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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Now they are going into Mr. Priestley's study. We will follow them in, and meet them there in Lesson 21.
Множественное число Plurals
В предложении
They are going to talk about their countries and lives словом lives представлена еще одна форма множественного числа, несколько отличная от обычной. Lives [laivz] - форма множественного числа слова life [laifj.
Ряд существительных, оканчивающихся на/или fe, меняют окончание /на vesam образования множественного числа. Например:
Singular Plural
life lives
shelf shelves
wife wives
Слова, подобные этим, встретятся вам в книгах II, III и IV.
Обратите также внимание на:
Singular Plural
story stories
country countries
lady ' ladies
¦ 100
Префиксы с отрицательным значением Negative Prefixes
Иногда для придания слову отрицательного значения к нему прибавляются префиксы ип-, in-, im-, dis- и т.д. Вот примеры таких слов из уроков 1-19:
happy unhappy correct
common uncommon polite
pleasant unpleasant like (verb)
Однокоренные слова
life [laif] - live [liv]
I will tell you the story of my life.
I live in London. joy - enjoy - enjoyment
They will tell you their joys and sorrows.
I enjoy good music: it gives me great enjoyment.
sorry - sorrow - sorrowful
He was very sorry that my friend was dead.
He looked very sorrowful; there was sorrow in his face. certain - certainly - uncertain
Are you certain that you understand the work?
I am uncertain about one or two things.
Hob is certainly not handsome or polite.
polite - polity - politeness - impolite
He is not polite. He doesn't speak politely. He hardly knows the meaning of politeness. He is very impolite, fun - funny
He will tell you funny stories. She loves fun and gaiety. study ['sUdi] - to study - student ['stju:dsnt]
Hob doesn't like study.
Mr. Priestley is in his study.
We are going to study English.
The students are in Mr. Priestley's study.
101 ¦
going to
В Уроке 19 вам встретилось сочетание going to.
Оно употребляется для выражения идеи будущности. Например: We are going to listen to them talking together.
They are going to talk about their holidays.
Фонетическая тренировка
[e] i-[э]-----1 i- [aJ-i [se]
gentle alone cinema1 sun love glad
fellow about regular run lovely manage
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова (первая буква дана):
1. They are going to talk about their work and their h_. 2. They
will talk about their j_and their s_. 3. They will tell you what they
like and what they d____. 4.1 h_that you will soon know them. 5. Jan
is not only clever, but he is a_a hard worker. 6. Lucille is tall and s_.
7. Olaf can walk all day and he n_feels t_. 8. All the students e _
Jan think that Frieda is pretty. 9. Hob thinks that football is t_m_____
like hard work. 10. He knows lots of f_stories. 11. We will f_____the
students into Mr. Priestley's study.
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами и словосочетаниями:
holidays; funny; friend: rich; much; clever; not only ... but also; grey; slim; almost every evening; feel tired; as strong as; well-dressed; literature; except; the first... the last; certainly; goes to sleep; hard working; lots of
3. Напишите следующие слова во множественном числе: boy, woman, sheep, potato, story, man, country, half, wife, study
1 или ['sinima:]
¦ 102
Прок 20
Frieda's Family
LUCILLE: I had a letter from my sister Yvonne this morning. She is coming to London on Friday and asks me to meet her. May I go to the station to meet her on Friday morning please, Mr. Priestley, instead of coming to the class?
MR. PRIESTLEY: Certainly, Lucille. How long is she going to stay in London?
LUCILLE: About a fortnight, I think.
MR. PRIESTLEY: If you are not too busy with other things, come one evening and have dinner with my wife and me, and bring your sister with you.
LUCILLE: Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. I am sure Yvonne will be pleased to meet you.
PEDRO: Have you any other sisters or brothers, Lucille?
LUCILLE: Yes, I have another sister, Marie, but I haven't any brothers.
JAN: You are lucky. I have neither brother nor sister.
FRIEDA: Then I am luckier than either of you. Our family is quite a big one; there are six of us. 1 have three brothers and two sisters.
PEDRO: Are Yvonne and Marie older than you, Lucille?
LUCILLE: Marie is older than I am; Yvonne is two years younger than I am.
JAN: Are your brothers and sisters older or younger than you are, Frieda?
FRIEDA: They are all younger; 1 am the oldest of the family.
HOB: My Uncle Albert-1 will tell you about him some day-is sixty now, but he says he doesn't feel a day older than forty; and he says, "A man is as young as he looks, and no older than he feels."
JAN: Tell me about the others in your family, Frieda.
FRIEDA: Well, the youngest and the smallest one is Fritz; he's the baby of the family. He's only four. Then there are Hans and Peter,
the twins. They are exactly as old as each other, thirteen, and exactly as tall as each other, and they are so like each other that people can hardly tell one from the other.
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