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Базовый курс английского языка - Эккерсли К.Э.

Эккерсли К.Э. Базовый курс английского языка — М.: Лист Нью, 2002. — 704 c.
ISBN 5-7871-0174-X
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bazoviykursangliyskogo2003.djvu
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PEDRO: How long have you had your car now, Lucille?
LUCILLE: I have had it for about a year.
PEDRO: Have you driven it much in England?
LUCILLE: Yes, I have used it nearly eveiy day, and have done about nine to ten thousand miles.
FRIEDA: You drive veiy well. I have often thought that. I have never learned to drive.
HOB: I have learned to drive. I learned last week in five lessons.
LUCILLE: I have just come from a driving lesson this morning.
HOB: Haven't you finished having lessons yet?
LUCILLE: Oh, no! I have had lessons for about a year now, and they haven't finished yet. I have had sixty-five so far; there are thirty-five more to come.
HOB: What! A hundred lessons to learn to drive. I have never heard of anyone needing so many before. You must be a veiy bad learner, or else you must have been to a very bad teacher.
LUCILLE: Oh, no, he is a very good teacher and veiy nice, young and handsome and clever.
HOB: But hasn't he taught1 you to drive yet?
LUCILLE: Oh, yes.
1. Приведите три устных или письменных высказывания о погоде.
2. Разыграйте сценку с кондуктором и женщиной с собакой, рассказанную Хобом.
1 Это и вопросительная и отрицательная форма.
¦ 150
Qpok 32
The Present Perfect Tense (4)
(1) В Уроке 30 было показано использование настоящего совершенного времени для выражения действия в прошлом без точного указания на время совершения действия. При указании на время действия используется простое прошедшеее время.
В Уроке 31 есть ряд примеров, иллюстрирующих это употребление:
НОВ: (a) I have learned to drive. (But he doesn't say when, so we use the Present Perfect Tense.)
(b) I learned last week. (Now we know definitely when he learned, so we use the Simple Past Tense.)
OLAF: (a) Have you ever tried to come here by bus on a wet day? (indefinite)
(b) I went on one a day or two ago. (definite)
LUCILLE: (a) I have driven quite a lot. (indefinite)
(b) I drove home last night in the rain, (definite)
(2) Настоящее совершенное время также используется для выражения действия, начавшегося в прошлом и продолжающегося в настоящем:
"I have had my car for a year" (... and I still have it).
"I have had lessons for a year now" (... and I am still having lessons).
"He has given me lessons for about a year" (... and he is still giving me lessons).
Если действие не продолжается в настоящем, а закончилось в прошлом, используется простое прошедшее время:
I learned to drive in the first five lessons.
(3) Для выражения только что совершившегося действия настоящее совершенное время употребляется со словами: just, already, now, not yet, never. Например.
151 ¦
I have just written this word on the blackboard. I have finished my breakfast now.
Разделительные вопросы (2) Question Phrases (2)
Ha c. 146-147 вам встретились вопросы, состоящие из "утверждений" и кратких общих вопросов с отрицанием. Такие вопросы могут иметь и другую структуру: "отрицание" и краткий общий вопрос. Например:
Разница между этими двумя формами заключается в том, что в первом случае вы ожидаете ответ "Да", а во втором - "Нет". Например:
(1) "You have some sheep on your farm, haven 'tyouV'
"Yes, we have
(2) "You haven't any sheep on your farm, have you?"
"No, we haven V."
Вот еще несколько примеров на вторую форму:
Jan and Frieda aren't coming with us, are they ?
You can't speak English, can you?
Краткии общий вопрос (с утверждением)
It isn't raining now,
Hob isn't going to tell us another story, You are not staying at home,
is it? is he? are you?
¦ 152
You haven't read this book, have you ?
Hob hasn't done this work, has he?
You couldn't tell that the coffee was bad, could you?
I mustn't do all these exercises, must I?
We oughtn't to expect a lesson on Saturday, ought we?
You won't forget to write to me, will you?
Jan doesn't play the piano, does he?
The students don't come for a lesson every day, do they?
Jan didn't get that exercise wrong, did he?
Фонетическая тренировка (повторение)
taught, thought, brought, fought, ought, nought, bought, daughter, laugh, through, enough, wealth, weather, health, heart, wear, woman, women, wrist, write, written, wrong
1. Употребите глаголы в скобках в форме настоящего совершенного времени:
1. It (begin) to rain and Hob (take) my umbrella! 2. Frieda (say) she likes rain at night. 3.1 (go) from London to Brighton many a time by car. 4. Hob (learn) to drive. 5. The lessons not (finish) yet. 6.1 never (hear) of anyone needing 100 lessons before. 7. You must (be) to a very bad teacher. 8. I often (hear) people say that the weather in England is bad. 9. We already (have) summer. 10. Jan and Olaf just (come) back from their holiday. 11. Nothing ever (stop) Hob from sleeping when he wants to. 12. You (be) to the cinema? (interrogative)
2. Допишите следующие предложения, образуя разделительные вопросы:
1. It isn't foggy now,___?
2. Hob isn't asleep again,____?
3. You are not coming to the class tomorrow,
4. You haven't finished your work yet,__________'
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