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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Радиус [см. Загибать по радиусу, Запиливать на радиус, По радиусу, Расстояние по радиусу].

Радиус действия

R is the radius of action of the active conductors. The range of the nuclear force.

Радиус кривизны

The grating has a radius of curvature of 50 centimetres.

Радиус поворота

The turning radius is reduced when using leaning front wheels.


The inner core of the earth, 3475 km in radius, consists of... An orbit of radius r. A shaft pillar of 50 m radius.

Раз [см. тж. В два раза больше, чем; В два раза выше, чем; В два раза меньше, чем; В

миллион раз; В ... раз; Во много десятков раз меньше; Во много раз больше; Ещё раз; Уменьшать вдвое]

The specific goal for chemicals is a 17-times (or a 17-fold) increase. Doubling the load will reduce the life of the bearing by a factor of eight. For the amplitude to decrease by the factor 1/e (в 1/ераз) ...

Раз в восемь лет

(Once in) every (or Once every) eight years all valves must be removed from ...

Раз в два года

Biennially (or Every two years).

Раз в полгода

Ships are repaired semiannually (or each half year).

Раз в смену

Flue gases must be analyzed at least once a watch (or a shift).

Раз в шесть месяцев

The governor should be tested at least every six months.

Under normal operating conditions, the instrument should be lubricated at six-monthly intervals. Раз и навсегда


Раз и навсегда

They decided to resolve the problem once and for all.

Разбавление [см. Большое разбавление].

Разбавленный [см. тж. Бесконечно разбавленный раствор/ A dilute acid...

Разбавленный водой

Diluted with water (or Water diluted).

Water-thinned latex paint (or Latex paint thinned with water).

Разбавленный раствор

A dilute solution.

Разбавлять до безопасной концентрации

Such gases can be diluted past harm by

using ...

Разбивать на [см. тж. Делить на]

The enthalpy function can be broken up into a temperature-independent term and a temperature-dependent term.

It is necessary to break the image up into dots.

The procedure can be broken down (or divided, or subdivided) into the following steps:...

The gross weight of an airplane can be broken into component weights. These methods can be grouped as follows (разбить на следующие группы): ... The outer loop breaks the integration range down into a number of integrals.

Разбивать на части

The integral can be split (or divided) into two parts.


These ferries can be broken down into units which can easily and swiftly be transported from point to point.

Always disassemble the unit (or take the unit apart) first for proper cleaning and rinsing. Blowers should be removed, dismantled (or taken apart) and inspected for wear.

Разбираться в

The trace is so complicated that the observer may not be able to make sense (or to make head or tail - col.) of it.

This situation may be difficult to unravel.

Разбит на

In Fig. 2 the system is broken down into

its elements.

Разбить на два раздела

The scientific work can be classified under two heads - that concerned with control and that entailing research.

Разброс [см. тж. Большой разброс]

The dispersion of the experimental points is about the average. The scatter in the data is most evident in Run No. 7. The scatter of points may be due to variation of... There is always a spread of energies about a mean value.

Разброс по частоте

The beam has a spread in frequency about... Разброс траекторий (снаряда)


Разброс траекторий (снаряда)

Dispersion of trajectories.

Разбросаны I

The data for heating times are scattered.

Разбросаны II

Rock fragments are strewn over the entire Martian surface.

Разбрызгивать на

CaCI2 is often sprinkled on icy roads to help melt the ice.

Разведанные запасы

The proved (or proven, or known, or explored, or prospected) reserves.

Развернутое уравнение

An expanded equation.

Развиваемая сила

The force exerted (or developed) by air in motion ...

Развивать силу

The air cylinder is capable of exerting (or developing) a maximum force of 600 lb. The model was rotated in a centrifuge to induce centrifugal forces.

Развивать тему

This is a subject we will elaborate upon (or develop) later in the chapter.


The concept of chemical substances as being composed of particles evolved gradually ... This type of brazing is progressing rapidly. Electroplating is heading in several new directions.

Развиваться в двух направлениях

Platform technology then took two paths.

Развиваться естественным путём

This disease ought to be treated rather than be allowed to run its natural course.

Развиваться с нарастающей силой

A technological revolution is gathering force (or momentum) in our industry.


The exciting and still evolving (or developing) technology appears to be the logical solution.

Развитие I [см. тж. В процессе развития]
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