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Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 2 - Мелуа А.И

Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 2 - Мелуа А.И

Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 2

Автор: Мелуа А.И
Издательство: Гуманистика
Год издания: 2011
Страницы: 481
ISBN 5-86050-340-7
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Скачать: dokumentigizni22011.pdf

of Life and Activity
of the NOBEL Family
Серия изданий по истории Нобелевского движения как социального феномена ХХ века
Российская Биографическая Энциклопедия “Великая Россия”
Приложение к Российской Биографической Энциклопедии (РБЭ)
Наблюдательный Совет РБЭ: поч. проф. Я.Я. Голко - председатель; поч. проф.
В.Я. Сквирский, зам. председателя; проф. В.П. Берснев, академик РАН Ю.С. Васильев, проф. А.Д. Викторов, проф. А.А. Горбунов, проф. В.Ф. Даниличев, проф. ген.-лейт. П.И. Дубок, проф. ген.-майор В.А. Золотарев, академик РАН П.П. Лаверов, член-корр. РАМН Н.А. Майстренко, проф. И.А. Максимцев, проф. А.И. Мелуа, поч. проф. В.Р. Мигуренко, академик РАН А.Д. Ноздрачев, член-корр. РАНВ.В. Окрепилов, проф. А.И. Потапов, поч. проф. М.Р. Румянцев, проф. НП. Селиванов, поч. проф. В.Л. Станкевич, проф. А.И. Степанов, проф. Л.С. Тарасевич, поч. проф. В.Г. Тыминский, проф. А.Ф. Уткин, член-корр. РАН И.Б. Ушаков, проф. А.И. Федотов, член-корр. РАМН В.Х. Хавинсон
Documents of Life and Activity of the Nobel Family
1801 - 1932
Edited by Prof. A.I. Melua Volume 2.
St. Petersburg «Humanistica» 2011
Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель
1801 - 1932
Под ред. профессора А.И. Мелуа
Том 2.
Санкт-Петербург « Гуманистика» 2011
Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель. 1SG1 - 1932 / Под ред. профессора А.И. Мелуа. Том 2. - Санкт-Петербург: «Гуманистика», 2Gii. - 4SG с., илл.
Научное издательство «Гуманистика» продолжает публикацию документов жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель в России. Очередной второй том издания включает, в основном, работы, подготовленные как членами семьи Нобель, так и работавшими на их предприятиях специалистами. Эти документы представляют интерес в связи с выставкой «Семья Нобель в России», которую мы планируем открыть летом этого года в Хельсинки.
Documents of Life and Activity of the Nobel Family. 1801 - 1932 / Edited by Prof. A.I. Melua. Volume 2. - St. Petersburg: J.S.C. Humanistica Publishers, 2011. - 480 pp. with illustrations.
Scientific Publishing House «Humanistica» continues publication of documents referring to the life and activities of the Nobels in Russia. The next, second volume mainly includes the papers, prepared both by the members of the Nobel Family and experts employed at their companies. The documents are of interest in view of the Nobel Family in Russia Exhibition, which we plan to open this summer in Helsinki.
ISBN 5-86050-340-7
www.humanistica.ru www.nobel-review.com
© ЗАО «Гуманистика», 2011
Scientific Publishing House «Humanistica» continues publication of documents referring to the life and activities of the Nobels in Russia. The next, second volume mainly includes the papers, prepared both by the members of the Nobel Family and experts employed at their companies. The documents are of interest in view of the Nobel Family in Russia Exhibition, which we plan to open this summer in Helsinki.
The first small group of documents is dedicated to science and not to manufacture. Yevgeniy Polyakov and Svetlana Sereda, research workers from the Russian Academy of Sciences, arranged and summed up the records of the Academy of Sciences (for the period from 1890 to 1919), illustrating Emanuel Nobel’s contribution to scientific research. It is obvious that an overall commitment to the Swedish roots of Emanuel Nobel and academician Oscar Baklund, the Director of Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, helped not only their friendship but patronage programs as well. In 1890 Emanuel donated Repsold apparatus for photographing the sky and stars to the Academy of Sciences. Emanuel gave the German firm of Repsold & Sons a cheque for 1300 German Marks and in March, 1891 the apparatus was in the physics room of the Academy of Sciences. In future Emanuel paid the research workers, who used the apparatus. A year later, in April, 1892 Emanuel donated money to pay for the computation office (data on comets and planets movement was processed there).
A Seismic Station was set up in Baku on the donations of Emanuel Nobel as well.
Publications of results of joint research in the Arctic conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (1899-1901) were also subsidized by Emanuel Nobel in 1914 and were of considerable interest to science.
The annex to the article by E. Polyakov and S. Sereda provides detailed information about the participants work at the time, including the Swedish scientists.
Publication of the Regulations of St. Petersburg chess hobby group, founded by the employees of Nobel Brothers Association, takes place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the hobby group foundation. The document is not known to today’s participants of chess tournaments. In December, 2010 there was a joint session of the Council of Scientific Publishing House “Humanistica” and St. Petersburg Chess Federation. Grand master Mark Taimanov spoke at the session and paid a lot of attention to the contribution of the Nobels to the arrangement of St. Petersburg cultural life. One of the evidences of that is the chess hobby group. In the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX centuries chess hobby groups were only emerging in Russian cities. That helped to unite people at the enterprises as representatives of various social classes met at chess tournaments.
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