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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This technique was developed (or devised, or worked out, or evolved) originally for metallurgy. A tentative hypothesis was devised.

To draw up (or elaborate, or develop, or work out, or map) a plan (or a programme), ... We formulate special compositions for ceramic bodies. We are working up techniques for warm forging.

Разрабатывать в соответствии с индивидуальными потребностями

The firm has custom engineered a new processing system.

Разрабатывать метод

To devise a technique for measuring ... Разрабатывать методику


New methods of energy conversion are being devised.

A method is currently being sought to induce vortex breakdown behind wide-bodied transport jets.

Разрабатывать методику

The general procedure for constructing the modes of ... was laid down in Section 13-5.

Разрабатывать на основе

A workshop instrument has been developed from the original design.

Разрабатывать проблему

He is working on the use of the system as an aid in ...

Разрабатывать теорию

To evolve (or develop, or work out, or elaborate, or devise) a theory.

Разрабатывать эксперимент

Experiments must be devised (or worked out) to test this suggestion.

Разрабатывать шахту

To work a mine.

Разрабатываться I

Doppler radar, laser anemometers, and acoustic detectors have been developed for measuring both the strength and the location of vortices.

Extra low-temperature enamels are under development (or are being developed).

Разрабатываться II

These petroleum resources are already under development.

Разработан [см. тж. Недостаточно разработав]

A variety of new experimental tests of gravitation theories has been devised.

This method is due to Landau.

The procedure was worked up by our firm.

Разработан в ... году

This classification dates from 1894.

Разработан по типу

The theory is patterned after QED.


No other system so far devised (or developed, or elaborated) can give such an effect.

The process evolved by them ...

An alternative method, due to Pauling, makes use of...

Разработанный на основе

The machines developed from a smaller twin-wheel tool grinder... The instrument, which stems from the one designed for...

Разработка [см. Находиться в стадии разработки] The elaboration of a successful theory ...

Разрастаться в

Rapidly, this information snowballed into an enormous accumulation of details.

As a result the polyacrylamide grows into a complex web of interconnected loops and branches.

Разрез [см. тж. В разрезе]

A sectional view of a phonograph cutter is shown in Fig. 15. Figure 3 is a section through the converter. Разрезать на


Разрезать на

The foil was cut into squares.


It is permissible to run mains and alarm leads in a single conduit. Разрешать

The local legislature authorized the construction of the canal.

Разрешать противоречие

The presence of deep-earth gas could resolve this contradiction.

Разрешать сомнение

Computer studies may settle this doubt.

Разрешать спор

Published experimental work has resolved this controversy.

Разрешённый [см. Допустимый].

Разрешимая проблема

A tractable problem.

Разрешить вопрос

Our laboratory may be capable of laying this question to rest (or solving this question).

Разрушать [см. тж. Нарушать]

Moderate earthquake motions can collapse (or destroy) walls and ... Such tumours are destructive to adjacent tissues.

Only molten alkali metals and gaseous fluorine at high temperatures and pressures attack TFE resin.

The maximum stress applied to rupture the material is called ultimate stress. Such forces of expansion can break down the strongest material.

Разрушать окружающую среду

To destroy the environment.

Разрушать связь (хим.)

This process breaks (or ruptures) one of the two carbon-carbon bonds.


The atom would collapse on collision with the sphere. Sudden forcing may cause the grinding wheel to disintegrate. The material will fail if the load is applied and removed many times. It was believed that titanium strip would rupture in drawing.

Разрушаться вследствие

A short compression member may fail by twisting of the section. Rock is broken up by chemical action.


As the comet approached the earth it was disrupted by gravitational forces.

Разрушение [см. тж. Испытывать до разрушения, Подвергаться механическому разрушению]

Collapse of a crystal...

The chemical weathering of these minerals involves the disruption of their structures. High temperatures cause disintegration of the electrode material. Breakage of rock by explosives. Разрушение вследствие


The breakdown of the coating ...

Severe damage to homes was announced.

This would lead to a complete shattering of the oxygen atom.

Break-up, Degradation ...

Failure of walls or other effects of blast...

Some fracture of the rock will occur.

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