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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Еще многое нужно сделать, чтобы

A great deal needs to be done before interfacial turbulence becomes well understood.

Еще многое нужно узнать о

Much has yet to be learned about the problem.

There is much still to be learned (or that we need to learn) about superconductivity in organic materials.

Еще многое остаётся неизвестным в области There is still a great deal to learn about

the chemistry of bee venom.

Еще многое остаётся узнать о ...

Much remains to be learned about the nature of...

Еще не выяснено [см. Пока не выяснено].

Еще не известный

The answer depends on the as yet unknown quantity d.

Еще не проанализирован

A small fraction of the mixture has yet to be analyzed.

Еще не скоро

We have a long way to go before we

attain such a high yield.

We have still a long way to go toward understanding how the planets came into being.

Еще не скоро удастся

Scientists are still a long way from creating living molecules in the laboratory.

Еще несколько лет

The experiments will have to be continued for several more years.

Еще нужно

The products concerned remain to be identified.

Еще нужно доказать

The utility of the theory has yet to be demonstrated.

Еще один

A further difficulty is that...

The common ion effect is a further (or another, or one more) important factor affecting solubilities.

One further (or Yet another) peculiarity of ... can be demonstrated. Еще один довод в пользу


Еще один довод в пользу

The fact that beneficial secondary effects may also occur is an added reason for utilizing polynucleotides.

Еще одно доказательство

This was further proof of the galaxy's great distance.

Еще остаётся выяснить

The influence of changes in hydrogen pressure on this value is still to be determined.

It remains to be seen whether the range achieved so far is small enough to be described by the


Ещё раз [см. тж. Снова]

Our results show once again that scientists must always keep an open mind.

Ещё хуже то, что

To make matters worse [or To complicate (or aggravate) matters (or the situation)], the edges of both lens elements must be ground.

Желаемая цель

Screens may be of various shapes depending on the purpose to be achieved. Желаемый

When the motor reaches the desired (or wanted) speed ... The purity sought will depend on ...

Желание [см. В зависимости от желания, По желанию].

Желательно [см. тж. Если желательно]

It is desirable to use the maximum possible voltage.


This indicates the desirability of operating an engine with ...


The characteristics of a dye laser make it very desirable as an excitation source for... The two sidebands, one wanted and the other unwanted, can be separated.

Желеобразный [см. Студенистый].


The solution turns yellow. Жертва [см. Небольшая жертва, принесённая ради]. Жертвовать [см. За счёт].

Жёсткие требования

We have to meet exacting (or stringent, or rigid) requirements.

Жёсткий допуск [см. тж. Выдерживать допуски, Иметь жёсткий допуск] Close tolerances on tray levelness ... The valve seat is machined to close (or tight) tolerances. Жёсткий режим


Жёсткий режим

Arduous (or Severe, or Tough, or Rigorous, or Drastic) conditions.

Жёстко закреплён

The position of the tube is rigidly fixed.

Жёстко закреплён на

The loop antenna is mounted rigidly to the aircraft.

Жёстко связан

Neighbouring atoms were rigidly bound.

Жёсткое испытание [см. тж. Выдерживать жёсткое испытание] Arduous trials.

A stringent (or strenuous) test.

Жёсткость упругой системы станок-деталь-ннструмент Rigidity of the machine-tool-workpiece complex.

Живая материя

Living matter is characterized by ...

Живая очередь [см. Обслуживание в порядке живой очереди].

Живая ткань

Living tissue.

Живо интересоваться

Astronomers began to take an active (or keen) interest in ...

Живое существо

Phosphorylated compounds are abundant in living things (or beings, or creatures).

Живой интерес к

The keen (or lively, or animated) interest of this firm in research ...

Животный и растительный мир [см. Растительный и животный мир].

Живущий [см. Обитающий на дне].

Жизненно важен для

These hormones are vitally important in the regulation of many phases of metabolism.

These networks are vital to the city as a nerve system is vital to the body.

There are two points which are of vital importance in the design of a workhead spindle.

Жизнь I [см. Время жизни. Средняя продолжительность жизни].

Жизнь II [см.. Претворять в жизнь, Проводить в жизнь].

Жизнь на других планетах

The possibility of extraterrestrial life has been widely discussed.

Жирный на ощупь

Brown clay is a soft plastic material with a greasy feel (or greasy to the touch).


Fat-soluble constituents... Жить [см.. Обитающий на дне].


Жить [см.. Обитающий на дне].
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