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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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We have dinner about seven-thirty or eight o'clock, and then we sit and talk, listen to the wireless or look at television, or Mrs.
Priestley plays the piano. Sometimes, in summer, we take out the car and go for a drive in the country; in the winter we go to the cinema or the theatre. But that is not often. I have a lot of work to do, and usually after dinner or supper I go to my study and read or write until twelve or one o'clock.
That's my day. Now, here is Mrs. Priestley to describe a woman's day.
MRS. PRIESTLEY: 1, too, get up soon after seven and go downstairs to help Susan with the work. I get the breakfast ready. I put the tablecloth on the dining-room table and put out the knives, forks and spoons, and the cups, saucers and plates. Then I go and cook the breakfast. I soon have the bacon and the eggs cooking in the frying-pan. I make toast, boil the kettle for tea or coffee, and we are ready to sit down at a quarter past eight.
After breakfast, Susan and I clear away the dishes. Then she washes and dries them, and I go to do my shopping. Sometimes I go to the shops-to the butcher's to order the meat, to the grocer's to buy tea, coffee, sugar, etc., but often 1 ring them up and order what I want by phone.
Then Susan and I go upstairs to make the beds, dust upstairs and downstairs, and do the carpets with electric-cleaner. It is about eleven o'clock by this time, so I change my clothes and begin to get ready for lunch. After lunch I do some sewing or go for a walk and visit my friends.
Then Mr. Priestley joins me for afternoon tea in the sitting-room-usually bringing one or two of his students with him. We have bread and butter (cut thin), jam or honey, cakes and biscuits.
My husband has already told you how we spend our evenings-in summer, tennis, golf or a drive in the car; in winter, music, the cinema, a concert; sometimes dinner in town and theatre afterwards. Sometimes, in fact very often, we just have a quiet evening at home. You see, John is at the University and Margaret is now at a boarding-school and comes home only at the week-ends; so, except when
they are on holiday, there are only the two of us at home. On these quiet evenings we have a very simple supper round the fire in the sitting-room, and when that is over my husband sometimes works in his study at a book that he is writing, but quite often he says that he has done enough work for the day, and then he sits in his armchair at one side of the fire with his pipe and, for a change, a detective story. I sit on the other side with my book or my sewing; and Sally, our cat, lies on the carpet before the fire or jumps up on my husband's knees. He is certainly Sally's best friend, and wherever he is, in the house or in the garden, there you will find Sally, too. And when the wind is blowing through the trees outside and the rain is beating on the windows, our warm fire seems warmer and more cheerful than ever-and I often think that these "quiet" evenings are the best evenings of all.
Фонетическая тренировка
[i] [e] [as] [л]
belong decorate grand brush
familiar detective marry honey
1. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: slippers, butcher, towel, toast, detective, comb, knee, rub, honey, blow, dishes, beat
2. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
1.1 at about seven o'clock and it is time for me to_. 2.1 put
on my and and go to the bathroom. 3.1 rub myself hard with
¦ 168
the____. 4. I brush and_my hair and take a clean____out of the___.
5. At twelve-thirty I have a_for lunch. 6. In summer I___an hour or
so in the garden. 7.1___a few___of tennis or go to the golf club and
have a___of golf. 8. Sometimes in summer we take out the car and go
for a__in the country. 9. Usually after dinner or_I go to my study.
10.1 make toast and_____the kettle for tea or coffee. 11. After breakfast,
Susan and I______the dishes and she washes and____them. 12. John is
at the___and Margaret is now at a__. 13. He says he has done___work
for the day. 14. Sally__on the carpet before the fire or_up on my
husband's____. 15. He is Sally's best friend, and_he is you will find
Sally. 16. When the wind is__through the trees and the rain is_on
the windows, our warm fire seems warmer than ever.
3. Образуйте сложноподчиненные предложения, используя слова when, if, as или because:
1.1 knocked at the door. Susan opened it. 2. Mr. Priestley saw me. He came forward to meet me. 3. We sat near the fire. The evening was cold. 4.1 was rather tired. I went to bed early. 5. There are only the two of us. We have supper round the fire. 6. The supper is over. My husband goes to the study to work. 7. The wind is blowing through the trees outside. The fire seems very warm and comfortable. 8. Sally is always with Mr. Priestley. He is her best friend.
1. Напишите от 3-го лица рассказы на темы: а) день м-ра Пристли, б) день миссис Пристли.
2. Напишите о своем дне.
Everyday Talk
JAN: You know, sir, I find that most of the things that you want to know when you are first learning English are never in the books that teach you English.
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