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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Subject Pronoun Verb Object Pronoun
The teacher (I) sees (see) the boy (him)
The boy (he) sees the teacher (me)
The girl (she) sees the teacher (me)
The teacher (I) sees (see) the girl (her)
The boys (they) see the teachers (us)
The teachers (we) see the boys (them)
Местоимение, замещающее субъект (или подлежащее), стоит в именительном падеже (имеет номинативную форму) (nominative).
Местоимение, замещающее объект (или дополнение), стоит в объектном падеже (имеет объектную форму) (objective).
После предлога местоимение всегда стоит в объектном падеже.
Вот таблица двух форм (падежей) местоимений:
Nominative Objective Nominative Objective
I me it it
you you we us
he him they them
she her
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Местоимения стоят в именительном падеже, когда они являются субъектами глагола (или подлежащими). Местоимения стоят в объектном падеже (1), когда они являются объектами (дополнениями) глагола, (2) после предлога.
Nominative Verb Objective Preposition Objective
1 know him and I write to him.
You know me and you write to me.
Не knows her and he writes to her.
She knows us and she writes to us.
We know them and we write to them.
They know you and they write to you.
Дополнения Objects
Некоторые глаголы, подобно глаголам tell, give, часто имеют при себе два дополнения. Как правило, одно из них является лицом, а другое - предметом. Например:
Subject Verb Object1
(1) (2)
I am giving the students a lesson.
He can tell you the answer.
Фонетическая тренировка
[i:] [з:] [e] [Л] [is] [k]
need bird well sunny near clear
feed third tell Monday ear comet
1. Скажите, где в следующих предложениях субъекты (подлежащие) и где объекты (дополнения):
' Внимание: на первом месте стоит косвенное дополнение (личный объект); на втором - прямое дополнение (безличный объект).
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1. Mr. Priestley is reading a book. 2. He teaches French and German. 3. You can see him in the picture. 4. He can speak English.
5. She is wearing a white dress. 6. My sister is giving her the dress.
7. The boy can't tell me his name. 8. I can tell you the time.
2. Разбейте предложения на субъект (подлежащее), глагол и объект:
Затем подчеркните местоимения у себя в тетради:
1. Не teaches us. 2. She knows me. 3. It helps them. 4. We know her.
5. They write it. 6. He is carrying a ball. 7.1 am teaching you. 8. They are eating ices. 9. He is reading it. 10. You are teaching them.
3. В следующих предложениях поменяйте местами субъект и объект (подлежащее и дополнение). Там, где это необходимо, измените форму глагола:
(№ 1 дан в качестве образца.)
Subject Verb Object
1. I see him.
He sees me.
2. He teaches them.
3. She knows us.
4. We help them.
5. I thank her.
4. Выберите соответствующую форму местоимения.
1.1 write to (he, him) and he writes to (I, me). 2. Mary goes to a dance, and Henry goes with (her, she). 3. We know (them, they) very well, and they know (we, us). 4. He speaks English to (we, us), and (we, us) speak English to (he, him).
A STORY WITHOUT WORDS Now, after that rather difficult grammar, here is something different, something pleasant.
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It is a story in pictures about a poor man, Mr. Needy, and a rich man, Mr. Wealthy. Mr. Wealthy has a lot of money, a big house, and a manservant; Mr. Needy hasn't much money, but he has a comet in the street outside.
87 ¦
5. Ответьте на вопросы к картинкам на с. 87, используя следующие слова: play, cornet, ear, pound-note
Picture 1. What is Mr. Needy doing? Where is he playing his cornet?
Picture 2. Does Mr. Wealthy like the noise? Where is he putting his fingers? Why is he doing this?
Picture 3. Where is Mr. Wealthy now? What is he doing?
Picture 4. Who are the people in this picture? What is Mr. Wealthy holding in his hand? In which hand is he holding the pound-notes? How many pound-notes are there in his hand? What is he saying to the manservant?
Picture 5. Who has the pound-notes now? Which hand is he holding them in? Does he look happy? What is the manservant doing with the cornet? In which hand is he carrying the cornet?
Picture 6. What is Mr. Wealthy doing now? Who is showing him the cornet?
Picture 7. Where is the comet now?
Picture 8. What is Mr. Wealthy doing now? What colour do you think his face is? Who is putting his fingers in his ears now?
Напишите рассказ о богаче и трубаче.
Ирок 17
The Characters in the Essential English Books (2)
You already know Mr. Priestley, the teacher and writer. In this lesson you will hear about his wife, Mrs. Priestley, the Priestleys' house, and some of the people in the house. Mrs. Priestley knows all about the house; she does the work in it every day, and today she will tell you a little about it.1 Mrs. Priestley is a pleasant-looking woman of about forty, with warm brown hair and soft dark-brown eyes. She is kind and gentle, but she manages her house (and, in her quiet way, her husband) very well. Mrs. Priestley is very practical and full of common sense.2
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