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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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При одной установке в патроне

Jobs which require two chuckings are now completed in one chucking.

При одном прикосновении

The rollers spin at a touch.

При определённых обстоятельствах

Time resolution will, in certain (or specific) situations, serve as a useful...

При опускании

A pump and valve arrangement raises D2O column as the Hg is lowered.

При опыте

They supply energy to operate a charger in experiments.

При открытом

It is preferable to start the pump with the discharge valve open.

При отсутствии

This would be true in the absence of a spa-cially distributed background.

In the absence of the atmosphere ...

Estimate the vaporization rate with no air leakage.

This new orbit would be permanent, barring additional stellar perturbation.

При охлаждении

The С -H absorption might be expected to decrease on cooling.

При оценке

In (or When) evaluating voltage losses ... При первой попытке


При первой попытке

They experimented with the system and achieved excellent results on their (or at the) first try (or attempt).

При первом появлении

Scientific terms are defined as they first appear.

При первоначальных исследованиях

During the early work with clay minerals the name allophane came to be associated with ...

При первых признаках

The rove beetles appear in large numbers at the first signs of putrefaction of animal flesh.

При перевозке [см. тж. Во время перевозки]

Formaldehyde in water solutions should be kept warm in (or during) transit (or transportation).

При перегрузке

The iron vanes lend to saturate magnetically on overload and thereby act as further overload protection.

При пересечении

These functions become discontinuous at such intersections.

При переходе

Tunable dye lasers provide high spectral irradiance at atomic transitions. In these transitions the radiation is...

При переходе из ... в

In going from state a to state b,...

При переходе к бо'льшим и бо'льшим значениям As one goes higher and higher in the

scale of numbers ...

При переходе от ... к ...

The physical properties of the free elements show a regular gradation from non-metallic to metallic

as one passes (or goes) from nitrogen to bismuth.

When passing from forced circulation to natural convection ...

The differential change in the individual components of v in moving (or going) from P(x, y, z) to 0(x + dx + du, z + dz) is given by...

The character of the clay minerals changes in passing from one environment to another.

При планировании опыта

In the design of a spectroscopic experiment, it is important to consider...

При поверхностном осмотре

Iodine crystals appear blue-black on cursory examination.

При повышении [см. тж. По мере того, как]

The sweep component beats with the second, third and fourth harmonics of the crystal oscillator as the sweep frequency increases.

При повышенной температуре

This material showed thermoplastic properties at elevated temperatures.

При подготовке к

In preparation for the second step,...

При поисках

In the search for such a property it turns out to be profitable to ... При полёте


При полёте

In flight over the ocean the pressure reference setting is 29.92 in. of mercury.

При полёте по приборам

When flying under instrument conditions ...

При полной нагрузке

Efficiency is better than 96% at full load.

Output of the machine on full production is 120 racks per hour.

При полном отсутствии

It is rare for one reaction to occur to the total exclusion of the others.

При помощи [см. тж. Посредством, Путём, С помощью]

With this microscope the particles can be magnified up to 15,000 times.

The age of very ancient rocks may be measured using the potassium-argon method.

By (or With) such a method ...

The dry box is evacuated by a vacuum pump.

The bearings are mounted on the shaft by the use of a hydraulic system.

Refuelling is accomplished with [the aid (or help) of] (or by means of) a simple machine.

Solid state bonds can be achieved with (the use of) ultrasonic welding.

The surface of normal velocity may often be constructed by means of the reciprocal surface.

Circular polarization is obtained through the use of the slots ...

Irregular surfaces can be treated by use of the servo control system.

We can introduce the curves through Eq.


The stereochemical relationships between ...

can be determined by reference to the Fischer projection of...

The gas laws can be understood through a model.

При помощи которого

This is a technique whereby a clearance is measured.

При помощи ... метода

With (or In) this method, it is possible to make...

При помощи ультразвука

Ultrasonically assisted wire drawing ...

При помощи уравнения

With (the aid of) the Bernoulli equation one can ...

При попытке

On attempted isolation (or In attempting to isolate)...
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