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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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7. The birds are flying over the sea.
8. The man is reading a newspaper.
6. Напишите предложения из упражнения 5 в вопросительной форме:
Образец: Is the sun shining?
The Teacher and the Students (2)
TEACHER: I have a book; here it is. Has your friend a book, Miss D.? MISS D.: Yes, she has one.
TEACHER: Has the student on your left a book, Mr. B.?
MR. B.: Yes, he has.
TEACHER: Has the student on your right a book, Mr. C.?
MR. C.: No, he hasn't.1 TEACHER: Have you a book, Miss F.?
MISS F.: No, I haven't. I'm sorry.
TEACHER: All right. You can look at the book of the student next to you. Mr. A. and Mr. B., have you both reading books?
MR. A. and MR. B.: Yes, we have reading books. You can see them on our desks; but we haven't exercise books.
TEACHER: All right. I can give you a piece of paper to write on. Have you an exercise book, Miss F.?
MISS F.: Yes. I haven't a reading book, but I have an exercise book. TEACHER: Can you read English, Mr. C.?
MR. C.: Yes, I can read English a little, but not very much. TEACHER: Can you read English, Miss D.?
MISS D.: Yes, I can read English a little, too, but I cannot speak it very well. I pronounce it badly.
MISS E.: I cannot speak English very well. I too, have a bad pronunciation.
TEACHER: Have you difficulty with the pronunciation, Mr. A.? MR. A.: No, I have not much difficulty with the pronunciation; I can pronounce English quite well, but I cannot spell it.
MR. B.: What is the meaning of spell, please?
TEACHER: Mr. C., can you spell book?
MR. C.: Oh, yes, b-o-o-k.
TEACHER: Can you spell essential, Miss E.?
MISS E.: Yes, I think so. E-S-E-N-T-I-A-L.
1 hasn haven't - краткие формы от has not, have not
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TEACHER: No, that is not quite right. What is wrong with her spelling of essential, Miss F.?
MISS F.: There are two si in essential. You cannot spell it with only one s.
TEACHER: That's right, Miss F. Mr. B., can you now understand the meaning of spelt!
MR. B.: Oh, yes. I understand it very well now.
Глагол to have (настоящее время) The verb to have (Present Tense)
Affirmative I have.
He, she, it has.
We, you, they have.
Interrogative Have I?
Has he, she, it? Have we, you, they?
I have not (haven't).
He, she, it has not (hasn't).
We, you, they have not (haven't).
Глагол can The verb can
He, she, it We They
r1? I
you? You
can. Can he, she, it? He, she, it
we? We
- they? They -
a little, but not very much I'm sorry quite well
on your left, on your right all right very well
what is wrong with? I think so that's right
that's not quite right
АНТОНИМЫ good bad
well badly
little much
(Фонетическую тренировку к этому уроку см. на с. 56.)
1. Поставьте в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:
1.1 have a book. 2. You have an exercise book. 3. Mr. A. has a book.
4. The student on my left has a book. 5. You have a lot of difficulty with spelling. 6. We have a bad pronunciation. 7. They have difficulty with spelling.
2. Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме:
1. You can read English very well. 2. I can answer that question.
3. He can speak English quite well. 4. She can understand the meaning now. 5. They can understand the meaning now. 6. We can pronounce English well.
3. Придумайте предложения, используя следующие словосочетания:
On our left. All right. A little. Not very much. On our right. I'm sorry. What is wrong with? I think so. Next to you. Have a lot of difficulty with.
4. Напишите краткие формы:
it is; it is not;1 that is; that is not;1 they are not;1 I am; he is; he is not; we have not; I cannot; I have not; we are not;1 you are not1
1 Дайте два варианта кратких форм.
Прок ю
Reading Lesson: "The Seaside"
Here we have another picture of the hotel at the seaside. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their children, Charles, Henry, Mary and Jane, are staying at the hotel.
The hotel has the words Devon Hotel below the two open windows.
It is a very warm day; the sun is shining brightly. The windows are all open, and people are sitting outside under the canvas and under the big umbrella to get shade from the sun.
Mrs. Smith is wearing a red and white striped dress. All the women are wearing thin dresses because it is a hot day.
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One of the boys has a big ball under one arm and a towel under the other. That is Henry Smith. He is running quickly down the steps; he is about halfway down. He is wearing a red bathing suit. The boys can play football on the sand.
Some children are playing on the yellow sand or bathing in the blue water. Charles Smith is swimming to a big, black rock. You can see his arm just coming out of the water. He can swim very well; he is a good swimmer.
There are some other boys and girls in the water but they cannot swim very well; they are swimming badly; they are not good swimmers; they are just learning. They want to learn. A young man is teaching these children to swim. His name is John Priestley. He is a very good swimmer.
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