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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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1.1 am a teacher. 2. You are in the classroom. 3. We are all students.
4. Some of the students are boys. 5. Two and two are four. 6. That answer is right. 7. They are here. 8. He is near the window. 9. There are only two books in the picture.
5. Напишите следующие предложения в единственном числе:
1. The books are on the table. 2. The stars are in the sky. 3. Are the men in the classroom? 4. Are there trains in the station? 5. There are some books on the table. 6. Those are stars. 7. These are flowers.
6. Найдите антонимы к следующим словам:
good, big, cold, there, wrong, near, left, country, come, open, white
7. Назовите семь цветов, подберите к каждому цвету соответствующее существительное:
Например: Цвет - green. Существительное - grass.
8. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
on the right; not far from; on the left; in the country; in the town; round the door; a lot of; near the river; a few; one or two
Дайте письменное описание картинки на с. 36.
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What Country Are You From?
England is a country; France is a country; Norway is another country; Turkey is another country; Egypt, Italy, Poland are other countries.1
The people of England are English. They speak English.
The people of Germany are German. They speak German.
The people of Norway are Norwegian. They speak Norwegian.
Существуют два значения слова country в английском языке. Например:
1. England is a country, Spain is another country.
2. The house is in the country, it is not in the town.
There are a lot of people in the town; there are not many in the country.
There are a lot of cows and sheep in the country; there are not many in the town.
Посмотрите, шутке:
LADY: Are these eggs good?
SHOPKEEPER: Oh yes, they are just in from the country. LADY: Yes, but what country?
1 Единственное число - country, множественное число - countries
как оба значения слова country обыгрываются в
Mr. Priestley is English; he is an Englishman. He speaks English, his language is English.
TEACHER: What country are you from, Mr. A., and what is your language?
MR. A.: I am from Poland; I speak Polish, I am a Pole, my language is Polish.
TEACHER: What country are you from, Mr. B.?
MR. В.: I am from Italy; 1 speak Italian.
TEACHER: What country are you from, Miss С.?
MISS С.: I come from Mexico; I speak Spanish.
MISS D.: I come from France, from Paris. I am French, a Parisian. My language is French. My friend Olga comes from Finland; she is Finnish. She speaks Finnish; her language is Finnish.
MR. E.: My brother and I come from Greece; our country is Greece.
We both speak the same language - Greek; our language is Greek. TEACHER: Mr. E. and his brother come from Greece; their country is Greece. They both speak the same language - Greek; their language is Greek.
Лицо Person
I и we - местоимения 1 -го лица, обозначающие лица, которые ведут речь.
You - местоимение 2-го лица, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена речь.
Не, she, it, they - местоимения 3-го лица, обозначающие лица или предметы, о которых идет речь.
Внимание, в 3-м лице единственного числа глагол приобретает окончание s.
1-е лицо I соте 1 speak I answer
3-е лицо he, she comes he, she speaks he, she answers
41 ¦
Исключения: I teach he, she teaches [4i:tfiz]
I go he, she goes |дэи/|
I do he, she does [d\z]
Простое настоящее время The Simple Present Tense
Глагол to speak
1-елицо: I speak English. We speak English.
2-е лицо: You speak English. You speak English.
3-е лицо: He, she speaks English. They speak English.
Глагол to do I do the work. We do the work.
You do the work. You do the work.
He, she, it does the work. They do the work.
Существительные и местоимения Nouns and Pronouns
Boy, girl, book, Mary, London, horses и т.д. - существительные. Существительные - это названия лиц или предметов.
I, you, he, she, it, we, they и т. д. - местоимения.
Местоимения - это слова, замещающие существительные. Например:
The boy comes to the class or He comes to the class.
The girl is in the classroom or She is in the classroom.
The horses are in the field or They are in the field.
Местоимения I, he, she, it, you, we, they имеют еще одну форму: ту, his, her, its, your, our, their. Она называется формой притяжательного пацежа (Possessive):
I speak French; my language is French.
You speak English; your language is English.
He speaks Spanish; his language is Spanish.
She speaks Norwegian; her language is Norwegian.
Where is the dog? It is in its bed under the table.
V о/
HER i youi, i YOUR
i ' \ я /
(Фонетическую тренировку к этому уроку см. на с. 48.)
1. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы и формы притяжательного местоимения
Pronoun Verb
1.1 come from France;
2. He ___from Turkey;
3. You ___from Spain;
4. They ___from China;
5. We ___from Denmark;
6. She ___from Germany;
7. They ___________from Russia;
___language is French.
___language is Turkish.
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