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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Рабочий режим [см. Режим].

Рабочий ход

The working stroke of the spindle can be varied steplessly.

Равен [см. тж. На равных основаниях (или правах), Не иметь себе равного, Одинаковый, При равных прочих условиях]

The power level equals (or is equal to) the heat loss. The power in the radiation field is the difference between ...

The electronegativity difference between chlorine and hydrogen is as great as that between nitrogen and hydrogen.

Равен или больше

If the electron energy is equal to or greater than an electronic transition of the atom,...

Равен нулю

On an asteroid, gravity is virtually nil (or zero).

Равен по величине

The maximum error must equal the step in magnitude (or must be equal to the step in magnitude).

Равен по величине и противоположен по знаку

The heat effect is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that of...

The flux linkage induces a voltage pulse that is equal but opposite to the one induced during the approach.

Равен по мощности

Ten solar energy plants match the power output of a large hydroelectric installation.

Равно как и [см. тж. А также]

This calculation, along with our findings, shows that ...

Generally, cutting tools for shapers, planers and lathes are similar, as are the mounting mediums. The diameter required in order to fulfil this condition depends upon the reaction-zone length as does the critical diameter.

Равновесие [см. В состоянии равновесия, Выводить из равновесия, Достигать равновесия, Находящиеся в равновесии, Не в равновесии с, Подвижное равновесие, При равновесии, Приводить в равновесие, Приходить в равновесие].

Равновесие нарушено

This delicate balance is disrupted in cancer tissue.

Равновесие устанавливается

An equilibrium is established according to the reaction of Eq. (17-77).

Равновесие фаз

Equilibrium between two phases ...

Равновесное положение

The particle is restored to its equilibrium position.

Равное расстояние [см. На равном расстоянии друг от друга]. Равномерно

The adsorbed chromia is evenly distributed over the surface.

A uniformly impregnated substance was obtained.

The hot metal fills the mould cavity gradually and uniformly. Равномерное распределение


Равномерное распределение

This ensures even (or uniform) distribution of materials.


To ensure even (or uniform) pressure across the width of...

To ensure steady running of the crusher under fluctuating feed conditions,...

Равномерный по толщине

The plate is uniform across the width (or in thickness).

Равноотстоять от

All five carbons in the ring are equidistant from the manganese.


Equally spaced (or Equidistant) notches indicate...

Равноотстоящий от

All points on the plane should be equidistant (or equally spaced, or at an equal distance) from a

remote point at the right.

A point equidistant from two given intersecting lines ...

Равноправный [см. На равных основаниях (или правах)].

Равносильно заявлению о том, что

This is tantamount to stating that the

enzyme binds only single-stranded DNA.


The rotational spectra consist of equally spaced absorption lines. All points on a profile are equidistant from a common centre.

Равноценен [см. тж. На равных основаниях (или правах)]

Magnesium perchlorate is the equal of (or is equal to) any desiccant from the standpoint of drying efficiency.


The two series are equal.

Равны по величине

The controlling air impulses are equal in magnitude (or size). These fractions are equal in value (or have the same value).

Равны по величине и противоположны по знаку

Na and Nb are equal (in value) but opposite in sign.

Равны по высоте

The resulting chromatographic peaks were equal in height.

Равный [см Приравнивать к].

Равный и противоположный

There is an equal and opposite charge on the other plate.

In a circular orbit the gravitational force is equal and opposite to the centrifugal force.

Равный или меньший

This diameter must be equal to, or smaller than, the distance between ...

Равный нулю

It is equal to (or equals) zero. Равный по величине и противоположный по направлению [см. тж. Равны по величине и ]


Равный по величине и противоположный по направлению [см. тж. Равны по величине и ] This force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the Coriolis acceleration (or and opposed to it in direction).

Равным образом

It has been shown already how electromagnetic radiation can interact with the ground state to produce an excited state; in an equivalent manner a photon can interact with an excited state to produce a ground state.


Substituting ... , we find that the period of revolution comes out (or is equal) to 27.3 days.

Радар, предотвращающий столкновения A collision-avoidance radar.

Ради [см. Для].

Радиация [см. Защита от излучения, Падающее излучение, Под облучением].
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