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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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При свете

Alkanes react with halogens in the (presence of) light.

При сильном нагреве

Under intense heat, quicklime becomes incandescent.

При совпадении

With the 0 of the vernier and the 0 of the graduated column coincident (or When ... coincide), the vernier hook can be made to...

При согласии

Barium studies can be organized if the patient is cooperative (med.).

При созревании

The eggs in the ovaries increase in size at maturity.

При солнечном свете

In (the presence of) sunlight, methane reacts with ...

При соответствующих условиях

Given proper conditions, we should be able to ...

Under appropriate (or proper) circumstances (or conditions)...

The impurity content should be constant under suitable conditions.

При соприкосновении

On coming in contact with the respective electrode, the colloidal substance loses its charge.

The freshly cut surface darkens on exposure to air.

These alloys obtain an oxide layer immediately (up)on contact with air.

The dissolved gas reacts instantly with OH- on contact.

The process by which ethylene oxide and water react in contact with (or when contacting) an ionexchange resin is discussed in the following section. Meshing does not result on contact, unless the jaws are aligned.

При сохранении

On retention of only the first-order terms one would obtain ...

При срабатывании

On operation of the extra-low-water-level switch the control unit will shut down the automatic firing equipment.

При сравнимых условиях

Steam is far less "ideal" than helium under comparable conditions.

При столкновении (яд физ.)

A number of different processes may happen at collision.

При... стремящемся к

As ( or For, or With, or When ) a -> 1, betta is given by the following expression: ...

При строительстве здания следует учитывать

Considerations of health and safety must also be embodied in a building.

При существующем

At least three comets have orbits with eccentricities so close to unity that, observational errors being what they are, the orbits might be hyperbolic.

При существующем положении [см. В данной ситуации].

При существующих условиях

Under prevailing conditions of recovery technology ... При таком предположении


При таком предположении

On (or Under) this assumption, ipc is equal to...

При температуре [см. тж. В котором поддерживается температура]

The air circulates through the coil at (a temperature of) 17°C.

При температуре, близкой к комнатной

Water is vaporized into air at near-room temperature.

При температуре окружающей среды

These alloys can be more easily worked at ambient temperatures.

При температуре опыта

The tube is filled with a liquid at the test temperature.

При транспортировке [см. Во время перевозки].

При тщательном изучении

On close examination of these tissues it was found that...

При увеличении I

The pressure will fall to the equilibrium value as the density increases (or with increasing density).

При увеличении II

The etched groove is not visible at this magnification.

При удалении от [см. С увеличением расстояния от, С удалением от].

При указанных условиях

To obtain the collision properties at the specified (or indicated) conditions,...

При условии

With the constraintX3 = z -lY3 it can be shown that...

При условии соблюдения

We consider Eq. (3.3) subject to the boundary conditions.

При условии, что [см. тж. Если]

With the proviso that V >> 1, it is possible to ...

The equation admits a solution of constant stale subject to the condition (or requirement) that... Such a plant in a remote location can justify its cost provided (that) it is kept in service for a long enough lime.

Tin-base solders are acceptable for radiation environments providing (or on condition that) the temperature is low.

The beam proved very suitable for alignment tests, provided (that) certain difficulties could be overcome.

Mining companies make the data available to the Government with the understanding that data would be released without identifying individual companies.

При условиях [см. тж. В условиях]

An absorption coefficient is defined as the amount of gas dissolved at standard conditions by 1 cm3 of the solvent.

Some water can under (or in) certain circumstances (or conditions) have phase velocities greater than ...

При условиях эксперимента

Determine the value of Dab for helium in nitrogen under the test conditions. При учёте


При учёте

These data show a linear relationship if the residual current is accounted for (or taken into account, or allowed for).

При хорошей видимости

The resolving power of large optical telescopes under good seeing (or visibility) conditions is about one arc-second.

При хранении

Aviation gasoline must be stable in storage.

On keeping, cyanic acid soon polymerizes to cyanuric acid.

При частоте

At a given collision frequency all protons will absorb...
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