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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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to write...

Позволять более четко понять

Recent advances in geochemistry offer a clearer view of how the continents have arisen.

Позволять ввести

The development of such instruments made feasible a new method for...

Позволять делать вывод

The results are not yet sufficient to allow definite conclusions. Позволять использовать


Позволять использовать

Charge-coupling makes possible comparably sized memory components.

The system permits (or allows) the use of one or more cutters for any width of cut.

The smaller fraction of Na will allow (for) (or permit) a hydraulic scheme.

Позволять осуществлять [см. тж. Обеспечивать возможность]

The tenfold improvement of resolution makes possible more detailed observations of...

This permits (or allows) two checks within the five-minute period, one at the beginning and one at

the end.

Free osculations have made a direct determination of density possible.

Позволять понять

This will allow an understanding of the role of... This analysis gives an insight into what happens if ...

Позволять предположить

The bonding predicted suggests a coplanar geometry that includes ...

Позволять проводить исследования

The existence of thermometers allowed investigations to be made of the variation ...

Позволять создавать

This makes possible all the devices of solid-state electronics.

Поздний [см. Более поздний].

Поздняя стадия [см. На поздней стадии].

Позже I [см. Как мы увидим дальше].

Позже II

More recently (or In more recent times),

another type of DNA polymerase was found in...

Subsequently, it was reported that...

More recently, detailed interferrometric studies were made.

The samples were placed in glass storage bulbs and analyzed at a later time (or

date) [or later (on)].

Поиски [см. тж. При поисках]

To continue the quest of the ancestral molecule,...

They continued an active search (or continued searching, or looking) for oil and gas. The scanner will stimulate a search for other methods.

Поиски неполадок

Trouble shooting.

Поймать сигнал

To pick up a signal.

Пока I [см. тж. А пока, До настоящего времени, До сих пор, На некоторое время]

Disregarding the horizontal movements..., consider for the moment only the lifting of...

For the time being (or For the present)

we are interested primarily in ideas and not particularly in details. This ratio has thus far been determined only in the case of...

The physiologic importance of glucose will be discussed under biologic chemistry; For now, let us say that glucose is used in ...

Up to now (or Until now, or So far, or Up to the present, or As yet), there has been no detailed work done to find ... Пока II [см. тж. До тех пор пока]


Пока II [см. тж. До тех пор пока]

This is not found to be true experimentally as long as the similar atoms are otherwise equivalent. As long as the energy is high enough, its particular value is irrelevant in determining ...

Пока III

It is desirable to bum the mixture while the piston is near top centre position. Пока ещё I

Whilst (or While) still warm the work is painted with the primer. Пока ещё II

The conditions for the formation of this centre are as yet unknown. Пока не [см. До тех пор пока не].

Пока не высохнет

The books are kept in press until dry.

Пока не выяснено

Whether or not this type of approximation remains valid for ... remains to be seen.

Пока не доказано обратное

Initially these diseases should be considered to be drug induced until proved otherwise.

Пока не изучен

Most of the substance's actions in animal cells remain to be explored.

Пока не ясно

What triggered the eruption is yet to be explained.

Пока он находится в расплавленном состоянии

The copper is protected from air while molten.


The detected output is suitable for presentation on the screen.

Показан I

Some of the elements of such a system appear in Fig. 17.

The indispensability of acetylcholine esterase for nerve function has been demonstrated by Dr N.

The proposed design is depicted in the accompanying drawing.

The current is amplified and displayed (or shown) on the meter.

The loader was displayed at the recent mining machinery exhibition.

In Fig. 5 are shown four views of...

The instrumentation used in the experiment is diagrammed (or sketched) in Fig. 4. Показан II

Digoxin is rarely indicated in elderly patients in sinus rhythm (med.).

Показан на графике

This relationship is plotted in Fig. 5.2.

Показан на иллюстрации

One of these crushers is illustrated above.

Показание [см. Давать показания. Снимать показания].

Показание шкалы

The reading of the scale. Показанный [см. тж. Здесь показан, Как показано на рисунке]


Показанный [см. тж. Здесь показан, Как показано на рисунке]

The apparatus depicted (or shown, or presented, or exhibited, or pictured, or displayed, or illustrated) on the preceding page ...
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