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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Недолго существовать [см. тж. Существовать недолго] The life span of the Cambridge machine was brief.

Недолговечный [см. Иметь короткий срок службы, Существовать недолго].


In high-performance systems, с0 /r0 = 0.98 may well be intolerable. If the hole will be exposed, the chipped edge cannot be tolerated (or is impermissible). No leaks can be tolerated in the lines between...


The instrument is moderately (or reasonably) priced (or inexpensive, or not expensive). The machine is of moderate cost.


Because of an oversight in construction, the shells were ...

Недоставать [см. тж. Обладать недостатком] What was lacking (or missing) in the

mutants was a protein that has...


The accounts of these observers fall somewhat short of objectivity.

Недостаток I [см. тж. Дефект, Достоинства и недостатки, Серьёзный недостаток, Страдать недостатком, Устранять дефект]

The trouble with this hypothesis is that the clouds would have collapsed completely ... Unfortunately, there was one flaw in this theory. The drawback to this process is that... There are obvious pitfalls in this method.

The chief drawback (or disadvantage, or shortcoming) of hydrogen is the hazard of fire if... A limitation (or failing, or weakness, or flaw) of this method is that a breakdown at any station slops the entire line.

Недостаток II [см. тж. Восполнять недостаток, Испытывать недостаток, Ликвидировать недостаток, Нехватка]

A deficiency of this vitamin in the diet leads to scurvy. The electrode having a deficit of electrons is called the anode.

Drilling was discontinued because of lack (or shortage, or scarcity) of adequate equipment.

Недостаток кислорода в атмосфере

Oxygen-deficient atmospheres can lead to suffocation. Недостаток места [см. Ввиду нехватки места].


Недостаток места [см. Ввиду нехватки места].

Недостаток рабочей силы

Shortage of hands (or labour).

Недостаточно [см. тж. Мало, Не хватать]

The nearby islands are inadequate to give the harbour full protection from the seas. Vegetable proteins are deficient in amino acid lysine. Where fuel is lacking ... We are short of high-speed drills.

Недостаточно вентилируемый [см. Плохо вентилируемый].

Недостаточно изучен [см. Недостаточно исследован].

Недостаточно исследован

The region very near the wall has not been

adequately explored (or investigated, or studied).

The mechanism of the process is as yet imperfectly (or little) understood.

The factors influencing gas release are still not clearly understood.

Недостаточно разработан

This theory is not sufficiently advanced to


Недостаточное понимание

Our lack of understanding of ... prevents us from obtaining ...

Недостаточный [см. тж. Обладать недостатком] Deficient air supply is indicated by ...

The rate of response of the conventional synchronizing system is quite often inadequate to synchronize the motor.

Uranium resources appeared scarce in relation to the projected needs.

The most critical deterrent of the use of martensitic steels is their inadequate corrosion resistance.

Deficient (or Poor) nutrition associated with fire diseases.

No qualitative interferences owing to a lack of solvent purity have been observed.


Absolute zero is thus unattainable.


The unattainability of absolute zero ...

Недоступен для наблюдения [см. Невозможно наблюдать].


The cost of placing transmission systems underground is prohibitive.

Недоступный для

Such toughness levels previously were beyond the reach of iron foundry products.

Недра земли [см. тж. В недрах земли]

The interior of the Earth (or The Earth's interior) contains an appreciable amount of...

Нежелательная примесь

The compound is free from troublesome (or unwanted, or undesirable) impurities.


This is undesirable from the corrosion standpoint. Нежелательный



To reduce unwanted (or undesirable) side effects,...

The two sidebands, one wanted and the other unwanted, can be separated.

Delays of this order would be objectionable.

Независимо друг от друга

The jaws are operated independently of one another.

Независимо от

Navigation equipment operates totally independent of terrestrial navigation aids.

The thickness of the coils was recorded independently of the gaugemeter from a contact


For maintaining the same direction of flow irrespective (or regardless) of the direction of the pump rotation,...

Under these conditions one of the three filters is never required, no matter what the colour of the negative.

The fatigue limit is the highest stress which, regardless of the number of times it is repeated, will not cause fracture.

Whatever the material (is), the walls of the vessel must...

The change from one method of steering to the other can be made without regard to the relative positions of...
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