voltages that are used.

Значительный процент

This belting contains a substantial proportion (or percentage) of nylon.

Значительных размеров

The Moon is the only other sizable object in the solar system for which ...

Given mechanical properties of the material, a limiting stress is decided upon.

Knowing two angles and the included side for a given triangle, calculate its remaining sides with


With a knowledge of the earthquake-wave velocities, it is possible to ...

Зона видимости [см. В зоне видимости].

Зона отдыха

A recreational area.

Зрение [см. Попадать в поле зрения].

Зрительное восприятие

Visual perception can play quite a few tricks.

Зубчатая передача [см. Соединен зубчатой передачей, Сцепление].
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