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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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3. Что бы вы ответили на следующее:
1. "Oh! Mr. Green, this is Miss Brown." 2. "How are you?" 3. "A Merry Christmas!" 4. "I'm twelve years old today." $. "May 1 give you another cup of tea?" 6. "Do you prefer your coffee black or white?"
7. "Did you have a good journey?" 8. "I expect you are hungry after your long walk."
Parts of Speech
MR. PRIESTLEY: There is a difference between "learning English" and "learning about English". Now I want you to learn English, and I believe the best way to learn to speak English is by speaking it; and that is why in our meetings, instead of talking to you about English grammar, I try to get you to talk about all kinds of things.
PEDRO: Excuse me, sir, but haven't there been some new ideas in English grammar teaching about "structures" and "sentence patterns"?
M R. PRIESTLEY: Yes, there has been quite a lot of work done, both here and in America, on the structure of English, and next year I'm going to introduce you to those ideas. Some teachers get rather carried away by any new idea and think it is the answer to all their difficulties. In language teaching I don't think this is ever true. A friend once said to me, "You can learn to talk by sentence patterns and 'structure', but you can't learn to write without studying grammar"-and I agree with him; so I'm going to give you from time to time some ordinary straightforward English grammar.
,JAN: I want to learn some English grammar.
OLAF: I feel that my knowledge will be more solid if it has some grammar to help it.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Very well. I shall give you some grammar-the essential grammar. And now, first of all let us be clear about the terms we use. You won't need to know many, but we must begin with the parts of speech.
All the words in the English language can be classified into eight groups, and only eight groups. They are divided according to the work they do.
The kinds of words or "parts of speech" into which the language can be divided are:
1. Words that are names of things, or people, or places: words like desk, happiness, glory, crowd, John, London, Italy, navy.
These words are Nouns (Существительные).
2. Words that tell us what a thing is like: words that we add to a noun to make our meaning fuller or more exact, e.g.
a good book, a fast train, six1 boys, my friends.
These words we call Adjectives (Прилагательные).
3. Words that can be used instead of nouns so that we can refer to people or things without really naming them and so repeating the name too frequently: words like, I, you, it, them, etc.
These words are Pronouns (Местоимения).
4. Words that express an action or a state of being, e.g.
I opened the door. Hob is asleep.
These words are Verbs (Глаголы).
5. Words that we can add to a verb to make the meaning fuller or more exact: words that tell us how, or when, or where an action takes place, e.g.
He ran quickly. I spoke to you yesterday. They lived there.
These words are Adverbs (Наречия).
6. Words that are used with nouns (or pronouns), generally being placed in front2 of them, and show the relationship of this word to other parts of the sentence, e.g.
The ball went through the window. The dog sat under the table. He came here with me. I wrote to him.
These words are Prepositions (Предлоги).
7. Words that join together words, phrases or sentences, e.g.
The cat and the dog. He walked across the sand and into the sea. He worked hard but he did not get rich. He said that he worked because he liked it.
These words are Conjunctions (Союзы).
1 Обратите внимание, что в английском языке все числительные имеют функцию, сходную с функцией прилагательного.
2 Предлоги, особенно в разговорной речи, часто стоят в конце предложения. Например: What did you do that for? What station do ybu want to go to?
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I 8. Words that express some sudden feeling causing an exclamation, p.g. Oh! Hello! Ah!
They do not enter into the construction of the sentence.
These words are Interjections (Междометия).
There you have them all, and you can now put any word in the language into its right class. Remember, see what work it is doing in the sentence. I said, for example, that fast was an adjective. It was in the sentence that I used, "That is a fast train." But if I say,
"The train goes fast.'"
I tell you how the train goes, i.e. how the action is done, and so in that sentence fast is an adverb.
Here are some further examples to show you that you must classify the part of speech by the work it is doing:
They fight very hard, (verb)
They put up a grand fight yesterday, (noun)
Try these exercises now to make sure you have understood this lesson.
1. Скажите, к каким частям речи принадлежат слова в следующих предложениях:
I. Oh! I see that the new student from Norway reads and writes English well. 2. Hello! Come with me tomorrow and see our new house.
2. Придумайте предложения, которые содержали бы все части речи как в упражнении 1.
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