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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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OLAF: Or mutton Uke English mutton?
PEDRO: Or soup like English hotel soup. Nowhere, thank heaven!
HOB: Do you know the story of the man who was having soup in an English hotel? The waiter gave it to him and then, looking out of the window, said to the man, "It looks Uke rain, sir."2
1 watery^- водянистая
2 It looks Uke ram on lawaer "Похоже, собирается дождь". Посетитель вкладывает в слова
другой смысл: "Суп похож на дождевую воду, и вкус у него как у дождевой воды".
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"Yes," said the man, as he took a spoonful of soup, "and it tastes like rain, too."
JAN: Soup doesn't matter to me if I get some good beef and potatoes and then some bread and cheese and butter. After a lunch like that, I can work all day.
HOB: After a lunch like that, I can sleep all afternoon.
PEDRO: The hotel that I am staying at is really quite good. We have...
HOB (interrupting): Talking about hotels, do you know this story about King George III of England? He was in the country one day and stopped at a small hotel for lunch. He wasn't very hungry, so he had only two boiled eggs. He ate them and asked for the bill. The landlord gave him the bill-two pounds. The King said, "What! Two pounds for two eggs? Eggs must be very scarce here."
"No, sir," said the landlord, "eggs are not scarce-but kings are."
LUCILLE: Oh, Hob, that's an old story. You will see it in every English book for foreign students. We can't laugh at that.
HOB: Oh, you ought to be like my Uncle Ben.
LUCILLE: Why, what is so good about him?
HOB: I'll tell you. Here is a little poem that I wrote about him and his wife Berta:
"A dear old man is my Uncle Ben,
He knows the joke but he laughs again.
He's quite unlike his wife, Aunt Berta,
Who looks as if the joke has hurt her."
Фонетическая тренировка
r-M-i г- М-, г-W
put look who choose cup come
pull cook too soon sun done
full stood two cool son wonder
1. Вставьте пропущенные слова (первая буква некоторых слов дана):
1. Food is a subject that me very much. 2.1 had a breakfast this
morning that I____very much. 3. Lucille's breakfast is always_and
coffee. 4. If you can't tell the difference, what does it m w_it is?
5. The man took a s___of his soup. 6. You m____come with me for
dinner some evening. 7. The 1__gave him the bill. 8. Eggs must be very
____here. 9. This is an English book for_students. 10. You____to be
like my____Ben.
2. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What subject interests Hob very much?
¦ 136
2. Who cooks the Priestleys' breakfast?
3. What food in England is always good?
4. Where did Mr. Priestley say he could get good coffee?
5. What country does the cook at Lucille's hotel come from?
6. What was the waiter's answer when the man asked if he was drinking tea or coffee?
7. When the man said he could not tell the difference, what was the waiter's answer?
8. What did the waiter, as he looked through the window, say to the man having soup?
9. What was the man's answer?
10. What did Jan say that he liked for lunch?
11. About which king of England does Hob tell the story?
12. Where was the king?
13. Where did he stop?
14. What did he ask for?
15. Who gave him the bill?
16. How much was the bill?
17. What did the king say?
18. What was the landlord's answer?
19. What did Lucille say about Hob's stoiy?
20. What was Hob's answer?
3. Придумайте предложения со следующими словами: food, marmalade, luckily, cream, first-class, taste, watery, burned,
interrupt, landlord, scarce, joke, laugh, hurt, hungiy
4. Скажите или напишите, что вы обычно едите на завтрак (четыре наименования) и что на обед (четыре наименования).
5. Опишите, как вы готовите кофе или чай.
6. Разыграйте сценку, рассказанную Хобом, в которой один из вас играет роль официанта, а другой - роль посетителя с чашкой чая (кофе).
Дрок 28
Irregular Verbs (2)
В Уроке 27 вам встретились следующие неправильные глаголы: make, tell, sing, sleep, hurt. Форма прошедшего времени этих глаголов, а также некоторых других глаголов из уроков 1-27 представлена в следующей таблице:
Present Tense Past Tense Present Tense Past Tense
make made read read [red]
sing sang rise rose
sleep slept run ran
hurt hurt send sent
begin began sit sat
feed fed speak spoke
fly flew teach taught
hear heard
* * * ought
На с. 135 нам встретилось предложение:
You ought to be like my Uncle Ben.
Ought - единственная форма этого глагола. У него нет ни формы прошедшего времени, ни причастия настоящего времени. Перед ним не могут употребляться глаголы типа shall, have, be. Поэтому сочетания типа / shall ought; he has ought; I was ought НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫ.
Этот глагол имеет отрицательную форму ought not:1 You ought not to make that mistake, и вопросительную форму: ought I? ought you ? ought he ?
1 В разговорной речи часто употребляется oughtn't.
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Вот несколько примеров его употребления:
If Mr. Priestley told you to study that lesson, you ought to do it.
He paid a high price for his suit; it ought to be a good one.
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