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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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An additional resistor should be used in conjunction with a single capacitor. Cast integral with the bed at each end are aprons to collect the oil from the sideways.

Вместе с ним

We saw no way of removing ash from the bed without removing a large amount of carbon along with it.

Вместо [см. тж. А не, Подстановка N вместо М]

Mount a piece of translucent paper in place of the film.

It is customary to use molality rather than mole fraction of the solute.

The use of this term rather than AG is usually preferable.

Aluminium alloys have been used as alternatives to copper for overhead lines.

In place (or In lieu, or Instead) of the usual fuse, a bimetallic circuit breaker is used.

The flame-arc lamp radiates light from the arc instead of from the electrode.

Вместо него

This variety, while lacking the с subunit, had a much heavier one named у in its stead. Table salt is the most common source, but other compounds may serve instead.

Вместо того, чтобы

Rather than wait for years for an appropriate earthquake, the petroleum prospectors generate their own sound waves.

Вместо этого [см. тж. Или же]

A given boundary segment need not consist of only one boundary type; instead, the segment may be made up of ...


This length accommodates ten nucleotide pairs. The cavity will house a large detector. The car holds 20 tons of material. This automobile accommodates five passengers.

The plant has been designed to accommodate four additional furnaces at a later date. The auditorium holds (or seats) 50 people.

Вмещать неограниченное количество

There is no limit to the volume of new plutonic rock that can be accommodated in the crust.

Вмещающий их

Concretions are distinguished from the sedimentary matrix enclosing them by ... A container holding the equivalent amount of gasoline ... Вмонтированный



The amplifier has built-in power supplies.

The motor built into the driving drum ...

Special devices built into the lank ...

Figure 2 shows the instrument fitted into a pipeline.

The transfer pot incorporated in the top section of the mould ...

The indexing unit incorporated into a machine tool...

The by-pass capacitors mounted (or incorporated) in the unit...

Вначале [см. тж. Первоначально, Сначала]

On the far side of the Moon a similar powder will remain fixed at the place where it originally (or initially) fell upon the surface. Chemists originally believed that ...

At first (or In the beginning, or Initially) the machine operated trouble free.

At the outset (or From the start) it seemed possible that...

The plant will operate at lower power to start (or begin) with.

Early in the game we built a sled on which we mounted the exposure chamber.

Вне [см. тж. За пределами]

These points lie exterior to the curve.

Outside (of) the sheath, the electron and ion densities are unperturbed.

Beyond the Earth's atmosphere ...

The set of points exterior to the circle ...

All points external to the profile ...

An off-axis point ...

The points which lie off these lines ...

Outside the building ...

Вне власти

These errors are beyond the control of the analyst. This is beyond the power of scientists.

Вне всякого сомнения

Those meteorites that were actually seen to fall established beyond question (or a doubt) that extraterrestrial rocks were arriving from space.

The tests confirm beyond any reasonable (or possible) doubt that the dipolarionic formulation is the best description.

Вне клетки

The resulting compounds may accumulate extracellularly. Вне помещения [см. Внутри и вне помещений, На открытом воздухе]. Вне пределов

Activation energy and the paths of chemical reactions are outside the province (or domain, or realm) of thermodynamics.

Вне пределов досягаемости

This would require a tower with a thermal efficiency of 10 percent, which in practice is beyond reach.

Вис страны [см. Внутри страны и вне ее]. Внедрять

Our interest in promoting (or introducing) efficient methods of roadway maintenance... Внеземного происхождения


Внеземного происхождения

It is certain that much of the organic material in carbonaceous chondrites is of extraterrestrial origin.

Внесение поправки

After applying the corrections for self-induction of instruments ...

Внести поправку на

It is important to correct (or introduce a correction) for the deceleration of the wave.

This result has to be corrected for the factor ... in Eq. (9.86), which has been neglected thus far.


The organometallic process is at least superficially similar to biological fixation.

Внешне напоминать

Fired enamels resemble organic coating in appearance (or outwardly resemble ...). Sorocarps superficially (or outwardly) resemble simple plants.

The spectra of the known extragalactic point sources such as quasars often bear a superficial resemblance to the spectrum of the Crab Nebula. These dryers are similar in appearance to...
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