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Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов - Гольцова Е.В.

Гольцова Е.В. Английский язык для пользователей ПК и программистов — Спб.: Учитель и ученик, 2002. — 480 c.
ISBN 5-7931-0086-5
Скачать (прямая ссылка): englishdlyapolzpk2002.djvu
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II. What Is W2 Knews ?

Sunbelt W2Knews is the World's first and largest e-zine designed for NT/2000 System Admins and Power Users that need to keep these platform up & running. Every week we get you pragmatic, from-the-trenches news regarding NT/2000 and 3-rd party System Management Tools. W2Knews will help you to better understand NT/2000 and pass your Certification Exams. You will get breaking news like new tools, service packs, sites, or killer viruses via W2KNewsFlashes. Sunbelt Software is THE NT/ 2000 e-business system tools site,. At the end of this e-zine: links to all indexed and searchable back issues .

249 Английский для пользователей ПК


* Mo г е On the W 2 К n е w s HTML Version/ New " SunPoll

Hi NT/W2K-ers!

First of all, thanks VERY MUCH for the many hundreds of responses we got on the new HTML version. The vast majority of you loves it! But about 25% of you does not like HTML, and told me why. Good reasons too I might add. But first, I think I may not have been completely clear about how we are going to implement TXT vs. HTML for W2Knews. I talked about it since December, and already got a lot of feedback from you, so this is the way we are going to proceed. The normal TXT based issue will continue to appear on Monday. No change there. On Thursdays you will get an HTML version, and since you wanted the choice, this is a fully separate list called W2Knews-html. So, you can choose to receive just TXT, or both TXT and HTML (or neither of course if you are getting tired of me :-))

Since 75% of you wants HTML, I chose for the 'most efficient & least resources' approach. Next week, I'll send a TXT-based message to everyone, that allows you to UNSUB from the W2Knews-html list. It's a 'one-click' unsubscribe. But you will still get this normal TXT based newsletter on Mondays! If you would unsub like this, it'd be great. Thanks very much in advance. And you can always go to the new www.w2knews.com to read the Thursday html issues via the website there. Oh, and your privacy is just as protected with our HTML newsletter as with the existing TXT one. I'm looking forward to being able to get you the latest NT and W2K news in both formats.

And talking about that, how is everyone thinking about MCSE for W2K? The result of the most recent SunPoll is revealing. The question was "Which one of these W2K MCSE core exams will you be doing first?"

1) Windows 2000 Professional 42.48% - 421 votes

2) Windows 2000 Server 10.89% - 108 votes

3) Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure - 4.13% - 41 votes

4) Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure — 3.93% - 39 votes

5) None, I am too upset with Microsoft that they will nix my NT MCSE end of this year. 38.54% - 382 votes Урок 17

This proves first and foremost, about 60% of you are looking to get certified for W2K. Option #5 (forget it Microsoft!) came out a close second. Many of these will pursue other certifications like Cisco and Linux I'm sure. Our sponsor just below this Editor's Corner has an interesting offer for you if you want to go the Cisco route. Getting a bigger paycheck is what certification has been ail about in the past. And it will remain the case in the future. In a few years I think most of the MCSE's will choose to get W2K certified after all, and the fact that the next version of W2K (which I nicknamed W2K2) will grandfather in your W2K cert may help make that decision.

Упражнение 14. Translate paying special attention to different verb constructions: Переведите письменно или устно, уделяя особое внимание переводу сказуемых (разные глагольные конструкции) и проверьте себя по ключу:

Next, here is our NEW SUNPOLL:

"The media аШ rife with bad economic news. How is this influencing your budgets for system management tools?"

-г- Not at all. Budgets have been set and I can spend the approved dollars.

— Management told us to watch our cost a bit more, nothing drastic though.

— We are reducing our headcount and actually need more tools.

— All my tools budgets have been put on ice.

— I'm looking for a new job, my resume is on-line!

Please vote here, ills the first thing you see on the left side, http:// www.sunbelt-software.com And after voting, you can pick up your free copy of the STAT Discovery. Read all about it in the Tech Briefing of this week. Грамматика

Будущее время

Раздел грамматики этого урока очень короткий. Об употреблении и особенностях глагольных конструкций мы уже знаем. Поэтому употребление будущего времени практически не вызывает затруднений. В Уроке 13 мы узнали, как можно выразить будущее действие глаголом в настоящем времени. Теперь собственно будущее.

В английском языке очень четкий показатель будущего времени will (tU). Прибавляем к нему инфинитив глагола, и высказывание в будущем времени готово.

§ 1. Чаще всего will используется в следующих ситуациях: когда мы

• «предсказываем» будущее событие или ситуацию;
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