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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Повреждать [см. тж. Выводить из строя]

The laser does not damage parts.

Повреждаться [см. Выходить из строя].

Повреждение [см. тж. Выходить из строя, Не в порядке, Устранять дефект]

The obelisk had endured thirty centuries without visible deterioration. This will cause serious damage to the cylinders. These storms frequently cause tide gauge failure.

Such steels can be hardened without injuring (or affecting) the finished surfaces. There is no evidence of injury to the cells.

Повреждение в результате

Damage to the hoist from overrun of the chain ...

Повреждение при перевозке

The risk of damage in transit is thus reduced.

Повреждён [см. тж. Выходить из строя] The thread was mutilated (or damaged).


Abrasive grit blasting removes the impaired surface. This enzyme system repairs the affected strand.

Повседневный контроль

The tester is designed for routine inspection.

Повсеместно использоваться [см. тж. Широко использоваться]

The indicator is in general (or common, or universal) use. Ammeters of this type are used universally.

Повсеместно принят

During the 1800s the concept of atoms and molecules became generally (or universally) accepted.

Повсеместно присутствовать среди

Two minor proteins, L and NS, are universal among...

Повсеместно распространяться

This idea gained universal currency.

Повсюду [см. тж. Везде, Встречаться повсеместно, Повсеместно, Широко использоваться]

We employ heavy-duty bearings throughout.


If the output signal from an amplifier is not an exact replica of the input signal, distortion has occurred.

Повторно использовать [см. Использовать повторно, Можно использовать повторно].

Повторно использоваться

The coolant is collected by a large trough, and after being filtered, it is recirculated.

Повторное использование

The truck enables empty bogeys to be returned from the unloading end for reuse. Recycling of appropriate plastics must be encouraged. Повторный



The problem of producing repeat batches of components in fairly small quantities ... These corrections could be made by a second experiment.

Повторный заказ

Repeat orders can be quickly handled.

Повторный эксперимент

Replicates of the experiment showed immediately that ...

Повторять [см. Точно повторять].

Повторять опыт

A recent replica of this experiment was made.

Повторять путь

Under these circumstances the proton retraces the same path in the opposite direction.

Повторять снова и снова

By proceeding to do this over and over again a regular polygon with 12, 24, 48,... sides can be inscribed.


Floods recur, and the recurrence interval is predictable.

Sedimentary rock associations are of several kinds and may occur over and over. If such zones are repeated, ...

Повторяющаяся последовательность

Polymers are enormous molecules made by connecting small molecules in repetitive sequences.

Повторяющееся действие

The recurring action of a mechanical clock...


The individual atoms are bound to each other in a repetitive three-dimensional array. A set of replicate results is a representative sample.

Повышать [см. тж. Увеличивать]

The synchrotron boosts the energy of the protons for injection into a larger synchrotron.

To raise (or elevate) the boiling point,...

The kaolin adds strength, abrasion resistance, and rigidity.

Molybdenum enhances the resistance of stainless steels to pitting corrosion.

Niobium improves the heat resistance of ...

The addition of the new unit will raise (or increase) the capacity from 80 to 135 mln lb/yr. Production could be stepped up quickly. He upped the payload to ...

Повышать до

This program brought the rate of copper output to a level commensurate with ... The concentration was brought up (or raised, or elevated) to the desired level.

Повышать напряжение

A transformer is used to step up (or raise, or increase, or build up) the voltage.

Повышать температуру на

The amount of heat required to raise 1 lb of the material 1°F is ... Повышаться [см. Нарастать, Подниматься, Увеличиваться].


Повышаться [см. Нарастать, Подниматься, Увеличиваться].

Повышение [см. тж. Выигрыш, С повышением, Увеличение]

The upper section is cooled for better (or increased) absorption efficiency.

With further gain (or increase, or rise) in vehicle speed...

Five percent gain in productivity ...

Upgrading of fastener quality and reliability ...

To prevent the building up (or buildup) of pressure in the cell,...

Повышение в два раза

A doubling of the concentration would cause ...

Повышение на

With a rise of several degrees С ...

Повышение точки кипения

Adsorption on activated carbon improves with increasing boiling point. A rise in (or An elevation of) the boiling point...

Повышенная температура [см. тж. При повышенной температуре]

The salicylates relieve minor pains and reduce elevated temperatures.
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