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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Прочное положение [см. Завоёвывать прочное положение].

Прочностные свойства

Strength properties.

Прочность [см. тж. Запас прочности]

The durability (or strength) of the hardened cement is excellent.

The integrity of solder joints subjected to vibration and shock is best preserved by ... Прочный [см. тж. Высокопрочный]


Mechanical robustness (or rigidity) lest... The sphere will be pressure tested to prove its soundness. Lucalox has been found to retain its strength at high temperatures. In this problem toughness and reliability are closely related. The ruggedness of freight elevators ...

Прочный [см. тж. Высокопрочный]

The supporting structure must have a secure foundation. The concrete structure must be built on sound rock. A rigidly built saw-frame ...

The housing is covered with vulcanized rubber, leather-like in appearance, but much more durable. High-strength steels.

The transmitter is a robust (or rugged) unit. The weld must be sound and free from cracks.

At speeds and altitudes where only the staunchest materials will serve ... This material is mechanically strong. The relays are ruggedly built.

Such systems must be rugged enough to withstand shocks. Sturdy latches, substantial handles ... A stiff construction can be obtained by ...

Прошедший [см. тж. Время, истекшее с] t is the time elapsed after introducing ...

Прошло время [см. Не прошло много времени с тех пор, как].

Прошло много времени

A considerable amount of time has elapsed (or passed) between ...

Прошлое [см. В прошлом].

Прошлые века

To reconstruct the geology of past ages, ...

Проще говоря

A planetary satellite, or more simply, a moon, is a solid object orbiting a planet.

Simply stated, a rock is younger than the youngest rock which it cuts or within which it is intruded.


During the ground runs the pilot feels out the aircraft to evaluate its adequacy.

Проявление [см. тж. Внешнее проявление]

This phenomenon is a manifestation of the a-c effect.

Проявлять [см. Иметь].

Проявлять активность

Peptides may exhibit (or show, or display) activity which is greater than ...

Проявлять большой интерес к

The UN is taking an active interest in geothermal energy.

Проявлять интерес к

Great interest has been expressed (or demonstrated, or displayed) by mineral engineers in this roof-support system.

Some interest is being shown in these steels.

Проявлять исключительную осторожность

Use extreme care (or caution) in handling the foil so as not to bend it. Проявлять осторожность


Проявлять осторожность

Personnel should exercise caution when measuring parts machined from fluorocar-bon resins. Care (or Caution) must be exercised (or is required) in the interpretation of shock tube measurements made at low pressures

Проявлять признаки

Malignant tumours generally show evidence of significant growth.

Проявлять свойство

The nonreducing sugars do not exhibit (or manifest, or show) this property.

Проявлять склонность к [см. Склонен к].

Проявлять способность к

As a rule, microspheres do not show a capacity for concentrating materials (or do not possess the ability to concentrate materials).

Проявлять тенденцию к [см. тж. Склонен к]

If the sands are siliceous, the soils tend to have a reduced nutrient content.


Most of the oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur in the coal appear as water, ammonia, and hydrogen sulphide in the gaseous products.

When atomic energy is released quickly in a bomb, it manifests itself as heat, shock wave, ...

Radiation damage of the nitrilites would be reflected by changes in the rate of fermentation.

The mass effect shows itself as a slight difference of the terms of...

This reduced adhesion shows up most vividly when ...

External corrosion shows (up) as rusty or pitted spots on the metal.

These antibodies are too weak to reveal themselves in test tube reaction.

The relative scarcity of volatile elements in eucretes (a type of meteorites) shows up in the composition of...

Acoustic neuroma can present in this way (med.).

This form of the disease can be manifested by a wide range of signs and symptoms. This uncertainty makes itself evident in the range of values found for ... All these characteristics are exhibited by arsenic.

A number of interesting properties emerge in the vicinity of the critical point.

Проявляться в виде

Weathering manifests itself as a reduction of the material to ...

This form of narrow saturation resonance manifests itself in the output signal of a gas laser.

Temporal arthritis occasionally presents with localizing neurological signs (med.).

This neoplasm may present as weight loss.

This activity is often manifested in the production of cosmic jets.

Such deviations show as a curvature of the calibration graph.

Autonomic neuropathy is most usually evi- dent as postural hypotension and ...
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