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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Vibration pickups feed their voltage into amplifiers.

A distribution valve feeds compressed air into the bottles.

The ore is released through a chute into the skip.

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The pressure is delivered by a centrifugal compressor.

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The steam can be piped from the field right to the turbine.

Подавать самотёком [см. тж. Под действием собственного веса]

The catalyst is fed by gravity into a regeneration vessel.

Подаваться [см. тж. Поступать]

Power from the four generators is delivered to the main bus. The filter cleans the fuel before it enters the engines. The output from the photocell is fed into the galvanometer. The signal is fed to the second transmitter.

The signal from the clipper is passed to a cathode follower output stage. The air was provided by a blower.

The hydrogen is supplied to the flame through a small orifice. An operating pulse is supplied to the stepping motor. A liquid is delivered at the top of a vertical lube. Materials feed onto belt conveyors from hoppers.

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The steam flows to the turbines.

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The nutrient solution is forced through the glass filler into the growth lube.

Подаваться под действием собственного веса [см. Под действием собственного веса]. Подавлять

The resistance of the material quickly suppresses the eddy currents.

Подавлять вибрацию

With its massive frame, the machine dampens vibration and runs smoothly. The mechanical hysteresis damping holds the vibrations in check.

Подавляющее большинство [см. тж. В основном]

The great bulk of these deposits consists of the sulphate of calcium.

(By far) the majority [or The vast (or great, or overwhelming) majority/ of technical investigations using the shock tube have employed a technique of this type.

Подавляющее большинство данных

The preponderance of the evidence (or data) indicates that the complexes are quite young by galactic standards.

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This finding suggested that small particles are suspended in ... Подача [см. Прекращать подачу].


Подача [см. Прекращать подачу].

Подача плёнки (фото)

The film advance mechanism ...

Подача самотёком [см. Под действием собственного веса].

Подача тепла

Heat supplied or removed largely depends upon ...

Подача энергии

The rate of energy delivery (or supply) to do useful work ...

Подбор [см. Метод подбора].

Подбор крови по типам

This makes blood matching (or typing) a difficult procedure.

Подбрасывать [см. Бросать монетку]. Подведём итоги

In sum(mary) (or To sum up, or To summarize) groups I and IV members are well known, those

of group Ш are reasonably well determined, but ...

To summarize: The combustion experiments are all exothermic and ...

Подвергаемый термообработке Heat-treatable steels ...


Off-axis loads subject a column to combined bending.

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Geologic processes impose severe hazards upon people and their structures.

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The cells were exposed to light.

The number of free electrons in a semiconductor can be greatly increased by heating or shining light upon it.

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If the spinning rotor is subjected to a force perpendicular to ...

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Temperature changes place (or impose) a terrific strain on all conduit runs.

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The components were put through a special thermomechanical process.

Подвергать пескоструйной обработке The riveted areas were sandblasted to provide a clean surface.

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As these methods are put to the test,...

It is desirable to undertake explorations to test this theory.

To check (or verify) the results, ...

Подвергать сомнению [см. тж. Сомнительный]

The validity of the maxima is questioned by some authors. Some investigators have cast doubt on (or questioned) this finding.

Подвергать удару

If a piece of steel is subjected to pounding (or a blow, or an impact)... Подвергаться [см. тж. Испытывать, Претерпевать]


Подвергаться [см. тж. Испытывать, Претерпевать]

The star may go through a series of contractions.

Platform strata deposited in earlier periods were subject(ed) to erosion by running water.

The sealant is subject to abrasion and tearing.

This body experiences (or undergoes) acceleration.

The material suffers temper embrittlement.

Certain nuclei may undergo amitotic division (biol.).

This transition has been the subject of intensive investigations.

Подвергаться воздействию [см. тж. Испытывать воздействие]

The sample is exposed to a laser pulse. A unit positive charge experiences a force equal to... While the needle is subjected to the electric field,... The enamels do not fade when exposed to salt spray. The fans are exposed to high temperatures. These bearings are subjected to axial forces.

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