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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Не так уж удивительно, что

It is no great surprise that sand-sized sediments are predominantly quartz.

Не такой, какого можно было бы ожидать

The behaviour of ... is not that which is normally expected.

Не такой сильный

Chlorite is not as strong an oxidizing agent as sodium hypochlorite.

Не терять эффективности

The compound solutions do not become inoperative by saturation.

Не только [см. тж. А не только]

It is not the mere attainment of low temperatures that stimulates attempts to achieve them.

The new cooling systems do more than speed the heat treating operation.

Not only is background interference being reduced by choice of wavelength, but...

Не только... , но и

Thus the histories may be compared not only between regions on a given continent, but between continents as well.

Not only do these histone modifications occur at specific sites in the molecules, but they also occur at specific times during the cell cycle.

Не требовать высокой квалификации

Lathe operation is fast, automatic and requires little (operator) skill.

Не требовать ухода

The relays offer freedom of maintenance. Не требуется


Не требуется

A high degree of precision is not warranted (or needed, or necessary) here ...

Не требующий обслуживания

A maintenance-free triple filtration system...

Не увенчаться успехом

Such attempts have not met with success (or have not been successful, or have been unsuccessful, or have failed).

Не удаваться

Early attempts to understand the properties

of matter by solving the wave equation fared poorly (or have not met with success).

With a laser, this approach fails.

They failed to establish an immediate connection.

Не удивительно что

It comes as no surprise (or It is not surprising) that...

Small (or No) wonder that we have witnessed an enormous increase in scientific knowledge of... After such a success it is little wonder that plans were drawn up for ...

Не указывать названия [см. Название которого не указано].

Не указывая [см. Без указания].

Не упоминаться

No mention has been made of the fact that...

Не успевать

The explosive force moves so fast that air has no time to leave the die.

Sorbite is a form of pearlite in which the iron carbide has not had time (or has not managed) to


Не успевать следить за

These motions are too fast for the eye to follow.

Не установлен [см. Неясен].

Не уступать

The output of the machine is highly competitive with that of a motorized scraper.

Copper is as good as mercury for the reduction of sorbic acid.

The capacitance uniformity of our diode compares well with CaAs epitaxial diodes.

Не утруждать

I will spare you the actual calculations.

Не учитывать I [см. тж. Без учёта. Игнорировать, Не принимать во внимание, Пренебрегать]

No account has been taken in this calculation of heat production from Th, U.

These calculations ignored the vast quantities of salt which are present in sedimentary sequences.

All these theories fail to account for the actual behaviour of the muscle tremor.

The homogeneous conversion in liquid hydrogen is slow and can be neglected (or disregarded, or


The theoretically predicted pressure takes no account of [or does not take into account (or consideration)/ the roughness of the punch.

Не учитывать II [см. тж. Упускать из виду]

The amateur tends to overlook the importance of the thermometer. Не учитываться


Не учитываться

The higher harmonics are disregarded [or are not taken into consideration (or account)] here. Amplitude variations are ignored by such systems. Periodic fluctuations in gauge have been neglected.

Не ущемляя интересов

The salt imported with irrigation waters should be exported without harming the interests of water users downstream.

Не хватает для обеспечения

This amount falls short of the basic requirements of the body.

Не хватать

Vegetable proteins are deficient in amino acid lysine. The smokeless coals are in short supply. It wanted but a few days before he should... A number of details are still lacking.

Не центруется с

If the milling spindle is off-centre relative to the workpiece,...

Не часто [см. Редко]. Не что иное как

These furnaces are nothing more nor less than (or nothing but, or simply) ovens lined with ...

Не чувствовать боли [см. Не испытывать боли].

Не являться исключением

Geology is no exception.

Не являться неожиданностью для

This kind of reaction comes as no surprise to a physicist.

Не являться чем-то новым для

Cosmic jets are not new to astronomers.

Не ясно

However, how the stimulus produces the generator potential is not understood. What function this element played was not evident (or clear).


The nonabsorbed beam of X-rays ...

Небесное тело

The Moon is the only heavenly (or celestial) body that is not self-luminous.
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