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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The slopes of the curves decrease in the (following) order: M3+ > M2+ > M+.

В следующем разделе

In the succeeding (or next, or following) section ...

В случае I

Assuming a diffuse source, the powers of... are equal.

В случае II [см. тж. Как и в случае]

For (or In the case of) real gases, the internal energy does not depend on ... A more complex pattern can arise, as in the example of calcium oxalate. This is not the case for any component of... In the event of faulty functioning of the press ...

В случае аварии

A handwheel must be provided so that supply of fuel may be shut off from deck in [or in case, (or in the event) of] an emergency.

В случае когда

In the special case that the system is linear...

В случае малейшего сомнения относительно If you are the least bit doubtful of (col.) what you should use ...

В случае необходимости [см. тж. По мере необходимости, При необходимости]

The negative is then combined, when the occasion requires,with other line negatives.

В случае неполадки

Safety devices stop the presses if malfunctions occur.

В случае обесточивания

The spring provides braking action if the power fails.

В случае чрезвычайных обстоятельств

Six push buttons, for stopping the machine in an emergency, are placed at convenient points.

В смеси с [см. тж. Смешанный с]

The leaves of coca, either alone or mixed with lime and ... are chewed by the natives.

В смысле

It is easy to find out what the user of a building wants in terms of light and heat.

Boron carbide is less important from the point of view (or from the viewpoint, or from the

standpoint) of...

In a mechanical sense ...

В современной практике

In modern practice...

В современном виде

The Moon's surface as we see it today is an accumulation surface.

В соединении с [см. тж. В сочетании с]

Silica may form adherent scale, especially in combination with unreacted calcium or magnesium. В соединениях


These compounds contain carbon combined with hydrogen,...

В соединениях

Benzoic acid is found free and combined in nature.

Cobalt is similar to iron and nickel in both its free and combined states.

В сокращенном виде

The hydronium ion is usually represented in shorthand form by the symbol H+.

The hydrogen-oxygen group is referred to in abbreviated (or concise) form as a "hydroxyl group".

В... сообщается о

That communication reports the fragmentation pattern of...

В соответствии с [см. тж. В зависимости от, Изменяться в соответствии с кривой, Классификация по, Находиться в соответствии с, Согласно, Соответствие] In line with this assumption, we have devised a model of... To modify the beach profile in response to changing wave conditions ...

Evaporators for marine use are classed as horizontal or vertical by (or according to, or depending on) the position of their tubes.

The test report is performed in accord (ance) (or conformity, or compliance) with the


In keeping with the limitation of only four orbitals, the formation of double or triple bonds

between atoms of these elements reduces the coordination number of the central atom.

The machine is designed and built to higher standards of accuracy.

The sketch can be interpreted in terms of either system.

The console pressure can be regulated to match the individual gauge range.

In the reactors designed around this approach the energy-carrying neutrons released by thermonuclear reactions will be absorbed in a lithium blanket.

These techniques must be selected in relation to the properties of the substances being separated.

В соответствии с индивидуальными потребностями

Special tooling can be designed and built to individual requirements.

В соответствии с которым

A simplified procedure has been developed, whereby fixed values have been allocated to certain variables.

В соответствии с механизмом [см. По механизму].

В соответствии с программой [см. Действовать в соответствии с программой].

В соответствии с техническими требованиями

Washer manufactures will produce washers to fit your specifications. The system was built to our specifications.

В соответствии с традицией

Following a common practice for appraising the potential usefulness of a drug, we established a "model system" in mice.

В соответствии с требованиями

Special machines are built from standard units to suit customer's requirements.

В соответствии с формой

The plates are curved to fit the plate cylinder of a rotary press.

В соответствующей пропорции

When added together in the proper proportions, ... В соответствующих местах


В соответствующих местах

This property is further discussed where appropriate in later chapters.

В соотношении [см. В пропорции, Находиться в соотношении]. В состоянии [см. Быть в состоянии].

В ... состоянии

These steels are difficult to machine in the hardened condition. Minerals must be in the solid state.
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