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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Если учесть, что

The need for such fine oscillator tuning is apparent when it is considered (or if it is remembered) that ...

Если это возможно

Whenever practicable(or feasible,or possible), belts should be installed so that...

Если это вообще произойдёт

We shall rediscover this comet, if at all, only by accident.

Если это имеет место [см. Если это так].

Если это не будет сделано

Neglecting (or Failure) to do this will cause confusion.

Если это не так

If this is not the case, the curve is called time like.

Если это невозможно

It is preferable that both of the above safety devices should be used wherever possible, but failing this either one or the other should be incorporated.

Если это необходимо [см. тж. По мере необходимости, При необходимости/ These (and

higher orbitals if necessary) provide a basis for ...

If need be, the angular momentum could rise to a very large value.

Если это потребуется [см. тж. По мере необходимости]

The reader is referred to the need of specialist advice should the situation warrant it (or if required).

Если это произойдёт [см. В этом случае]. Если это так

Active slip movement must be limited to the fault line between the offset ends; if so, seismic maps should show that... (geol.).

If this is the case (or When such is the case) the valve will fail within a short period. Should this be the case (then) the preferred treatment would be to ...

Естественно вписываться в

The positron fits naturally into this scheme.

Естественно предположить, что

It would appear reasonable (or natural) that the repulsions would increase with ...

Естественно, что [см. тж. Вполне естественно, что]

Clearly the most feasible approach was again to use radar.

Естественное освещение

Natural illumination in an industrial building ...

Есть [см. Иметься].

Есть возможность

You stand a good chance of getting the right gauge for your particular job.

Есть все основания полагать, что

There is good reason to believe (or think) that the sediments were deposited somewhat earlier. There are strong grounds for believing (or to believe) that ...

Есть основания надеяться на то, что

There is reason to hope that this analysis will recover ... Есть признаки того, что


Есть признаки того, что

Indications are that actinium is more basic in character.

Есть указания на

There is some evidence for deformation and intrusion ...

Есть указания на то, что

Evidence indicates (or suggests) that most carbohydrates exist principally in this form. The largest pollutant by mass is carbon dioxide, and there is (some) evidence that man's activities are altering the concentrations formerly controlled by nature. Carbonaceous chondrites show evidence of having been formed from ...

Еще [см. тж. Пока еще]

An additional 254,000 words can be added.

Еще более

In the light of these conclusions the need for conservation of mineral resources becomes all the more evident.

These figures could be further improved (уточнены) by the inclusion of additional data in the computation.

Еще более важно то, что

Of even greater importance is the fact that the Bohr model could not be extended to...

Еще больше

The low pH further enhances the germici-dal activity of iodine. In order to increase still further the versatility of the machine...

Еще большую озабоченность вызывает

Of even greater concern are the water supplies for major urban centres.

Еще будет рассматриваться

The lowest-energy term has yet to be dealt with.

Еще в... веке

This anomaly was measured even in (or as early as) the 19th century, long before there was any theory to explain it.

Еще в... году

As early (or As far back, or As long ago) as 1925, 300 models of such engines had been or were being developed.

This was accomplished back in 1770.

Еще в течение многих лет

Overhead transmission lines will probably be tolerated in remote areas for many years to come.

Еще важнее то, что [см. тж. Что более важно]

More important(ly) (or What is more important), the magnitude of the exponent for the second term becomes...

Еще вопрос

It remains to be seen whether the unit will operate efficiently. Еще далеко до [см. От... ещё далеко до]. Еще и [см. Кроме того]. Еще лучше

Materials might be found that become superconductive at the higher temperatures of liquid hydrogen or, better still (or what is still better), of liquid nitrogen. Еще много десятилетий


Еще много десятилетий

Fossil-fuel-burning plants must be built for many decades to come in order to meet the nation's needs.

Еще много лет

For many years to come, the practice of chemical engineering will remain both an an and a science.

Еще многое можно сделать в области

Considerable room remains (or There is still much room) for improvement in employing the technique.

There is ample room for further research on the formation of ...
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