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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Преобразовываться в [см. тж. Переходить, Превращаться в]

At a temperature where the liquid is rapidly changing to gas ...

This result rearranges to the derivative forms of...

Less stable carbonium ions rearrange to (form) more stable carbonium ions. Преодолевать

A rocket moving 7 miles per second will defeat (or overcome) the Earth's gravity and never return. The arrangement allows cars to negotiate acute curves.

Преодолевать барьер

The energy needed to overcome (or clear, or surmount, or climb over, or penetrate) the barrier...

Преодолевать силу

To overcome the attractive forces, ...

Преодолевать сопротивление

When the forces overcome the resistance of...

Преодолевать трудности [см. тж. Устранять затруднение] The difficulties to be surmounted are great. To overcome this impediment,...

This difficulty may be obviated (or resolved) by connecting ...

One might try to get over (or minimize) the difficulty without departing from classical mechanics.

How do they master these difficulties? They met the difficulty by placing ...

It was to overcome these difficulties that the sequence circuit was evolved.

The new technique gets around the problem by limiting the penetration of the alloy.

Steps to counter (or overcome) this problem were taken.

Two means of tackling (or coping with) the difficulty are: ...

We have this problem licked (sl.).

Преодоление трудности

One way around this problem is to ...

Преподнесение [см. Изложение].


We present the subject as we understand it.

Препятствие [см. тж. Наталкиваться на барьер, Помеха]

The size of the ship is no barrier (or obstacle) to the application of this principle.

The most critical deterrent to the use of martensitic steels is ...

This is a serious handicap to such a study.

Such boundaries presented obstacles to slip propagation.

The main impediment to the development of such a theory was ... Препятствия, стоящие на пути


Препятствия, стоящие на пути

Obstacles placed (or interposed) in steady flows ...

Препятствовать [см. тж. Задерживать, Затруднять, Значительно замедлять, Мешать, Не препятствовать, Ничто не может препятствовать, Предотвращать]

An excess of alkali in the solution will retard the formation of HOCl. This hindered (or interfered with) lathe operation. The oil pockets impede (or retard) the flow of air. Sodium nitrate inhibits corrosion of underwater structures.

This concentration of sugar is sufficient to inhibit the growth of most microorganisms. An interlocking mechanism prevents (or keeps) the discharge door from being opened (or prevents the opening of the discharge door). There are no obstacles to obstruct movement.

The use of optics in a computer was hindered by the lack of a suitable optical memory. The ions are inhibited from moving towards the photocathode by collisions with the walls.

Препятствовать попаданию [см. тж. Изолировать от]

The baffle keeps stray light from entering the photomultiplier.

The box keeps out room light.

The canal intake is designed to keep out silt.

Препятствовать протеканию процесса

Large bulky groups interfere with this process.

Препятствовать прохождению

The disk blocks part of the light falling on the slit.


Drilling was discontinued (or suspended) because of lack of adequate equipment. The chain is interrupted.

The particles are interrupted in their journey (движение частиц прерывается).

Преследовать цель

The objectives to be pursued by extensive research ... We pursue well-defined goals.

Претворять в жизнь [см. тж. Проводить в жизнь] The new plan was put into effect (or operation).

Measures were taken to implement this method. In this way we will make our theory work.

Претерпевать [см. тж. Испытывать, Подвергаться] The gas experiences a temperature rise. Under such conditions the material is subject to great strains. During cooling, some metals and alloys undergo transformations in the solid state.

Претерпевать искажение

The original shape of the waveform suffers distortion (or is distorted).

Претерпевший изменения под влиянием канцерогена A carcinogen-altered cell ...


These expressions overestimate (or overstate) the losses.


These expressions underestimate (or understate) the losses. Прецедент [см. Не иметь прецедента].


Прецедент [см. Не иметь прецедента].

При [см. тж. Во время. Встречающийся при, По мере. После]

I (а, ф)200 is the intensity of the 200 reflection at a given a and ф . The engine develops 340 hp at 1900 rpm.

For a given centre distance, the length of a crossed belt will be a constant. In starting up, the starter should be set at...

Certain precautions must be taken to obtain satisfactory results in using this equipment.

On ignition the ingredients must vaporize.

On interruption of the electric current the valve closes instantly.

The temperature is read (up)on entering and leaving the water jacket.
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