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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The four inner planets differ greatly from the four outer planets, which are giants by (or in) comparison.

По сути дела [см. тж. В принципе, По существу, Фактически]

Inorganic chemistry is properly a study of...

По существу [см. тж. В основном, В принципе, Фактически]

This method is conceptually identical with the one described in ...

At that time essentially nothing was known about...

The physics of Rydberg atoms is essentially the physics of hydrogen.

Composite propellants are essentially mixtures of an inorganic oxidizer and a fuel.

In essence (or In substance), bacterial metabolism is a model from which the results are likely to

be applicable to plants and animals.

The adaptive principle consists in essence of three things:...

A demonstration of an optical bottle in air would in essence be a demonstration of optical levitation.

The radiation from the explosion zone is substantially black body radiation.

По существу представляет собой

This equipment amounts to a closed-circuit feedback system.

По существующей шкале

The accepted atomic weight of oxygen on the present scale is 159994+0.0001.

По тем же причинам

For similar reasons we do not discuss...

По тем же соображениям

By the same reasoning Uranus would be dimmer than Saturn.

By a similar argument, the number of odd integers is equal to the number of all integers. По тем же соображениям, что и в отношении


По тем же соображениям, что и в отношении By the same reasoning (or token) as for

the pure gas limit the flow is a backward-facing rarefaction wave. По течению [см. Вверх по течению, Вниз и вверх по течению от]. По типу [см. Построен по типу. Происходить по типу, Разработан по типу].

По той же причине [см. тж. По тем же соображениям]

The laser beam has no mass and can be easily moved and controlled; by the same token (or for the same reason) it does not generate mechanical responses.

По той или иной причине

Such schemes will fail for any of several reasons (or for one reason or other).

По той причине, что

Mixtures of paint are known as subtractive mixtures for the reason that each paint absorbs ... This version has been discarded on the grounds that it requires ...

По тому же принципу

The design of ... follows the same pattern.

По тому же принципу, что и при

The gas can be purified on the same lines as in the earlier preparation.

По точкам [см. тж. Измерение по точкам]

Recording the intensity of light point by point across the spectrum ...

По традиции [см. тж. По обычаю]

By convention, all thermodynamic state functions are represented by capital letters. As a matter of convention, G is used to designate a transfer function in the forward loop.

По траектории

The missile is guided through space along its trajectory. The particle is moving in a circular path.

По требованию

This provides a means for calling upon the memory of a flip-flop on demand.

По трубе

The flow through a pipe ... Liquid flowing in a pipeline ...

По уравнению [см. тж. По формуле/ The Na2CO3 decomposes into CO2 and sodium hydroxide according to the (following) equation: ...

The lattice spacing is determined by (or using) Bragg's relation.

The surface concentration of paramagnetic oxide calculated by equation 7 is too large.

По фазе [см. тж. Модулированный но фазе, Сдвинут по фазе, Смещен по фазе]

The wave motion is different in phase from that of the primary waves incident on the medium.

По Фаренгейту

At 68 degrees Fahrenheit ...

По форме [см. тж. Изменяться по форме]

The punches are machined to the shape of the door panel. Equation (9.107) is identical in form to Eq. (9.106).

По форме и размеру

The aggregate produced should be cubical in shape (or form) and uniform in size. They are of the same size and conformation. По формуле [см. тж. По уравнению]


По формуле [см. тж. По уравнению]

It can be computed from the formula: ...

The thermal efficiency of the boiler is calculated with (or by) the (following) formula: ... По химическому составу [см. Аналогичный по химическому составу]. По центру

Holes are drilled through the centres.

The discharge tube was placed through the centre of the slot.

По циклу

Turboprop engines work on the Brayton cycle.

По часовой стрелке, против часовой стрелки

Clockwise rotation of the shaft will move the paper in an anticlockwise (or counter-clockwise) direction.

The cylinder rotates clockwise, anti(or counter) clockwise. По частям [см. Интегрирование по частям]. По шаблону [см. Резать по шаблону].

По ширине

The flow is not uniform across the width.

The value of lambda changes across the width of the band ...

По ширине и долготе

The location of an earthquake in latitude and longitude...

По шкале I

The angle through which the cell has turned is observed by the scales A and B. The critical angle is read off on the scales.

По шкале II
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