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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Air is passed through a flow counter.

The input signal is passed through a conventional rectifier.

This filter transmits green light.

The slotted disk serves to permit the passage of compressed air between ... Some of the positive ions were allowed to pass through the cathode canal.

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The monitoring system is adjusted to pass or reject lubes according to molybdenum content.

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Gas В is passed over the top end of the tube.

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No light is transmitted (or passed) by the crossed polarizers.

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Light is allowed to pass through a solution of...

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Refrigeration can be effected if a current is passed (or sent) round the circuit.

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When the coil is energized,...

He ran a current through the mercury.

A constant current is passed through the specimen.

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Microwaves can be passed with very little loss along metal tubes. Water is passed through a bed of panicles.

A sterilizing solution may be run through the machine just before milking. When light from a point source is sent through the negative,... The mixture is made to flow through a tube. Пропускать через насос


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The mixture was put through a pump.

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When a gas is allowed to pass through a small hole,...

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Пропущенный контролем

The component has been tested and o.k.'d (sl.) (or approved).

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The steam must force its way up through this layer.

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Air may leak in at the apparatus.

The pan to be tested is first immersed in a special penetrant which seeps into the finest cracks.

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As rain falls on a slope, it will begin to seep into the soil.

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The first possibility was that some solute might unexpectedly leak out of the cell when it shrank.

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Ammonium nitrate washes rapidly through soil and causes pollution of waterways. The water seeps (or percolates) through the ground.

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To drill a hole part way through the wall (or To drill a blind hole in the wall).

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Breaks in clouds.

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The nozzles are X-rayed to check ...


To prevent the drillpoint from breaking through, ...

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Pellets smaller than the gap will fall through it and those with diameters that are larger than the gap will be held back.


Slippage in such a clutch produces heat.


Should the tap meet an obstruction, the clutch slips, eliminating tap breakage.


To follow (or trace) the fate of the labelled elements,... We have attempted to trace the history of continental movements.

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The isotherm can be followed from the low-pressure side to ... Прослеживать ход болезни


Прослеживать ход болезни

It is possible to follow (or trace) the course of the disease.

Прослойка [см. С прослойкой].


Viewing and recording the image ...

Просматривание с воздуха

The reconnaissance includes airborne infrared scanning over a large area.


The new telescope could sample (or scan) 12 times more sky.

Прост в обращении

Pulsed dye lasers are straightforward to use.

Прост в эксплуатации и обслуживании

The air conditioners are easy to operate (or handle) and maintain.


On the average, cutting tools are idle about 70% of the time.

It is necessary to know which machines are running and which are down and why.

If a machine is temporarily out of action for tool changing or because of a breakdown, ...

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Stand-by pumps and by-pass systems ensure that machines will not be idled by a malfunction.

Простая случайность

It does not seem to be mere random chance (or accidental) that...

Простейшей конструкции

The compass in its simplest form consists of...


The ligament sacks are hollow tubes which extend most of the length of the cavity of the trunk. The ventilation shaft extends to 200 ft below sea level.

The resulting fluorescence spectra extend over an appreciable wavelength range. The isotherms extend into the region where condensation occurs.

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The mountain range runs in a direction just west of...

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The San Andreas Fault extends (or goes out) to sea 150 km north of San Francisco. This sea reached eastward to Manitoba,...

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The medium through which the wave propagates extends to infinity. The line stretches to infinity in both directions.

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The range of absorption maxima extends from 620 nm to 490 nm.
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