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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Проходить контроль

The parts have passed inspection.

Проходить мимо

General relativity predicts that a light ray will be bent as it passes by a massive object.

Проходить насквозь I

Certain proteins penetrate the lipid layer and others extend all the way through it. The bolt holes extend (or go all the way) through the plating of the boiler.

Проходить насквозь II

See to it that the bit does not drill into the table when it breaks through the work.

Проходить незамеченным

His finding went unnoticed.

Проходить параллельно

The bar runs parallel to ...

Проходить путь

The magnetic line traverses a long path around the torus.

Проходить расстояние [см. тж. Покрывать расстояние]

The molecule travels (or traverses) a distance Ux. The light travels a distance 2L.

The distance traversed (or travelled) by the shock wave was estimated.

Проходить туннель

There were two tunnels to be driven.

Проходить через I

Let the plane lambda go through Po(xo, у0, z0).

Проходить через II

The Earth's atmosphere has gone through three main stages. Проходить через III 736(996)

Проходить через III

When a charged particle travels through a transparent medium ...

Проходить через блоки

The belt passes over two or more pulleys.

Проходить через максимум (антон. минимум)

HTUog increases with gas-flow rate, but passes (or goes) (through) a maximum (oppos. minimum) in the vicinity of the loading point.

Проходить через начало координат

This line passes through the origin (of the coordinates).

Проходить через цикл

Each of the three spaces experiences two operating cycles per revolution.


The average daily advance was 32 ft. A new tunnel drivage record ...

In driving headings (штреков) on both levels an effort is made to ... This increases drilling footage per manshift.

Проходка шахтного ствола Shaft sinking.

Проходящий длительный курс лечения Patients on long-term diuretic therapy ...

Проходящий испытание

The chassis under test are placed in groups of six.

Проходящий свет

Transmitted light.

Проходящий через [см. тж. Линия, проходящая через]

The equilibrium curve is a straight line (passing) through the origin. A generator (образующая) through point P of a generalized cone ...

Прохождение [см. тж. Беспрепятственное прохождение, При прохождении через]

The temperature of the fluid is increased by the passage of the shock waves. After traversing glass plate G, the two waves pass through a compensator.

Прохождение на близком расстоянии от

The comet exhibited a large decrease in period after a close Jupiter encounter.

Прохождение спутника

The transmitter frequency must be sufficiently stable over the duration of the satellite pass.

Прохождение через[см. При прохождении через].

Процент брака

The reject rate of the coil forms was high.

Процент выживания

In the case of hypothermia the survival rate is low.

Процент заболевания

White Americans have a higher incidence rate of female breast cancer.

Процентный состав

The percent(age) composition of alloys and rocks may be derived from such observations. Процесс [см. тж. В процессе, Вести процесс, Головной процесс, Обратный процесс]


Процесс [см. тж. В процессе, Вести процесс, Головной процесс, Обратный процесс]

Processes for conversion of liquid fossil fuels to utility fuel gases ...

Процесс, обратный

The reversal of vaporization is condensation.

We can think of bond formation as the reverse of cleavage.

Процесс производства [см. В процессе производства].

Процесс размножения

Sporogony is an important multiplicative process.

Процессы, происходящие в организме

We need energy in the form of molecules of adenosine triphosphate for all our bodily processes.

Прочее [см. Помимо всего прочего].

Прочёсывать (жарг.) [см. тж. Просматривать]

In 1781 Herschel was engaged in sweeping of the skies with a telescope.

Прочная конструкция

The unit is of robust (or rugged) construction (or design).

Прочная основа

This system provides a firm basis for initiating discussion.


The core support is mounted firmly on the tank floor. The controller is robustly (or ruggedly) constructed. The races are held securely in place.

The centrepieces securely hold the top and bottom jaw sections. Strongly constructed buildings ...

A hobbing press is more sturdily built than ordinary presses.

Прочно закреплен

The instrument is firmly secured.

A pointer is rigidly attached to the centre of the scale beam. The engine is securely (or firmly) fastened to the hull.

Прочно закрепляться

The coupling is clamped solidly.

Прочно прикреплять к

The cord must be firmly attached (or fixed) to the ball.

Прочно связан с

The mercury is firmly bonded to (or bound with) a carbon atom. The valence electrons are tightly bound to the nuclei.

Прочно удерживать

Such a solid surface holds each adsorbed molecule as tightly as all the others.
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