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Времена в английском языке - Шмелев В.М.

Шмелев В.М. Времена в английском языке — Казань, 2000. — 148 c.
ISBN 5-7579-0386-4
Скачать (прямая ссылка): vremenavanglyazike2000.djv
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16.Он нес газету, и, когда мы попали в одно купе, он сидел в одном углу, читал ее, а я читал объявления. 17. На каждой станции он смотрел поверх газеты, не выхожу ли я. 18. Я очень устал от такого преследования, поэтому в конце концов я пошел и сел рядом с этим мужчиной и спросил его, почему он преследует меня. 19. Вначале он сказал, что вообще не преследует меня, но когда я пригрозил, что ударю его, он признался, что следит за мной. 20. Затем он сказал мне, что он - писатель детективов и пытается выяснить, трудно ли преследовать кого-нибудь незамеченным. 21. Я сказал ему, что он не был незаметным, так как я заметил его на Пиккадилли и посоветовал ему сбрить его рыжую бороду, если он не хочет, чтобы его жертва не знала, что за ней следят.
Упр.13. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол-сказуемое в соответствующей форме Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. Paul: I have played/have been playing football since I was five years old.
Tom: You (play) since you (come) to England?
Paul: Oh yes. I (play) quite a lot. I (join) a club the day after I (arrive).
2. Tom: You (play) any matches?
Paul: We (play) about ten. We have two more to play. We (have) a very good reason, we (win) all our matches so far, though we (not really deserve) to win the last one.
3. Tom: I (play) football when I (be) at school but when I (leave) school I (drop) it and (take) up golf.
4. Ann: Hello, Jack! I (not see) you for ages! Where you (be)?
Jack: I (be)in Switzerland. I (mean) to send you a postcard but I (not have) your address with me.
Ann: Never mind. You (have) a good time in Switzerland? How long you (be) there?
Jack: I (be) there for a month. I only just (get) back. Yes, I (enjoy) it thoroughly. I (ski) all day and (dance) all night.
5. Ann: I (ski) when I (be) at the university, but I (break) a leg five years ago and since then I (not do) any.
6. When I first (come) to this house, it (be) a very quiet. But^ince then a new housing estate (be built) and it (become) very noisy.
7. My son (not start) work yet. He’s still at the High School. - How long he (be) at school?- He (be) at the High School for six years, before that he (spend) five years at the Primary School in Windmill Street.
8.1 just (hear) that Peter is in Australia.- Oh, you (not know)? He (fly) out at the beginning of the month.- You (hear) from him? Does he like the life?- Yes, I (get) a letter last week. He (tell) me about his job. But he (not say) whether he (like) the life or not. Perhaps it's too soon to say. He only (be) there three weeks.
9. I (not know) you (be) left-handed.- I'm not left-handed, but my oil heater (explode) yesterday and I (bum) my right hand, so I have to use my left.
10. I hear that your MP, Mr Simpson, (make) a very clever speech last night. How long has he been your MP?- Oh, we have only had him since January. His predecessor Mr Allen (resign) suddenly because of ill-health and there (be) a by-election.
11. I hear that Mr Jones (leave).- Yes, he (leave) last week.- Anybody (be) appointed to take his place?- I believe several men (apply) for the job but so far nothing (be) decided.
12. Peter (meeting Ann at the airport): Hello, Ann. You (have) a good trip?
Ann: The actual flight (be) lovely, one of the best I (have) ever, but it (take) ages to get into the plane. First they (think) that one of us (be) a highjacker and they (search) us all for firearms, then they (announce) that one of the engines (be) faulty. We finally (take off) an hour later.
13. Peter: How you (spend) this extra hour before we take off?
Ann: Oh, they (take) us to the restaurant and (feed) us and we (walk) about and (buy) things we (not need). The time (pass) all right.
14. You (book) your hotel room yet?- Well, I (write) to the hotel last week but they (not ans\ver) yet.
15. Peter (meeting Paul unexpectedly in London): Hello, Paul! I (not know) you (be) here.
Paul: Oh, I (be) here nearly two months. I (arrive) on the 6th of January.
16. Peter: When we last (meet) you (say) that nothing would induce you to come to England. What (make) you change your mind?
Paul: I (find) that I (need) England for my work and this (seem) the quickest way of learning it.
17. Peter: You (know) any English when you first arrive?
Paul: No, I (not know) a word.
18. I (begin) English at secondary school and (do) it for three years. Then I (drop) it for a year and (forget) most of it. Then I (spend) two years at a secretarial college, where I (study) commercial English, and for the last six months I have studied/have been studying in London.
19. At 4 p.m. my neighbour (ring) up and (say), "Is Tom with you?" Tom, her son, (spend) most of his time in my garden playing with my children, so whenever she
(not be able) to find him she (ring) me." I'm afraid I (not see) him today." I (say): "But my children (go) to the beach this morning and (not come) back yet. Perhaps he (go) with them."
20.1 just (have) my first driving lesson.- How it (go)? You (enjoy) it?- Well, I not actually (hit) anything but I (make) every other possible mistake.
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