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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
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The part is hard to get at (or difficult to reach).


The Table lists most difficult-to-machine alloys.


Stubborn mathematical problems ...

Трудности на пути к достижению этой цели

The main difficulties encountered in reaching this goal were energy loss processes involving ...

Трудность [см. тж. Более серьёзные трудности, чем; Возникают трудности; Вызывать

затруднения; Выходить из затруднения; Испытывать затруднения; Не представлять затруднений; Представлять затруднения; Преодоление трудности; Создавать большие затруднения]

Thus we avoid some of the problems (or difficulties) associated with bypassing.

Трудные условия [см. тж. Тяжёлые условия] Severe (or Arduous) cutting conditions...

Трудный [см. Весьма трудный, Сложный].

Трудный вопрос

The nervous system presents two of the most challenging questions of contemporary biology. Трудоёмкий

Activation analysis can be very time consuming (or labour consuming, or labour intensive, or arduous, or laborious).

In general this is a cumbersome (or tedious) procedure, but simple expressions are available for...

Трудосберегающее устройство Labour-saving device.

Трущиеся поверхности

Friction (or Rubbing) surfaces. Трущиеся части


Трущиеся части

All internal parts, except those actually in rubbing contact,... Rubbing components (or Friction parts).

Туго входить [см. Входить туго в].

Туго завинчивать

Screw the plug in hard to avoid leakage at high pressure.

Туго закрученная спираль

The cavity contains a tightly wound helix consisting of a complex containing RNA and the protein

N (biol.).

Туго затягивать гайку

Screw up the nut strongly (or tight).

Туго намотанный на каркас

A large number of turns of insulated wire wound close together on a form ...

Туго поджимать винт

Firmly tighten the screw.

The screws should be securely tightened.


A high-melting (or refractory) alloy ...

Тупиться [см. Затупляться].

Турбопривод [см. С турбоприводом].

Тусклый блеск

The surface was polished to a dull lustre.


When lead is freshly cut it has a bright lustre, but soon dulls due to the formation of... As the light of the phosphorescent material slowly decays,...

Тушить дугу [см. тж. Гасить дугу]

At the end of the run the "stop" push button is pressed which extinguishes (or puts out, or quenches) the arc.

Тушить пожар

The foam is effective in putting out oil fires.

Тщательно I [см. тж. Весьма тщательно, Детально]

They examined the source more closely with the aid of the new telescope.

If we had worked more exhaustively (or laboriously) we would have succeeded in preparing ...

One enzyme that has been thoroughly explored is ...

The design of a tower frame must be worked out with care.

Rate of fuel flow must be carefully (or closely) controlled.

Тщательно II

Pulp particles and reagents are mixed much more intimately than is possible with open type agitators.

Тщательно дистиллированный Carefully distilled water...

Тщательно изучать [см. тж. Более тщательно изучать]

It became clear that a detailed look at the model was required before ... Тщательно изучаться


The subject has been studied extensively (or thoroughly).

Physical chemistry should be closely stud-ied at this point.

Тщательно изучаться

This problem is (now) under active study.

Molecular diffusion in stagnant media has been the subject of much study (or has received much study) for more than a century.

Тщательно изучен

The alkali metals are the most thoroughly studied of all the metals. This possibility has been given careful (or painstaking) study.

Тщательно наблюдать за

Mount Baker is being closely (or carefully) observed because it has been recently showing signs of renewed eruptive activity.

Тщательно наблюдать за больным

Under these circumstances the patient should be carefully followed up (or observed).

Тщательно перемешанный

A well-stirred electrolyte ...

Тщательно перемешаны

The solute vapour species are mixed thoroughly (or intimately) with the diluent.

Тщательно подобранные по размеру

These gas producers require carefully sized lumps of coal.

Тщательно рассмотреть

We should examine this problem more closely.

Тщательно регулировать

The atmosphere must be controlled closely (or carefully); slight variations in carbon content of the gas have serious effects on ...

Тщательно следить за

In operating a wet cooling tower one must pay close attention to the condition of the water.

It is well to keep a close watch on the valve.

The refrigerating engineer should keep a watchful (or sharp) eye on the cargo being loaded. Watch the manometer carefully.

Тщательно следить за тем, чтобы

Much care must be taken to avoid the accidental puncture of a blood vessel. Great care must be exercised to prevent din from entering the pump. Take good care that the shaft should run smoothly.
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