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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Слово round может быть
1) предлогом:
There are flowers round the door. Go round the clock.
2) прилагательным:
The clock has a round face.
Слово second может быть
1) числительным:
This is the second lesson.
2) существительным:
There are sixty seconds in a minute.
Количественные Порядковые Дроби
числительные числительные
one 1 first 1st
two 2 second 2nd a half 1/2
twenty 20 twentieth 20th a twentieth 1/20
three 3 third 3rd a third 1/3
thirteen 13 thirteenth 13th a thirteenth 1/13
thirty 30 thirtieth 30th a thirtieth 1/30
four 4 fourth 4th a quarter, a fourth 1/4
fourteen 14 fourteenth 14th a fourteenth 1/14
forty 40 fortieth 40th a fortieth 1/40
five 5 fifth 5th a fifth 1/5
fifteen 15 fifteenth 15th a fifteenth 1/15
fifty 50 fiftieth 50th a fiftieth 1/50
six 6 sixth 6th a sixth 1/6
sixteen 16 sixteenth 16th a sixteenth 1/16
sixty 60 sixtieth 60th a sixtieth 1/60
seven 7 seventh 7th a seventh 1/7
seventeen 17 seventeenth 17th a seventeenth 1/17
¦ 62
seventy 70 seventieth 70th a seventieth 1/70
eight 8 eighth 8th an eighth 1/8
eighteen 18 eighteenth 18th an eighteenth 1/18
eighty 80 eightieth 80th an eightieth 1/80
nine 9 ninth 9th a ninth 1/9
nineteen 19 nineteenth 19th a nineteenth 1/19
ninety 90 ninetieth 90th a ninetieth 1/90
ten 10 tenth 10th a tenth 1/10
a hundred 100 hundredth 100th a hundredth 1/100
a thousand 1,000 thousandth 1,000th a thousandth 1/1000
Фонетическая тренировка
between wrist [rist] minute ['mimt] difference
1. Скажите время словами:
(1) 1.5, (2) 2.10, (3) 2.15, (4) 3.20, (5) 5.25, (6) 7.30, (7) 9.40, (8) '10.35, (9) 11.45, (10) 12.55, (11) 6.50
2. Напишите время цифрами:
a quarter past three; half past five; a quarter to six; twenty-five to nine; twenty to eleven; ten to four; five to nine; twenty to six; twenty-five to two
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Can you tell the time?
2. What time is it?
3. Is it the day or the night?
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4. When is it "past" the hour and when is it "to" the hour?
5. When is it midnight?
6. When is it noon?
7. How many hands has a clock? What are they?
8. What is the difference between a clock and a watch?
9. The right time is seven o'clock; Henry's watch says ten minutes past seven. What can you say about it?
10. Give the names of (a) the days of the week, (b) the months, (c) the seasons.
4. Видоизмените сочетания, используя две формы притяжательного падежа ('s или '):
1. The watch of Mr. С. 2. The umbrella of the girl. 3. The room of the girl. 4. The room of the girls. 5. The car of John. 6. The room of the man. 7. The room of the men. 8. The dress of the woman. 9. The dresses of the women. 10. The bucket of the child. 11. The buckets of the children.
5. Напишите словами:
13, 14, 40, 80, 90, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 40th, 8th, 100th, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/80, 1/1000000
6. Придумайте предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:
tell the time; on the right; in the middle; for example; ten minutes slow; a quarter of an hour fast; the difference between
The Teacher and the Students (3)
TEACHER AND MR. A. was, were
TEACHER: Where were you this time last year, Mr. A.?
MR. A.: A year ago I was in Turkey. I was at a school there.
TEACHER: Were you studying English then?
MR. A.: Yes, I was studying a little but not very much. I was at a school in Ankara. It was a very good school. All the teachers were good. I was at school for a few weeks before coming to England, so my knowledge of the language was, of course, very small.
TEACHER: You can speak English a little.
MR. B.: Yes, I can speak a little.
TEACHER: Could you speak English a year ago?
MR. B.: This time last year I could speak only a few words; I could not speak English well.
TEACHER: How was that?
MR. B.: Well, I was not as lucky as Mr. A. He could get a good teacher; Г could not. There were one or two teachers, but they were not English. They could not speak English well and couldn't explain the grammar to their students; so I was very glad to come to England to learn English well.
TEACHER: What about you, Miss D., could you speak English a year ago?
MISS D.: No, a year ago I couldn't speak a word. I had no time; we had a big farm and I had a lot of work to do on it. I had to work hard.
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TEACHER: Had you? That is very interesting.
MISS D.: Yes. I am fond of the country, and I was very fond of the work, but I couldn't do all that work and learn English, too. I hadn't a minute for study from morning till night.
TEACHER: What animals had you on the farm?
MISS D.: Oh, we had horses and cows, sheep and pigs. It was hard work, and I couldn't find time for study, but I had a happy time on the farm and I was very sorry to come away.
Прошедшее время: to be, to have, can The Past Tense: to be, to have, can
Формы прошедшего времени этих глаголов очень просты. Глагол to be имеет в прошедшем времени всего лишь две формы: was (единственное число) и were (множественное число); глагол to have - всего одну форму had', глагол сап имеет также одну форму - could.
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