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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Образец: Ед. ч. - This is a tree.
Мн. ч. - These are trees.
1. This is a star. 2. This is a boy. 3. That is a saucer. 4. That is a flower. 5. That is a mountain. 6. Is this a man? 7. Is that a football? 8. Is that a train? 9. Is the window open? 10. Is the door closed? 11. Is the boy near the window? 12. That is not a mountain. 13. This isn't a mountain. 14. This isn't a star. 15. It is a cat. 16. It is not a dog. 17. It isn't a cat.
4. Образуйте отрицательные предложения:
1. This is a car. 2. This is a cat. 3. That is a mountain. 4. That is a flower. 5. Those are cars. 6. Those are cats. 7. These are mountains.
8. Those are flowers. 9. It is a cat. 10. It is a dog. 11. They are cats.
12. They are dogs. 13. This is a good egg.
5. Образуйте вопросительные предложения:
1. That is a dog. 2. This is a train. 3. That is a door. 4. Those are planes. 5. It is a cat. 6. They are waiters. 7. That is an umbrella. 8. The window is open. 9. The man is in the car. 10. This is an egg-cup.
11. The cat is under the umbrella. 12. The train is in the station.
13. The mouse is under the table. 14. The plate is on the table. 15. The apple is on the plate. 16. The pencil is on the table.
Дрок 4
Question Words
The boy is in the bed.
Who is in the bed? The boy is in the bed, or The boy is, or The boy.
Is the boy in the bed? Yes, he is.
Where is the boy? He is in the bed.
The girl is in the classroom.
Who is in the classroom? The girl is in the classroom, or The girl is, or The girl.
Is the girl in the classroom? Yes, she is. Where is the girl? She is in the classroom.
The woman and the baby are on the chair.
Who are on the chair? The woman and the baby are on the chair, or The woman and the baby are, or The woman and the baby.
Is the woman on the chair? Yes, she is. Is the girl on the chair? No, she isn't.
Are the woman and the baby on the chair? Yes, they are.
Where are the woman and the baby?
They are on the chair.
¦ 26
The train is in the station. What is in the station? The train is in the station.
Is the train in the station? Yes, it is.
What is in the egg-cup? An egg is in the egg-cup.
Is the egg in the egg-cup? Yes, it is.
Where is the egg? It is in the egg-cup.
What are in the sky? The planes are in the sky. Are the planes in the sky?
Yes, they are.
Where are the planes?
They are in the sky.
What is this?
This is a picture of a man, Mr.1 Brown, and a boy, Richard Brown.
Mr. Brown is a father. Richard Brown is a son. Who is the father of Richard Brown? Mr. Brown is. Who is the son of Mr. Brown? Richard Brown is.
What is this?
This is a picture of a woman, Mrs.2 Brown, and a girl, Mary Brown. Mrs. Brown is the wife of Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown is the husband of Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown is a mother. Mary Brown is a daughter.
1 Произносится ['mists].
2 Произносится ['misiz].
Who is the mother of Mary Brown? Mrs. Brown is.
Who is the daughter of Mrs. Brown? Mary Brown is.
Mary Brown is the sister of Richard Brown.
Richard Brown is the brother of Mary Brown.
Mary Brown and Richard Brown are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
boy, woman, this, what, a, are, they и др. - все это слова.
Слова, обозначающие людей: boy, woman, teacher, king, queen, baby и др.
Вопросительное слово who относится к словам, обозначающим людей.
Вопросительное слово what относится к словам, обозначающим предметы. Однако обратите внимание:
Who is he? Кто он? Не is Mr. X. What is he? Кто он (по профессии)? Не is a teacher.
Слова,обозначающие мужчин (boy, man, husband, son, king), относятся к мужскому роду.
Слова, обозначающие женщин (girl, woman, daughter, queen), относятся к женскому роду.
Слова, обозначающие предметы (table, chair, mountain, clock), относятся к среднему роду.
Местоимение he (он) относится к мужскому роду (ед. ч.): he is a boy; he is a son; he is a king.
Местоимение she (она) относится к женскому роду (ед. ч.): she is a girl; she is a daughter; she is a queen.
Местоимение it относится к среднему роду (ед. ч.): it is a train; it is a picture; it is an egg.
Местоимение they (они) относится ко всем трем родам (мн. ч.): they are boys; they are daughters.
Фонетическая тренировка
[i:] [i] [э:] M [э]
he thing daughter son brother
she finish fourth brother husband
[u:] [еэ] [ai] [au] [ei]
who chair wife noun name
1. Вставьте who или what:
1.__is on the chair? 2._is in the egg-cup? 3.__is on the table?
4.__is in the bed? 5.___is on the wall? 6._is in the sky?
2. Поставьте во множественном числе:
1. Не is a waiter. 2. She is a woman. 3. He is a boy.
3. Вставьте he, she, it, they:
1.__is a father. 2.__is a husband. 3.___is a woman. 4.____is a
picture. 5.__are in the classroom. 6.___is on the table. 7.__are
flowers. 8.__is a son. 9._are sons. 10.____is a daughter. 11._are
daughters. 12.__are pictures.
4. Замените на мужской род:
1. She. 2. The girl. 3. The woman. 4. The mother. 5. The woman is in the car. 6. This is a queen. 7. These are women. 8. Those are queens.
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