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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Внешне напоминать друг друга

These animals are similar in appearance.

Внешнее и внутреннее освещение

Outdoor and interior lighting.

Внешнее оформление [см. Красивое внешнее оформление].

Внешнее покрытие

A new outer coating for ships ...

Внешнее поле

Any magnetic system with an appreciable external field ...

Внешнее проявление

External manifestations are the emission of light and a hissing sound.

Внешние стенки

Exterior (or Outer) walls.

Внешний [см. тж. Наружный]

The laser is the external light source whose radiation...

Внешний вид [см. тж. Для красоты, По внешнемувиду]

Igneous rocks were named for their visual appearance. Etching changes the appearance of the finish.

Drawing of the interior layout and exterior appearance (of a building)... Fig. 13. Exterior view of a modern substation. The general external (or outward) appearance of this machine is... An external view of the plant is shown in Fig. 5.

Внешний вид кристалла The crystal habit.

Внешний мир

To transfer heat from the reactor core to the outside world,...

Внешний слой [см. тж. Внутренние и наружные слои]

The weave consists of an inner layer of ... and an outer layer of... Внешняя граница


Внешняя граница

The outer boundary of the region surrounding the collector contact...

Внешняя коррозия

External corrosion.

Внешняя поверхность [см. тж. Наружная поверхность]

This colloid was adsorbed on the outer surfaces of the pellets.

Внешняя сила

Xi is the outside force per unit mass at cell i.

Внешняя среда [см. Влияние внешней среды на]. Внешняя сторона [см. С внешней стороны].

Вниз по склону

The geologists moved downhill.

Вниз и вверх по течению от

Temporary cofferdams are built both downstream and upstream of (or from) the site.

Вниз фланцем

Place the mercury level gauge, flange downwards, in the upstream chamber.


The colder, denser air lies at the bottom.

Внизу и наверху

The layers change in texture from coarse at the bottom to fine at the top.

Внизу посредине

See Fig. 2, bottom centre.

Внизу слева

The crater on the lower left has ...

Внизу страницы

The lamp is illustrated at the bottom of the page.

Внизу таблицы

The electrodes low down in (or at the bottom of) the table have a tendency to ...

Вникать глубже в

To obtain further insight into the problem, ...

Внимание концентрируется на

Attention now focusses on the possible pathways for...

Внимательное рассмотрение [см. тж. Из внимательного рассмотрения... видно, что] Close inspection of these data shows that... A close look at the map will show that ...

Внимательный [см. Более внимательное рассмотрение].

Внимательный наблюдатель

To the careful observer, the evidence of this slow movement of the soil may be seen in...


A newly (or freshly) plastered house ... A newly synthesized material... Вновь введённый (в строй)


Вновь введённый (в строй)

The newly commissioned wind tunnel...

Вновь загруженный

The arm can be swung down to form a stop for locating a freshly-loaded blank.

Вновь образовавшийся

Lavas were erupted along the newly formed continental margins. A newborn star...

Вновь открытый (или обнаруженный) A newly discovered deposit...

Вновь приобретать [см. тж. Возвращаться к]

The water returns to (or regains, or again takes on) its normal colour. Then the gel resumes its original form.

Вновь пробуждать интерес к

The introduction of the laser to spectroscopy is causing a rebirth of interest in the spectroscopic study of atoms and molecules.

Recent investigations of ... have rekindled interest in the origin of the Earth-Moon system.

Вновь разработанный

Newly developed techniques...

Вновь сконструированный

Newly designed systems.

Вносимая ошибка

The error incurred in (or introduced by) assuming that...


The free energy contributed by the components of ... Вносить [см. Вводить]. Вносить в

This kind of proof injects (or introduces) an empirical element into mathematics.

Вносить в гранки

Corrections and changes by the author are entered on the galley proofs.

Вносить в список

To enter in the list.

I put his address on my list for a visit tomorrow. Вносить вклад в

Once trapped, the carrier will be unable to contribute (or make a contribution) to (or increase)

the conductivity of the material.

Thus the width of the region contributing to lasing is uncontrolled.

Вносить вклад в... размере

Each methylene group contributes 156.5 cal/mol to the heat of combustion.

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These rays contribute significantly to the total ray power.

Вносить изменения

Use of scraper units has brought about a change in the stripping procedures. To make (or introduce) alterations (or changes) in ... Вносить ошибку (или погрешность) в


The firm can easily make (or incorporate) modifications.
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