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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Any point on the plane can be specified by a pair of coordinates (A, B).

Задан произвольно

This value may be prescribed (or assigned) arbitrarily.

Заданная величина

A prescribed (or predetermined, or preassigned, or preset, or specified) value.

Заданный [см. тж. Данный, Заранее установленный, При заданном] At designated pressure and temperature conditions ... The yw--plane in which z is less than a given number...

These systems are designed to meet certain specifications under given conditions. The book is trimmed to prearranged size. Prearranged schedule.

A relief valve, set at a predetermined (or preassigned) working pressure, spills the excess back to the reservoir.

If wear exceeds prescribed (or preset, or preselected) limits, the camshaft should be replaced.

Torpedoes can travel on a preset course.

The conveyor feeds a specified amount of coal into...

When a rocket passes within a specified distance of the target,...

Задача [см. тж. Взять на себя задачу]

Problem 1. To determine the projections of a line which ...

The challenge has been in designing the turbine to direct this additional cooling air where it is really needed.

The challenge now is to explain why the atmosphere of Venus ... It is the concern of the analyst to seek ...

Задача, задаваемая компьютеру

Typical linear-programming problems presented to computers involve hundreds or even thousands of variables.

Задача на пропорцию

A problem in proportion.

Задача о

Thus the problem on compact linear operators was solved. Задача по акустике

In solving problems in room acoustics, the characteristics of the boundaries are usually expressed in terms of impedances.

Задача состоит в том, чтобы

Alcohol vapour is to be recovered from a hot gas stream. It is desired to recover alcohol vapour from an air stream. The challenge was to increase the sensitivity of...

Задача, стоящая перед

The first major problem facing the control engineer is:...


This energy goes into setting in motion the system made up of the two particles.


Coils are encapsulated (or incorporated) in a hollow, cylindrical shell.

The superconducting wire can be made of thin niobium-titanium filaments that are embedded in copper. Заделанный [см. Встроенный].


The wire is embedded in the floor. Заделанный [см. Встроенный].

Задерживать [см. тж. Замедлять, Мешать, Предотвращать, Препятствовать]

Surfactants are known to inhibit (or retard, or slow down) crystal growth from supersaturated solutions.

This operation was holding up the entire assembly line.

These oil pockets impede the flow of air.

Sodium nitrate inhibits corrosion of underwater structures.

Some bacteria have clogged the flow of oil in the sands and retarded production.

The deficiency of rainfall hampers (or stunts) the growth of farm crops or other vegetation.

Задерживать развитие

Glass lenses have threatened to block the development of higher powered lasers.

Задерживать рост

This concentration of sugar is sufficient to inhibit (or impede, or stunt, or delay, or retard) the growth of most microorganisms.

Задерживаться [см. тж. Проскакивать и задерживаться]

Metalworking production operations are often halted by inefficiency in the materials-handling system.

Задний план [см. На заднем плане, Отодвигать на задний план]. Задолго до

An increase in deep-earth gas pressure well before (or well in advance of) an earthquake ...

Задолго до начала 20-го века

Long before the 20th century dawned (or began) (or Long before the dawn of the 20th century)...

Задолго до того, как

This was well (or long) before the cells began to develop transformed appearance.

Задумайтесь на секунду (минуту) о том

Consider for a moment what would happen if shear stresses could exist parallel to the earth's surface.

Задуман как

The present article is designed as a tutorial on how best to export ... This text is not intended as mathematical theory, but rather...


The designer conceived the idea of a submarine with three pressure hulls.


To avoid binding between pans, a minimum clearance is critical for a running fit. Sticking of the valve stem ... The jamming of the wheel shaft...

A compensation cone prevents seizures from expansion due to moisture or heat. Зажат между

The diaphragm is clamped (or sandwiched) between metal plates.

Зажигать дугу [см. тж. Дуга зажигается]

A pair of electrodes touch and draw an arc. To initiate an arc. To start (or strike) an arc. Зажигать топливо


Зажигать топливо

The heat of compression ignites the fuel.

Зажигаться I

The thyratron will fire.

The arc is struck between the electrode and the charge. The electric arc is drawn between two electrodes.

Зажигаться II

The sample is placed in the combustion crucible of the calorimeter and ignited by electric connections.
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