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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Time. Days, Months, Seasons
On page 59 there is a picture of a clock. It has a round face with figures on it, and two hands, a long hand and a short hand.
The short hand points to the hours, the long hand points to the minutes. Some clocks have three hands, a long hand, a short hand, and a very short one to point to the seconds.
We can tell the time by a clock or a watch. A clock is big. A watch is small; we can put one in our pocket or wear it on the wrist.
TEACHER: Look at the picture of a clock on page 59. Can you tell the time, Mr. A.?
MR. A.: Yes, I can tell the time.
TEACHER: What time is it by this clock?
MR. A.: It is one o'clock.
TEACHER: The minute hand moves to I. What time is it then, Mr. A.?
MR. A.: It is five minutes past one (or five past one).
TEACHER: Quite right. Now the minute hand moves to II. What time is it then, Mr. B.?
MR. B.: Ten minutes past one (or ten past one).
TEACHER: Very good. Now the minute hand moves again, this time to III.
MR. C.: It is then a quarter past one.
TEACHER: Correct.
MISS D.: Can I say it is one-fifteen?
TEACHER: Yes, you can say "one-fifteen", "one-thirty", or "one-forty-five" instead of "a quarter past", "half past", or "a quarter to". MISS E.: When can I say "past" and when can I say "to"? TEACHER: Who knows the answer to that?
MISS F.: I can answer that, I think.
TEACHER: Very well, Miss F., what is the answer?
MISS F.: We say "past" at I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. We say "to" at VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI.
one o'clock
5 (minutes) to 2 [1.55]
10 (minutes) to 2 [1.50] a quarter to 2 [1-45]
20 (minutes) to 2 [1.40] 25 (minutes) to 2 [1.35]
5 (minutes) past I [I. 5] 10 (minutes) past I [1.10] a quarter past I [1.15] 20 (minutes) past I [1.20] 25 (minutes) past 1 [1.25]
half past one [1.30]
TEACHER: That is quite correct, Miss F.
MR. A.: How can you show the difference between twelve o'clock in the day and twelve o'clock at night?
TEACHER: Who can give the answer to that?
MR. В.: I can. Twelve o'clock at night is "midnight"; afterthat we use the letters A.M., e.g. 12.10 A.M.
TEACHER: Now what is twelve o'clock in the daytime, Miss E.?
MISS E.: Twelve o'clock in the daytime is "noon" (or "mid-day"). After that we use the letters RM.; for example, 1.45 P.M.
TEACHER: That is quite correct. Now look at these three clocks. The right time is four o'clock. What can you say about the middle clock, Mr. A.?
MR. A.: The clock in the middle is right. It is telling the correct time.
TEACHER: Good. Now, Mr. B., you speak about the clock on the left.
MR. B.: The clock on the left is not right. It is not telling the correct time. It is five minutes slow.
TEACHER: That's right. Now, Mr. C., you speak about the clock on the right.
MR. C.: The clock on the right is incorrect, too. It is not telling the right time. It is five minutes fast.
TEACHER: Very good. Now, Miss D., go round the clock, please, giving all the five minutes from two o'clock to half past two.
MISS D.: Five past two, ten past two, a quarter past two, twenty past two, twenty-five past two, half past two.
TEACHER: Good. Now, Miss E., go on from half past two to three o'clock.
MISS E.: Half past two, twenty-five to three, twenty to three, a quarter to three, ten to three, five to three o'clock.
Days Months Seasons
There are seven days in a week. They are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. The first six are "week-days". Sunday is not a week-day. The day before today is yesterday, the day after today is tomorrow.
There are twelve months in the year. The names of the months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
The seasons in England are: Spring (March, April, May); Summer (June, July, August); Autumn (September, October, November); Winter (December, January, February).
Притяжательный падеж The Possessive Case
Формы John's book, the boy's football являются примерами притяжательного падежа.
Если существительное стоит в единственном числе, мы прибавляем апостроф (') и s. Если существительное стоит во множественном числе и имеет окончание s, мы прибавляем только апостроф.
The boy's football = the football of the boy.
The girl's dress = the dress of the girl.
The boys' football = the football of the boys.
The girls' dresses = the dresses of the girls.
Если существительное во множественном числе не имеет окончания s, мы прибавляем (') и s. Существует только несколько существительных, у которых во множественном числе отсутствует окончание s. Например:
Singular Plural
The man's suit. The men's suits.
The woman's dress. The women's dresses.
The child's bucket and spade. The children's buckets and spades.
to tell the time what is the meaning of?
what time is it? on the right; in the middle
for example show the difference between
five minutes fast quite right, quite correct
five minutes slow very good instead of all over the world
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