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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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Ought you to be here today? I thought you had a holiday.
I oughtn't to tell you the answer to the question, but as it is rather a hard one, I will.
Ha c. 135 вам встретилось предложение:
Eggs must be very scarce here.
Must - единственная форма этого глагола.
Его отрицательная форма - mustn't; вопросительная форма - must I? must he ? и т.д.
Must имеет два значения. Одно из них было показано в предыдущем предложении. А вот ряд примеров второго значения этого глагола:
You must not smoke here.
You must keep your book clean.
Where must I go to get good coffee?
He must be a clever man; he knows so much about everything.
A woman must have new clothes.
You must come and see us some evening.
Must you go so early? It is only nine o'clock.
Обратите внимание на употребление идиомы It doesn't matter: If you can't tell the difference, what does it matter which it is? Soup doesn't matter to me if I get some good beef and potatoes.
Другие примеры:
Oh, no, it doesn't matter at all.
Don't worry about little things like that. They don't matter.
Со словом matter есть еще одна широко употребительная идиома What is the matter? Например:
Tom said, "What is the matter?"
Другие примеры:
What's the matter with this coffee? It tastes like tea.
What's the matter with you? You look ill.
Слово taste может быть
1) существительным:
This tea has a nice taste.
I can tell the difference by the taste.
2) глаголом:
а) пробовать, снимать пробу The man tasted his soup.
б) иметь вкус (привкус), отдавать чем-либо The soup tasted like water.
This soup tastes good.
Обратите внимание на употребление слова like:
This tea tastes like coffee.
After a lunch like that I can sleep all afternoon.
John is very like his father.
What does Mr. Priestley look like!
Hob thinks that swimming and football are too much like hard work.
I like bacon and eggs for breakfast.
I don't like this coffee.
You can say what you like.
Фонетическая тренировка
Целый ряд слов, с которыми вы познакомились в этой книге, содержит звуки [и:], [и] или [иэ] со звуком [j] перед ними. Потренируйтесь в произнесении следующих слов:
you, new, few, newspaper, suit, use, knew, beauty, music, Tuesday, future, student, useful, Europe, beautiful, regular, continue, superlative, particular, January, university, singular
¦ 140
1. Заполните таблицу:
Infinitive Past Tense Past Tense Interrogative Past Tense Negative
sing sleep hurt
begin feed
fly hear
speak teach
2. Образуйте а) вопросительные предложения, б) отрицательные предложения:
1. Lizzie made the dinner. 2. They slept after that big dinner. 3. He went to Tom's wedding. 4. The students began work at nine o'clock.
5. She fed the animals on the farm early in the morning. 6. The sun rose at five o'clock in the morning. 7. They spoke to Mr. Priestley about food. 8. Mr. Priestley taught the students today.
3. Составьте три предложения со словом must и три - со словом ought.
4. Составьте предложения, используя слово taste а) как существительное, б) как глагол; и слово like а) как глагол, б) как предлог.
5: Составьте предложения со словом matter.
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Дрок 29
The Present Perfect Tense (1)
LUCILLE: Mr. Priestley has a lot of books in his study, hasn't he?
PEDRO: Yes, and what is more, he has read them all. When I talk to him about books I feel that he has read every book that I have ever heard of.
FRIEDA: Here are some modem English books. Have you read any of them, Lucille?
LUCILLE: No, I don't think I have. I have read the books that most students read in their school days, you know, some of Dickens and Scott and Thackeray, a few plays of Shakespeare, some poems of Byron, stories by Wide, but I have not read much since I left school. You have read a good many modem English books, haven't you, Pedro?
PEDRO: Yes, I'm fond of English writers and have read quite a lot.
FRIEDA: Who are the well-known writers?
PEDRO: Oh, there's Galsworthy and Wells and Bennett and Kipling and D.H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley and Virginia Woolf; as poets, T.S. Eliot and W.H. Auden.
LUCILLE: I have never heard of them. Are they very well known?
PEDRO: Quite well known, but if you want the really well known ones, there are J.B. Priestley and Somerset Maugham and Graham Greene.
FRIEDA: I have read Priestley's Good Companions. I know Somerset Maugham's short stories, but I haven't heard of Graham Greene. What has he written?
PEDRO: He made his name with The Power and the Glory. After that he wrote The Heart of the Matter. Read them both if you can get them. They are interesting books.
FRIEDA: Uncle John generally asks me what I want for a Christmas present. If he does this year, I can ask him for one of them.
HOB and JAN enter
HOB: Or both!
LUCILLE: Hello! are you here?
HOB: Yes. You were talking about books for Christmas presents, weren't you? Have you heard the stoiy of the two girls who wanted to give a Christmas present to a friend but didn't know what to send? One said, "Let's give her a clock."
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