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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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"What's the use of giving her a clock," said the other. "She doesn't want that. She has got a clock. I think we ought to give her a book. " "But," said the first girl, "she has got a book, too, hasn't she?"
FRIEDA: Who are the well-known writers of plays in England?
PEDRO: There's Galsworthy and Somerset Maugham, Rattigan, Christopher Fiy, Noel Coward-and, of course, Shaw. He's an Irishman.
HOB: I know an Irish joke. It's about an Irish porter at Dublin station. A passenger went up to him and said, "Look here! you have got six clocks and they all tell different times. Now what's the good of that?"
"And what," said the Irishman, "is the good of having six clocks if they all tell the same time?"
PEDRO: I have never known anyone with so many stories as you, Hob. But to come back to Shaw. Have you seen any of his plays?
FRIEDA: No, I haven't. Have you?
PEDRO: Yes, I've seen a good many.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Good morning, everybody.
ALL: Good morning, sir.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Have you all done your homework? Give me your books now, please ... Where is your homework, Hob?
HOB: I have left my book at home, sir. I am sorry.
After the lesson
FRIEDA: Has Mr. Priestley corrected your homework, Jan?
JAN: Yes.
FRIEDA: What has he written in your book?
JAN: Here it is; you can see it. (Frieda reads.)
FRIEDA: "You have done this exercise veiy well." Oh! Jan, you haven't made any mistakes at all; I have made six. How many mistakes have you made in your work, Hob?
HOB: None.
JAN: But you haven't brought your book to the class today. Mr. Priestley can't correct your work if you don't bring your book here.
НОВ: Не couldn't correct my homework even if I brought my book to class today.
JAN: Why not?
HOB: Because I haven't done it.
Фонетическая тренировка (повторение) draw, drawn, drew, saw, sew, know, knew, knowledge, few, flew, her, here, how, who, hurt, husband, instead, language, each, leave, least, earth, great
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова:
1.1 have not had much time for reading______I left school. 2.1 am___
of English writers and have read quite a lot. 3. Uncle John generally
asks me what I want for a С_____p___. 4. The girl said, "_'s give her a
clock." 5. What's the____of that? She doesn't want a clock. 7.1 know
a j_about an Irish_______at a Dublin____.8. You have______this exercise
well. You haven't_____any mistakes. 9. He can't______your work if you
don't your book here.
2. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: since, fond, perhaps, present, both, let, ticket, leave, mistake,
correct, because
3. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What does Pedro say that he feels when he talks to Mr. Priestley about books?
2. What English books does Lucille say that she has read?
3. What well-known writers does Pedro speak about?
4. What English poets does he name?
5. How did Frieda think that she could get a book?
6. What English writers of plays does Pedro speak of?
7. Why couldn't Mr. Priestley correct Hob's homework?
¦ 144
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The Present Perfect Tense (2)
В Уроке 29 вам встретилась форма глагола в настоящем совершенном времени. Эта форма образуется при помощи глагола have и причастия прошедшего времени1:
Не has lived in England for fifty years.
People have laughed at his plays.
He has read all the books.
1 have heard of those writers.
I have left my book at home.
You have done this exercise well.
Для образования отрицательной формы используется отрицательная частица not с глаголом have и причастие прошедшего времени:
Не has not2 lived in England for fifty years.
People have not laughed at his plays.
He has not read all the books.
I have not heard of those writers.
You have not done this exercise well.
You have not brought your book. You have not done
this exercise well.
Для образования вопросительной формы глагол have (has) ставится перед подлежащим:
Has he lived in England for fifty years?
Have people laughed at his plays?
Has he read all the books?
Have you seen that picture at the cinema?
Have you all done your homework?
1 Форма причастия прошедшего времени правильных.глаголов совпадает с формой простого прошедшего времени lived, laughed Причастия прошедшего времени неправильных глаголов, встретившиеся в Книге I, даны на с. 696.
2 В разговорной речи употребляются сокращенные формы hasn haven't.
What has he written?
Это время используется для выражения действия в прошлом, когда время действия не указано. Если время действия в прошлом указано, употребляется простое прошедшее время. Сравните:
(a) Have you seen any of Shaw's plays? (indefinite time-present perfect tense)
(b) Yes, I saw one last week, (definite time-simple past tense)
(a) He has written the letter, (indefinite time)
(b) He wrote it this morning, (definite time)
(a) I have done the homework, (indefinite time)
(b) 1 did it last night, (definite time)
not, ever, never
Обратите внимание на место этих слов в предложении в Present Perfect Tense, а также слов always (всегда), sometimes (иногда), often (часто). Обычно они стоят перед причастием прошедшего времени. Например:
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