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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Сравните другие предложения:
Lizzie's sister-in-law died. Lizzie got a letter.
Lizzie got a letter to say her sister-in-law had died.
We chatted for a little time. Mrs. Priestley went to see about the dinner.
After we had chatted for a little time, Mrs. Priestley went to see about the dinner.
I bought some flowers (in the morning). I gave them to Mrs. Priestley (in the afternoon). I gave her the flowers I had bought for her.
Вот еще примеры на прошедшее совершенное время:
When Margaret had finished her homework, she turned on the radio.
I had already got home before it began to rain.
Jan bought a new exercise book, because he hadfilled his old one.
HOB: Here's a story with some examples of the Past Perfect Tense: it's about a novelist who had written some novels that had been very successful. One day he met an old friend that he hadn't seen for
¦ 162
years. After they had talked for two hours, the novelist said, "Now, we've talked about me long enough; let's talk about you! What do you think of my last novel?"
Идиоматические выражения
Вот целый ряд идиоматических выражений из Урока 1:
"for the week-end" (usually Friday night to Monday morning). "John is up at Oxford." Students "go up" when work begins and "go down" for holidays.
"I'm pretty sure." В Книге I встречалось обычное значение слова pretty. Например:
Frieda is a very pretty girl.
Ho pretty часто используется в разговоре со значением fairly, quite. Например:
"Is Pedro a good swimmer?"
"Well, he's pretty good, but not nearly as good as Olaf."
We walked twenty miles over the mountains; I was pretty tired before we got home.
"A quarter of an hour or so." Здесь or so означает about, т.e. несколько больше или меньше, чем четверть часа. Например:
I was away three months or so.
"help him to run the cafe";
"Ours is a big house for one woman to run."
Это, конечно же, необычное употребление глагола run, встретившееся в Уроке 1, с разговорным значением manage.
a bath. Употребление обоих глаголов правомерно.
Chat - разговорное слово, обозначающее дружеский, непринужденный разговор, обычно о незначительных вещах.
Have a bath if you feel like it (- if you wish).
В Уроке 1 встретились два восклицательных предложения:
What beautiful roses!
How kind of you to bring them!
В этих предложениях, в отличие от всех других типов предложений (хотя и не всегда), отсутствуют личные формы глагола.
Вот еще примеры:
What a nice garden!
How nice of you to send me those flowers!
. Вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения-существительные:
1. I have a cat; that cat is__.
2. You have a cat; that cat is__.
3. He has a cat; that cat is__.
4. She has a cat; that cat is_.
5. We have a cat; that cat is_.
6. They have a cat; that cat is_.
2. Измените следующие предложения, используя глагол belong:
Образец: That is my book. - That book belongs to me.
1. Those are my flowers.
2. That is Mr. Priestley's house.
3. That is his piano.
4. Are those your chocolates?
5. Is that your car?
6. Is that my pen?
А теперь используйте в этих же предложениях притяжательные местоимения-существительные.
Образец: Those flowers belong to me. - Those flowers are mine.
3. Вставьте притяжательные местоимения или притяжательные местоимения-существительные:
1. I've eaten all_chocolates; can I have one of_?
2.1 hope Hob will not forget to bring book. And don't forget .
3. Jan has lost pen. Ask Frieda if she will lend him .
4. We've had______dinner. Have they had_?
5. Richard has a dog, and so have I.__dog and___had a fight.
6. Have you heard from that friend of_who went to Spain?
7. Mr. Priestley wants you to send back that book of_which he
lent you.
4. Образуйте сложноподчиненные предложения, используя прошедшее совершенное время. Добавьте необходимые слова:
(a) Pedro studied French. (Ъ) Не went to Paris.
(a) We got to the cinema. (b) The picture began.
(a) Hob ate all the cakes. (b) Olaf came to the house.
The Vocabulary of Everyday Life
MR. PRIESTLEY: You ail need the words and phrases we use to describe our daily actions, so suppose I tell you the things that I do, more or less, every day. By the way, which tense ought I to use for that, Olaf?
OLAF: I think you ought to use the Simple Present Tense.
OLAF: Because that is the tense generally used for actions that are "habitual" or repeated.
MR. PRIESTLEY: Very good, Olaf. Now I'll begin: I wake at about seven o'clock and then it is time for me to get up. I like a cold bath every morning, so 1 put on my dressing-gown and slippers and go to the bathroom. The water feels very cold on winter mornings, but I rub myself hard with the towel and soon I feel quite warm.
Then I shave, brush my teeth and wash my face and go back to the bedroom to dress. I brush and comb my hair, take a clean handkerchief out of the drawer and go downstairs for breakfast at a quarter past eight. After breakfast I sit and read my morning paper and smoke a cigarette, or in summer I have a walk round my garden. I go into my study at nine o'clock and meet my students there, and the day's work begins. At twelve-thirty I have a break for lunch. I usually have this at home, but sometimes I go out for lunch and have a chat with my friends before beginning work again at two o'clock. I generally finish my work by about five o'clock. Then I have a cup of tea and a biscuit, and in summer I spend an hour or so in the garden and play a few games of tennis, or I go to the golf club and have a round of golf.
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