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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Ниже представлены все формы прошедшего времени этих глаголов.
то BE
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
I, he, she, it was we, you, they, were was I, he, she, it? were we, you, they? I, he, she, it was not1 we, you, they were not2
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
1, he, she, it ,had we, you,theyJ had{I,he' she>it? I we, you, they? I, he, she, it ,hadnot, we, you, theyJ
1 Краткая форма wasn '1.
2 Краткая форма weren't.
3 Краткая форма hadn't.
¦ 66
Affirmative Interrogative Negative
1,he,she,it icouM we, you, theyJ could { I. he, she, it? L we, you, they? I, he, she, it i could we, you, they ^ not1
this time last year, this time last week a year ago, a week ago, two days ago from morning till night
as much as as lucky as to find time for
Однокоренные слова
know - knowledge
He knows English well.
He has a good knowledge of English.
day - daytime - daily
He works every day in the daytime', not at night.
We have a daily newspaper.
friend - friendly -friendship - unfriendly He is a very good friend.
Some of the people were very friendly to him; others were unfriendly.
I am very pleased to have your friendship.
1. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени:
l. It is a nice day.
2.1 am staying at the hotel for three weeks.
3. She is coming to London to see her father.
4. We are in the classroom.
' Краткая форма couldn't.
67 ¦
5. You are the students in my class.
6. They are reading their books.
7. My hotel in Scotland is very nice.
8.1 have a big dog.
9. She has a brown dog.
10. Have you an answer to the question?
11.1 can't sleep because I am cold.
12. Hob can sleep all day.
13. It is raining very hard. You can't see the mountains.
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: ago, knowledge, lucky, farm, interesting, fond, till
3. Напишите краткие формы:
I was not; I had not; I could not; I am not; I have not; they cannot; they could not; we were not; they had not; we could not
Прок 13
The Characters in the Essential English Books (1)
This is Mr. Priestley, the teacher. He teaches English and he knows English, French and German, and he speaks and reads and writes these languages very well.
He is not a young man, but he is not old. He is about forty-five years old. He is a good-looking man, tall, handsome, rather thin, with dark-brown hair just beginning to go grey. He is always very well-dressed, in good taste. He usually wears suits of dark brown, dark blue or dark grey.
He speaks quietly and pleasantly, but there is strength under his quietness, and every student in his class knows this. He is strong. Strength is generally quiet; weakness often is not.
He reads a great many books, and he writes books for his students. In the picture you can see him sitting in his study, in a big armchair by the fire.
A bright fire is burning in the fireplace. Another armchair is on the opposite side of the fire. On his left there is a tray with a coffee-pot and a coffee-cup on it, and near to it you can see his pipe and tobacco.
A cat is sitting on the arm of his chair. That is Mr. Priestley's cat, Sally. She often sits there, or on his desk when he is writing, and watches him.
He has a book in his hand and he is reading it. There are books on the shelves all round the walls of his study. More books are on his desk, and some others are on the floor.
His desk is in the middle of the room. Pdjns, pencils, an inkpot and paper are on the desk. The telephone is on the left, and a tray for letters is on the right. Just behind the telephone there is a reading-lamp. He works here at his books for three or four hours every evening.
You can see his typewriter on a little table in a corner of the room. But he can't type very well.
It is almost eleven o'clock by the clock on the wall, but Mr. Priestley is still working. He works very late, sometimes till two or three o'clock in the morning, but generally he goes to bed about twelve or one o'clock.
He often teaches his students in the room. He hasn't many students, generally about six. They come here for their lessons every day except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday and Sunday are holidays.
Существительные и прилагательные Nouns and Adjectives
Многие существительные образуются от прилагательных путем прибавления суффикса -ness. Например:
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
weak weakness bad badness
good goodness quiet quietness
big bigness small smallness
red redness black blackness
green greenness white whiteness
(и все остальные цвета)
bright brightness dark darkness
pretty prettiness1 happy happiness1
1 Обратите внимание на орфографию: у меняется на i.
¦ 70
Обратите внимание на исключения:
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
strong long strength length difficult beautiful difficulty beauty
В этом уроке вам встретилось слово a reading-lamp. Оно означает a lamp for reading (лампа для чтения). По этой модели образуется множество других слов. Например:
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