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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Two of the girls have tennis rackets in their hands and are wearing short white dresses. One of the girls is Mary Smith. She plays tennis well; she is a very good player. The other girl is Jane Smith; she can't play very well. Mary is teaching Jane to play tennis. They play tennis on the grass behind the hotel.
A big girl is walking slowly to the sea. She is carrying a book in her hand. She wants to sit down and read her book. She is looking for a place in the shade.
There are three or four little boys and girls on the right of the picture. They are digging in the sand. They have buckets and spades and are looking for shells. They have some shells in their buckets.
A girl is riding a donkey. She is Margaret Priestley. She is the sister of John Priestley. John Priestley is her brother. She rides very well. Her brother is a good rider, too. A little boy is riding a bicycle. He can't ride very well. He is just learning; his father is holding the bicycle. He is teaching his son to ride a bicycle.
The waiters are standing quietly under the canvas near the big window. They are wearing white suits. One of the waiters has a tray in his hand.
Mrs. Smith is looking at the children. She has a book in her hand, but she isn't reading. Mr. Smith has a newspaper, but he isn't reading. He is sleeping.
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Прилагательные и наречия Adjectives and Adverbs
В следующих предложениях:
1. She is wearing a dress. She is wearing a short white dress.
2. The children are playing on the yellow sand or bathing in the blue water.
слова short, white, yellow, blue характеризуют существительные dress, sand, water.
Слова short, white, yellow, blue называются прилагательными.
В предложениях:
Не is running quickly. They are swimming badly. слова quickly, badly характеризуют глаголы is running, are swimming. Эти слова называются наречиями.
Итак, слова, характеризующие существительные, называются прилагательными, а слова, характеризующие глаголы, называются наречиями.
Наречия часто образуются путем прибавления к прилагательным суффикса -1у. Например:
bad, bad ly; slow, slow/у; bright, bright (у.
Однако обратите внимание на прилагательное good. Соответствующее ему наречие well имеет другой корень. Например:
Не is a good swimmer. Не swims well.
Paddy writes badly.
Fred writes well.
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Why? ... Because... Want
Why are the women wearing summer dresses? Because the day is warm. Why is the girl walking to the water? Because she wants to bathe.
Фонетическая тренировка
(к Урокам 9 и 10)
[i:l [i] [as] [a:] M [a]
see swim have half rock much
piece tennis can arm sorry understand
[з:] M [ei] [эи] [au]
learn over shade below down
adverb towel way over about
1. Ответьте на вопросы. В ответах используйте свои собственные предложения:
1. Who are staying at the Devon Hotel? 2. Who are with the boys and girls? 3. What kind of day is it? 4. Where are the people sitting?
5. Why are they sitting under the striped canvas? 6. What colour is Mrs. Smith's dress? 7. What is the boy on the steps carrying? 8. What has he under his arm? 9. What is one boy in the water doing? 10. What are other boys and girls doing? 11. Can some of the boys swim well?
12. What kind of suits are the waiters wearing? 13. Where can the boys play football? 14. Where can the girls play tennis? 15. What colour is (a) the sand, (b) the sky, (c) the bathing suit of the boy on the steps?
2. Выберите правильный вариант:
1. He swims (good, well).
2. That is a (well, good) apple.
3. Henry writes (badly, bad).
4. He sjpeaks English (good, well).
3. В чем разница между bad и badly, slow и slowly, good и
well? Придумайте предложение на каждое слово.
4. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов: teach, read, sleep, write, play, work, swim, run
(Для образования существительного от глагола к нему часто прибавляется суффикс -ег, который указывает на исполнителя действия, выраженного глаголом.)
5. Придумайте десять вопросов, используя вопросительные слова:
Who? What? Where? Why? How many? What kind of? What is
the difference? Is there? Are there? Can you?
6. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения в соответствии с числом, лицом и родом подлежащего:
1. The boy is playing with__football. 2. The boys are playing with
_ football. 3. The girl has a tennis racket in_hand. 4. The girls have
tennis rackets in____hands. 5. [ am staying at_hotel with___boy.
6. He is staying at_hotel with___boy. 7. He is slaying at_hotel with
____daughter. 8. He is staying at_hotel with___boys and girls. 9. She
is sitting at_table eating__ice. 10.1 am sitting at_table eating_
ice. 11. We are sitting at_table eating_ice. 12. You have__football
under_____arm. 13. He has___football under_____arm. 14. I have___
football under__arm. 15. They are staying at the hotel with_father.
16. We are staying at the hotel with_father. 17. The mountain has
trees on__sides. 18. The mountains have trees on____sides.
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