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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Возбуждать на... состояние (физ.)

The first two pulses excite the electron to an intermediate state.

Возведе'ние в степень

The tedious operations of computing powers and roots ... This may be proved by cubing (возведением в третью степень). Powering both sides of the equation ... Raising to a power...

Возведённый в степень

The force is proportional to the pressure limes (умноженному на) the opening to the three halves

power (в степени три вторых).

Возводить в квадрат

To (take the) square (of) the value of... Возводить в степень


Возводить в степень

F is raised to the third power.

Возвратно-поступательное движение [см. Совершать возвратно-поступательное движение].

Возвращать в атмосферу

The movements of air restore to the atmosphere the heat lost by radiation into space.

Возвращать в первоначальное положение

On completion of this check the resistance thermometer connections must be replaced in their original position.

This automatically restores the pump unit to its position ready for the next power stroke.

Возвращаться в

The tar is recycled to the gas generator so as to achieve complete gasification. Virtually all organic nitrogen is recycled (back) to the atmosphere.

Возвращаться в первоначальное положение

When the welding has been completed the table returns to (or regains) its original position for unloading.

Возвращаться в... положение

As a result, the control valve is reset to the central position.

Возвращаться в седло (о клапане)

The valve will reseat quickly at a higher pressure.

Возвращаться в ... состояние

The electron reverts to the original state.

Возвращаться к [см. тж. Вновь приобретать]

We revert (or return) to our previous analogy.

?-sulphur turns back to its a-form if sublimed at abt. 320 К.

Then the material reverts to the metallic state.

The plant is now back to normal operation.

The crystal regains its original dimensions.

Each of these molecules is restored to its original form.

We revert to the ideal-gas expression.

Возвращаться к первоначальной форме

Then the material recovered (or regained) its original shape.

Возвращаться к первоначальному состоянию

This brings the voltage back to its original state.

Возвращающийся в земную атмосферу [или в атмосферу Земли]

This is the same process that cools the heat shield of a space vehicle reentering the atmosphere.

Возвращаясь к

Turning back (or Reverting, or Returning) to Fig. 5, we see that...

Возвращение [см. тж. На обратном пути]

From the crushers, the stone is fed back to the bucket elevator for recirculation to the screen. The recovery of equipment from orbit...

Возвращение в атмосферу Земли [или в земную атмосферу] Reentry (into the Earth's atmosphere). Возвышаться на


Возвышаться на

Several mountain peaks rise to heights of 4 to 5 km.

Возвышаться над

Turtle Mountain looms 1,000 m above the valley.

Возвышающийся над

A mountain mass rising above the adjacent lowlands...


He took charge of the project.

Возгораться [см. тж. Зaropaться] Graphite ignites at red heat.

The mixture will inflame if slightly damped with water...

Возгораться в воздухе

Magnesium takes fire in air if ...

Возгораться самопроизвольно [см. Самопроизвольно возгораться].


The protective framework is erected (or put up).

Воздействие [см. тж. Действие, Испытыватьвоздействие, Коррозионное воздействие, Под действием, Подвергаться воздействию]

Acetylides are prepared by the action of acetylene on ...

The effect (or influence) of the environment (up)on animals ...

Failures after exposure to elevated temperatures have become more evident.

The action of zinc is the most convenient for laboratory preparations of hydrogen.

The alloy is resistant to attack by fluorine.

The effect is achieved by a 10-minute exposure to gamma rays.

Воздействие атмосферы

Exposure to the atmosphere.

Воздействие загрязнений на человека The continuous exposure of man to many natural pollutants is great enough.

Воздействие микробов

Methane may be able to polymerize into crude oil under catalytic action, including microbial action.

Воздействие на

Subjection of rocks to (or Action on rocks by) alternate heating and cooling has produced significant results.

Воздействовать [см. На... действует].

Воздействовать на I [см. тж. Действовать на, Не воздействовать на, Обрабатывать, Оказывать действие на]

The acid attacks the hydrogen carbonate.

The magnetic oscillations in the waves act on charged particles, causing them to vibrate. Dichlorohydrins may be reacted with lime to produce epichlorohydrin. Sodium hydroxide yields ... when acted upon by cold water. We react ammonia with various acids.

A variety of bacteria in the soil can operate on these compounds and convert them to nitrates. Воздействовать на II


Воздействовать на II
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