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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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After the neutrons have made the trip (or have passed) through the collimator ...

Пройдя Пройти Пройти

Пройти Пройти Пройти Прокаливать до


Прокаливать до

The oxalate is then ignited to the oxide.

Прокатывать в холодном состоянии

The equipment will cold-roll mild steel.

Прокатываться в фольгу

Lead easily forms foil (or is easily rolled into foil).

Прокладывать [см. тж. Проложен между]

The frame grid tubes forged (or paved) the way for high-performance, low-cost black -and-white TV.

Прокладывать курс

We know how to lay off a course or measure one which is on the chart. The drafting machine aids the navigator in plotting courses.

Прокладывать между

Alternate plates of metal are stacked with the dielectric.

A disk of heavy carbon paper is sandwiched between the pointed end of the stylus and the paper tape.

Прокладывать трубопровод

We have finished laying 87 miles of the pipeline.

Прокол [см. Не бояться проколов].

Пролетать мимо

The Pioneer mission flew by (or past) Jupiter.

Проливать новый свет на

This work has provided fresh insight into... Laser sheds new light (up)on molecular structure.

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The Moessbauer effect can shed light (up)on this problem. Data from satellites have clarified the origin of the radiation belts. These studies have helped to elucidate the structure of the flame.

Further investigation of budding in yeast promises to throw light on the universal process of cell division.

Such a catalyst might help to illuminate the nature and mechanism of the enzymes.

Проложен между

A core layer is sandwiched between two

layers which form the cladding.

Sheets of metal foil are clamped between the mica sheets. Проложенный

The electrodes are sheets of metal foil stacked alternately with the mica sheets. This cartridge is formed by a pile of circular disks interleaved by thin washers. Dufelt incorporates layers of Hycar, sandwiched with standard felts.

Проложенный в земле

Cables buried in the ground may be more subject to...

Промежуток [см. тж. В интервале. На промежутке, С равными промежутками, Через некоторые промежутки времени, Через равные промежутки времени]

An air gap of 1 centimetre can withstand about 3000 volts. Промежуток времени [см. тж. Интервал между]


Промежуток времени [см. тж. Интервал между]

The time lapse between first-filled and last-filled castings is a few milliseconds.

Промежуток между импульсами

The amplitude of the pulses from the objects was uneven, but the interpulse spacing (or the spacing between pulses) was quite regular.

Промежуточная дисциплина

A border(line) (or An interdisciplinary) science.

Промежуточное звено для стыковки

An interface between numerical control and machine-tool relay panels.

Промежуточное положение [см. Занимать промежуточное положение между].

Промежуточное пространство

Thermal conduction may bring energy directly from the coronal regions of the Sun to Earth's atmosphere, if coronal gases fill the intervening space.

Промежуточный [см. тж. В промежуточный период, Граничный] HF is a borderline case ...

Information is passed to the minicomputer via an interface device. During the intervening stages the core supports the outer cylinder.

Промежуточный между

The pulses move at a velocity intermediate between the sound speeds of the hot and the cold gas. The properties of metalloids are intermediate between those of metals and non-metals.

Промежуточный продукт

Sodium chlorate is used as an intermediate (product) in perchlorate production.

Промежуточный цвет

Red, green, and blue lights can be chosen to produce any of the various intermediate colours.


The "quick setup aids" eliminate trial cuts and repeated gauging during setup.fi-300

Промерять [см. Измерять].


The pipes should be flushed out with

water instead of being blown out with steam.

If the cells are not properly rinsed, a film may be formed.

The solid residue was washed with ether.


Always disassemble the unit first for proper cleaning and rinsing.

Carbon dioxide is removed from gas mixtures by washing with alkaline solutions.

Промышленная операция

In most commercial nickel electroforming operations...

Промышленная скважина

Exploratory and producing wells ...

Промышленная эксплуатация [см. Вводить в промышленную эксплуатацию].

Промышленного значения

The industrially (or commercially) Промышленного производства


important process of formation of...

Промышленного производства

Industrially prepared acetyl chlorides are much used.

Промышленное значение [см. тж. Иметь промышленное значение, Наибольшее промышленное значение]

Naturally occurring mullite has no commercial significance (or importance).

Промышленное производство [см. Производиться в промышленных масштабах]. Промышленность [см. В промышленности].

Промышленные залежи [см. тж. Залежи промышленного значения] There are minable cinnabar deposits in many regions around the world.
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