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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Просто [см. тж. Легко, Лишь]

The Vapour-Pressure Thermometer is merely a bulb connected to... In this multiplier vacuum tubes are used merely (or simply) as switches.

Просто путём

The two allotropes are directly convertible into each other by mere temperature change. Просто устанавливать


Просто устанавливать

The pumps are simple to install.

Простой I [см. тж. Иметь простую структуру]

We obtain the desired expression by straightforward integration.

The adaptation of roof bolting to ripping faces has not been so straightforward (or simple) as it might at first sight appear.

Простой II [см. тж. Аварийная остановка]

Dead time is the lime a worker loses from lack of materials or equipment breakdown. After long periods of idleness (of a motor, etc.) ...

The transformer is automatically disconnected from the supply during the idling periods. To oil the working surfaces and thereby minimize corrosion when standing, ... Breakdown time. Standing time ...

This ensures that the loading shovel has the minimum waiting time between empty cars arriving at the bottom.

In this way you eliminate downtime that would be needed to change inserts.

This permits different parts to be set up while others are being machined, to reduce the idle time.

Простой машины

Dies can be changed in as little as 5 min, and machine downtime is thus kept to a minimum.

Простота [см. тж. Для простоты] The ease of fabrication ...

Пространственное распределение Spatial distribution.

Пространственное расположение

The spatial arrangement of atoms...

Пространство [см. тж. Водное пространство]

During periods of low water, the flood plains were unvegetated expanses of gravel, sand, silt, and clay.

Пространство используется неэкономно This assembly is wasteful of space (в этой сборке пространство...).


Nematodes have survived 48 hours in a vacuum.


Some of the ore spills to the bottom of the shaft.

Протекать I [см. В ... протекает ток].

Протекать II [см. тж. Течь]

This valve is known to be leaky.

Протекающий клапан A leaky valve.

Протест [см. Вызывать бурный протест].

Против [см. тж. На одной линии с, Направлен вдоль или против]

This hole is opposite another hole in the lifting plate. The brackets are welded opposite to the external frames.

Против ветра

In using the instrument one stands with the right shoulder facing into the wind. Против часовой стрелки


Против часовой стрелки

In an anti- (or counter-)clockwise direction. Anti- (or counter-)clockwise.

Против этого говорит то, что

Against this practice is the fact that the

working pressure ...

Противодействовать [см. тж. Препятствовать]

There are always two opposing tendencies or actions which counteract each other.

Plate current variations cause the cathode potential to vary in such a way as to oppose the effect

produced by ...

The calcium ion is able to counter(act) the toxic effects of...

Противопожарное оборудование Fire-fighting equipment.


Motion on the transform fault is the opposite of that in the simple transcurrent fault (geol.).

The substitution in this reaction is the opposite of (or is opposite to) that realized under acidic


Противоположен по знаку

Twice the kinetic energy is equal but of opposite (or but opposite in) sign to the potential energy.

Противоположная сторона Луны

The back (or other, or far, or opposite) side of the Moon.

Противоположно [см. Направлен противоположно].

Противоположно заряжённый

The charged particles are drawn to the plate of opposite charge.

The charged ions migrate from the sample solution to the oppositely charged electrodes.

Противоположно направленные

The two opposing (or oppositely directed) beams pass through each other.

One pair of forces will excite the radial mode and the oppositely sensed pair will act in the thickness direction.

Противоположного заряда [см. Противоположно заряжённый]. Противоположного знака [см. Противоположно заряжённый].

Противоположность [см. тж. В противоположность, Прямая противоположность]

In this case fluorescence is the converse of absorption.

This thesis is (quite) the opposite from (or to) the concept widely held in the past. Adiabatic is the reverse of diabatic.

Противоположны по знаку

The fluxes Na and Nb are frequently of opposite sign (or opposite in sign).

Противоположны(е) друг другу

Two almost antithetical views...

These two processes are the reverse of each other.

Противоположные заряды притягиваются Unlike charges attract (each other).

Противоположные процессы

Two contrary processes... Противоположный [см. тж. В противоположном направлении, Действовать в противоположные стороны, Диаметрально противоположный, Направленный в сторону, противоположную; Обратный; Прямо противоположный; Равный и противоположный; С противоположных сторон] 733(996)
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