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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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13) вдобавок (в дополнение)_

14) в конце концов _—_

15) сомнительный (скользкий) путь_

16) не расчитывайте на_

17) помните_

18) большинство, если не все_

19) не будет так значимо_

20) коль скоро (поскольку) ___

Упражнение 18. Mark the right tense of the predicate: Отметьте, в каком времени стоит сказуемое:

Настоящее Прошедшее Будущее
lists V
has developed
are і
have been issued
are registered
will be important
don't count
won't matter

211 Английский для пользователей ПК

Упражнение 19. Translate the predicates underlined in the text. Переведите подчеркнутые в Тексте сказуемые.

Упражнение 20. То test yourself translate the bold sentences: Переведите выделенные жирным шрифтом предложения:


"Domania" Rules the World Wide Web

by Bill Gates

A broker of Internet Domain names lists _

"billgates.com" for Sale for $ 1 million.

I'm told the name, an Internet address MHg СКЭЗЭЛИ

has been advertised for months but remains unsold.

Perhaps I should be flattered that somebody imagines the name Is worth so much,

especially since my parents gave the same _

name 42 years ago to me.

Many domain names carrying outrageous

price tags have been on the market for a _

long time and like billgates.com, may never sell. Why would somebody pay $135,000 for Internet address childsplay.com, $300,000 for treesco.com, or $ 1.5 million for digitalimagery.com?

On the other hand, a market has devel- _

oped for domain names that sell for a few hundred or even thousands of dollars. A fellow I know recently paid a broker $225 for the name farside.com, which he then gave to a friend, the cartoonist Gary Larson, creator of the Far Side cartoons .

Asking prices for domain names are of- _

ten between $500 and $2,000, and it's not uncommon for really good names to fetch

$5, 000 or more. A media company Eaid $7, ООО _

for search.com and $15,000 for tv.com. Every once in a while, a name sells for

212 Урок 17

much more; business.com reportedly sold for $150,000.

But the vast majority of the domain names that have been issued in the US so far have cost their owners $100 each — the amount Network Solutions (rs.internic.net) charges to register an unused name.

To get a name for $100 you have to be следует 0ЫТЬ the first person or company to register it, and you may have to defend against infringement claims if the name is similar to someone else's trademark. Courts

have shown an understanding willingness _

to take domain names away from people who

have registered somebody else's trademark. _

Until you know the rules of Internet names, it's easily to be confused by them.

A domain name consists of a word or other _

collection of letters and numbers, followed by a period and an identifier known as a "top-level domain name," most often ".com." Additional words or letters tacked in front of a domain name may be part of a

Web address, but they aren't part of the _

actual domain name. Word or characters

that follow a slash after the top-level _

domain name aren't part of the domain name either.

For example, my company's domain name is microsoft.com. It is part of the e-mail address at which I receive questions:

askbill@microsoft.com. You can reach my com- _

pany's Web site by typing into a browser either microsoft.com or www.microsoft.com — but "www." is not part of the domain name. My personal Web page is microsoft.com/ billgates, but "billgates" is not part of the domain name.

The most popular domain names use the _

top-level domain of .com. The letters- are an abbreviation for "commercial." Other

top-level domains include ".net" for net- _

213 Английский для пользователей ПК

• work, ".org" for organization and ".edu"

for educatiqn. In addition, there are geo- _

graphic domains. For example, ".it" for Italy, ".us" for the United States - although the .us domain is seldom used. Each country has its own way of handling registrations .

The non-geographic domains such as . com are administered under the supervision of управляются the United States government simply because much of the Internet's initial funding came through the National Science Foun- _

dation. The U.S. government is proposing to _

hand supervision over to a U.S.-based nonprofit organization - a prudent and very

positive step. In the long run it will be _

important to internationalize governance because the Internet is worldwide medium. The growth in domain-name registrations

is staggering. Now more than 125,000 new _

names are registered each month in the _

U.S. Perhaps as many as 1 million additional names have been registered out- были side the U.S. зарегистрированы Should you buy a domain name? If you have an actual use for a name that is available inexpensively, then yes.

On the other hand, if you're buying a _
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