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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The measurements are in progress [or are being conducted (or carried out)/. Work is proceeding on the development of a new system. Проводиться в обычном порядке


A series of experiments has been under way (or run, or conducted, or performed, or carried

out) for some years.

Проводиться в обычном порядке

A conventional procedure is followed for

planning ...

Проводиться весьма интенсивно

The study of such forces is currently an active area of investigation.

Проводиться по методу

The calculation follows the method given by...

Проводка к двигателю

If the direction of rotation is incorrect, the wiring to the motor must be altered.

Прогибать заготовку

A tool that is not sharp may tend to pull the stock out of line during machining.

Прогноз климата

Climatic prediction.

Прогонять I

After leaving the assembly line the complete chassis are given a running-in trial.

Прогонять II

Helium is forced (or circulated) through each coolant loop.


After switching on, allow five minutes for the instrument to warm up. After an initial warming-up period the instrument shows no drift for six hours.


Suppose a manufacturing concern wishes to market (or sell) bolt sets...

Продавать в розницу (антон. оптом) Hydrogen peroxide is sold retail (anton. wholesale) in '20 volume' and '10 volume' solutions.

Продаваться [см. тж. Иметься в продаже]

This product finds a market as an oxidizing agent for ... Bromine is available in 6.5-lb bottles. Bacitracin is normally marketed (or sold) as a mixture of... This model sells for 89 cents each.

Продавливать через

The liquid is forced through a capillary tube.

Продажа [см. тж.. Иметься в продаже, Поступать в продажу, Торговля]

Finished steel is steel that is ready for marketing (or sale) without further work or treatment.


Construction at Fermilab proceeded faster than at CERN.

The cascade of secondary electrons grows exponentially as it progresses along the inside of the tube.

The art of manufacturing has progressed (or advanced) greatly within the last few years. The flame front travels (or propagates) too slowly.

Продвигаться па

The rotary switch advances one contact for each impulse it receives. The leavers permit the scrape wheel to advance one tooth. Продвижение



The rate of advance of the drilling bit...

The progress is of order of 1000 linear feet per week.

Продвижение по

The fast progress of a part through the

factory ...

Продвинутая стадия [см. тж. Находиться на продвинутой стадии разработки]

A still grander device is in an advanced stage of development.

Продевать через

We thread one end of the wire through the tube.

Проделана большая исследовательская работа

A considerable volume of research has been carried out.

Проделанная работа

If у is work done (or performed) by a


Проделанный в

Rollers become wedged between the sleeve and recessed pockets machined in the hub.

Проделать анализ

We have done (or performed, or carried out) an analysis of ...

Проделать вычисления

In applying this notion Kepler went through (or carried out) tedious calculations.

Проделывать работу

No work of expansion is performed (or carried out, or done).

Проделывать работу над

For a reversible expansion, work w done (or performed, or carried out) on the gas is...

Work must be done on the molecular pair to drive them together. Продемонстрировано [см. Показано].

Продет сквозь отверстия

Platinum wire electrodes were laced through the holes in the paper.


His analysis was inspired by experimental observations made by ...


(Up)on differentiating (or differentiation) we obtain ...


The space mission was lengthened (or prolonged) for another eight months.

Продлевать срок службы

The copper in the bond adds considerably to grinding wheel life.

The coating considerably extends (or prolongs) the life of these alloys.

The programme was designed to improve tool life.

The users can thus stretch service life for pans subjected to wear.

Продолжать I

We now pursue our discussion in more detail. Продолжать II


Продолжать II

We extend the line by the distance fg.

The straight line must be produced into the opposite quadrant.

Продолжать верить в то, что

They persisted in the belief that...

Продолжать двигаться

Such panicles will continue in motion (or moving, or to move).

Продолжать исследование

Let us explore this equation further so that we can apply it to ...

Продолжать обсуждение

In Chapter 12, we shall have more to say (or shall continue discussion) about hot spots on the continental lithosphere.

Продолжать свой путь

The stone will surmount the obstacle and continue on its way.

The neutrinos pass through the object and continue on their way to vast distances.
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