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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Life of the geologic past shows an orderly progression of forms from primitive to advanced types. The advancement of science ...

There has been a tremendous growth in atomic physics.

The control of frictional heat has been one stumbling block in the progress (or development) of this method.

In keeping with the expected progression of manned space flight from single to mul-timanned vehicles ...

The continuous evolution of reactor technology ... Развитие II

The VSERP theory is an outgrowth of the Pauli exclusion principle.


We will try to puzzle out the origin of the orebody. Разгадать загадку


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To unravel the puzzles of planet origin,...

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The protons are raised (or accelerated) to high energies.


There is a sharp distinction between measuring and gauging. There is now no distinct line between brass and bronze.


We should establish a (strict) line of demarcation between mechanics' work and the work of mechanics' helpers.

Разгромлен окончательно

The ether concept was shattered past retrieval.

Разгрузочная сторона

The view shows the discharge end of the press.


The inner face of the bearing is adjusted axially along the spindle, and as it moves along the taper it



The ray bifurcates, pan of it being reflected at angle Oz and part of it being transmitted into...


Braking pressure forces the plates apart.

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When the rolls were separated by this distance, ...


The two metal strips are pushed apart by the cam.

Раздел [см. В разделе о, Граница раздела между, Линия раздела, На поверхности раздела. Область, Поверхность раздела].

Раздел науки

The principal divisions of botanical science are as follows:...

Разделение [см. тж. Деление]

Choosing k objects out of n is equivalent to partitioning the n objects into two groups of sizes к and n-к.

A rifting apart (or separation) of the continents (or A continental rifting)... The separation of an aqueous solution of ... into two liquid phases ...

Разделение на

The problem of interpreting the universe is considerably simplified by breaking it down to smaller problems.

Разделены во времени

To distinguish events that are separated in time by only 10 microseconds ...

Разделён на

A processor is partitioned into modules.


The region consists of two continental rock sequences separated by a marine sequence. Разделенный на [см. Делить на].


Разделенный на [см. Делить на].

Разделённый на сантиметры

It is a ruler with centimetres marked off (on it).

Разделённый на сектора

A rotating sectored disk ...

Разделка кромки

Vertical seams are welded in one pass without need for elaborate edge preparation. Preparing (or trimming) the edges of the workpiece for welding ...

Разделять I [см. тж. Делить на]

It remains to see how the values of Table 6-9 can be divided up so that contributions from the separate ions can be obtained.

In a colour camera an optical system separates the red, green and blue image components of a picture.

Разделять II

As two charges are pulled apart, ...

Разделять взгляды

Their views are reciprocated by enlightened mining men.

Разделять мнение

Not all workers share this judgment (or opinion).

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The machines to be served should be broken down (or divided, or subdivided, or classified) into

three groups.

These crystals can be classed into three sections. Melting furnaces can be separated into two main groups.

Разделять на категории

It is generally convenient to separate charge-coupled sensors into two categories: linear sensors and area sensors.

Разделяться I

The rock tends to split or part along these planes of weakness.

Where plates pull apart and new oceanic crust is formed ...

Evidently, North America and Gondwanaland were together 1.

15 billion years ago, but split (or rifted) apart (or separated) shortly thereafter.

Constituents having different densities separate under the influence of gravity.

Разделяться II

The container is within the jacket, the two being separated by a 1-cm air space. The stream is split at B.

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When a liquid system breaks down into two phases ...

Разделяться на части

A single large continent (Pangaea) formed during the Proterozoic and remained as a single unit until it broke apart during ...

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These vivid descriptions sparked (or stimulated) his interest in science. Раззенковывать [см. Зенковать].


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This enzyme breaks down starch.

In scanning, the picture must be broken down into lines of successive elements. A pure substance that can be broken down into two or more ... The picture is broken into the sequence of elemental parts by the process of scanning. Hydrogen, oxygen, ... cannot be resolved into simpler substances.
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